Reckless ~ Steven Stone x Reader

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Sorry, it took me quite long to update! Requested by Nattare :3

Normal Pov

Currently, you're on a helicopter with the champion of the Hoenn Region and a Megaevolution.


A red haired freaky man came with this Megaevolution trainer who's name is Alain. A handsome raven haired guy with beautiful blue eyes.

But he's nothing close to your longtime crush Steven, the Champion.

This red haired man who said to be Lycandre, talked about a certain giant stone which is somehow related to Megaevolution.

Since then, Steven went check out that location with him, Alain and a little red haired girl which tags along with Alain.

He also asked you to come with him and of course you wouldn't turn him down.

You guys already went to the first location, where you found an infuriated Rayquaza.

Alain got pretty hurt back there so you retreated, planning your next move.

1 Week after the accident, that is today, Lycandre found this new location where Proto Groudon and Proto Kyogre would soon crash.

The location you're heading to right now in this helicopter.

"Steven are you sure about this? It's like very dangerous" you say a little worried.

"Don't worr-.."

"You should have stayed back there with Mairin if you were planning to act like a scaredy-purrloin" Alain cuts the champion off coldly.

Alain may be handsome or whatever They say, but his rudeness has no limits.

"You should be quiet. You're the one who got injured last time" you huff.

"We're here" Lycandre's voice can be heard from your transceivers.

You three look out of the window, seeing Proto Groudon walking on water while fighting Proto Kyogre.

"This is not good" Alain says still emotionless and opens the helicopter door.

Steven and Alain send out their Metagross and Charizard, making them Mega-evolve right away.

"I'll go down and stop them" Alain says serious.

"Are you crazy or something?!" You burst out.

"Y/N let's let Alain handle it" Steven says calmly, putting his hand on your shoulder.

Alain doesn't wait to hear your objections and jumps onto his Pokémon, flying towards the two clashing beasts.

"And what will we do?" You say, now letting your Altaria join the skies, also letting it Mega-evolve.

"For now, we'll just have to have faith in Alain and let our Pokémon do the battling" Steven explains.

You were about to answer but you got cut off by a loud explosion which threw the helicopter off balance.

Steven managed to grab you and hold you tight to him, while he held on a pole.

"Thanks" you say as the helicopter flies normally again.

"No proble-.. Look down there!" Steven shouts, pointing out of the open door, down to the water which was now frozen.

Alain. Alain is lying unconscious on the ice.

And jet worse; MAIRIN is down there too, hoping to save her older crush from the clashing.

"Oh Arceus! I knew this would turn out wrong!" You say, whistling to your Altaria to come.

"Y/N you're not thinking of going down there too?!"

"Well i can't let that  reckless poor girl get hurt because of her feelings!" You defend and get on Altaria's back.

She flies in direction of the two on the ice, but gets hit by a hyperbeam from Groudon.

But just in time, Steven saved you, elegantly riding his Metagross.

"Tell me about being reckless" Steven chuckles, holding you bridal style.

"Bwah shut up!" You grin blushing slightly.

Both of you get on ground and carry Alain and Mairin to safety, a cave to be precise.

There you put them both on the floor while they rest.

"Are you okay Steven? You seem a little tired" you say worried about your partner.

"I'm fine don't worry" he smiles reassuring.

"Well of course i understand if you are, you had to carry that Snorlax bag Alain all the way here" you joke gaining a slight laugh of the blue-haired.

"You don't mind if i take a break right?"

"Of course not" you smile.

It looks like, Steven collapsed on your lap in exhaustion.

You blush lightly but smile at his already sleeping figure, caressing his soft hair.

"I will watch over you" you mumble sweetly and you could have sworn that you saw a tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Are you still awake?"

A small smile was his response.

"Guess not~" you say, giving him a kiss on his forehead.

"I should take the example of Y/N.." Mairin mutters, having watched the whole scene.


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