Punishment ~ Red Eyes x Reader

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Also requested by a few^^ Enjoy!

Normal Pov

"That's it!" You whisper to your partners Summer and Ben.

You guys are Rangers on a mission to stop whatever the Pokémon Pinchers are up to, so here you are, hiding between bushes in front of a cave.

"I can hear Pokémon noises, we have to save them!" Ben says in his highly motivated tone, like always.

"Ben just please don't do anything reckless" you sigh sweat dripping.

Ben is a quite skilled Ranger but sometimes, he seems more skilled in being a child than doing his work.

"From here on i suggest we follow Y/N cautiously" Summer explains calmly.

You three nod and sneak into the cave.

You approach the cave very silently.

Or that is until Ben trips over a rock and falls on his face.

You and Summer turn around and glare at him in a deadly way.

"Someone's here!" You three hear a male voice shout, not far from where you are standing.

"Ben I'm going to kill you" you mutter and signal them to run back to the cave entrance.

But it was already too late; Some Pokémon Pinchers stand in front of the entrance, not letting anyone get away.

"Crap" You say as you stop at least 2 meters away in front of them with Summer.

"Where's Ben?!" Summer shouts as you both look around but don't see him.

"Summer! Y/N!" Ben shouts.

"Ben are you freaking stupid?!" You yell as you see one of the Pokémon Pinchers' Commander holding him.

"If you make one wrong, this brat dies" The blonde holding Ben says deadly.

"What do we do?" Summer mumbles.

"Just behave" The blonde says.

The blonde you saw already once before; Red eyes, one of the three commanders of this evil organisation.

"Red eyes!" You say, gaining a smirk of the attractive male.

"So you do remember me. I'm quite pleased" he says after his grunts tied you up in ropes.

"Follow me brats" Red eyes says coldly.

"You wish, you moron!" You yell at him and don't move from your spot.

He turns around to face you, having a smirk on his face.

"I'll hurt your friends-.."

"You have NO RIGHT of bossing us around! If you have a problem with me, you should take me on and not threaten my friends! Lame excuse of a man!" You yell angrily.

He stuns but smirks even more.

"So so, I can't believe i got lectured by a girl like you. Quite brave you are. Fine, then you'll get special treatment from me, or should i call it punishment?" He says seductive, putting an arm around your shoulders.

"Don't touch me!"

"Shh~" he says, putting a finger on your lips.

You glare at him and are about to bite him but he pulls away before you could.

"Y/N don't!" Summer shouts.

"Y/N is it? You are quite misbehaving~. You three, take those two other Rangers somewhere else" Red eyes orders his grunts.

They do so, leaving you alone with Red eyes in front of a door which probably leads to his room.

He forcefully drags you inside, locking the door after entering.

You are still tied up in ropes so you can't do anything against him.

Or that's until he cuts them.

"To your punishment~" he purrs seductively once again.

"I won't do anything you tell me!" You yell trying to kick him, failing at it.

"Fine then I'll have to force you~" he whispers in your ear and pins you against the wall.

"No~" you say, holding in your moan as he starts kissing your neck.

"You know you love me~" he says, biting on your soft spot.

"No i don't~!"

He then pulls away to look into your (e/c), with hunger in his.

Finally, he kisses you on the lips, licking them for permission which you obviously don't give.

But he would squeeze on certain spots of your body to make you gasp. But you don't allow yourself to do that either.

"Maybe if i just give in, he won't go so harsh on me" you think and decide to let him in.

"I'm so gonna kick Ben's ass for this" you think, and as you thought, Red eyes loosened his grip and continued kissing you gently.

After a long while he pulls away, his hair all messed up, just as yours.

"Will you let us go now?" You mumble cutely.

He puts his hand on your cheek.

"I can let go your friends if you stay here with me until tomorrow~"

"What?!" Your jaw drops.

"Fine. I guess i have no choice" you mutter, gaining a slight laugh of Red eyes.

"Ben this is all your fault. I hope Arceus  will punish you hard" you think rolling your eyes and sitting on Red eyes' lap.


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