Chapter 4: The discovery of Pokeballs

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More Policemen appeared and continued shooting Arceus. "WHY ARE YOU STILL SHOOTING ME!!" Arceus yelled, using cosmic power and killed all the Policemen at the same time. More and more came and kept attacking it.  I ran towards them and ran infront of their guns."HOLD YOUR FIRE!!" the leader yelled. All the policemen put their guns away, as they were told to.

 "Stop attacking Arceus!" I yelled.  Are you siding with the Pokemon?!" one of the policemen yelled. "Yes, because people and pokemon should be united" I replied. "Heck, no!" the policemen yelled, "they are monsters". "Yes! But they aren't that bad when you get along with them and if you keep attacking, more and more of you will die" I explained.

 "It is true!" Ella said stepping in. "Hold your fire! RETREAT!!"the policeman finally yelled. They all stopped attacking and went back into their policecars and drove off.

 "Were you the ones, who saved my life!" Arceus said flying towards us. "Yes!" we replied. "Well I owe you my gratitude" he said to us flying off back into the sky. "Lets go!" I said. "But what about the other Pokemon?" Ella asked.  "They won't hurt us now that we have befriended their creator, their ruler, their god" I answered. "Ok!" Ella replied.


When we got to the lab, we went inside and ran towards a scientist. "Can I help you?" he replied. "We need to create some Pokeballs" we replied. "Ok" he replied. He walked off and came back a couple hours later with a big bag of Pokeballs. " Do they work?" we asked opening the bag. "Of course!" he replied.

We ran outside and saw a Beedrill chasing a little girl. Mommy, help me!" she yelled. The girl had long brown hair and wore a blue bow on the left and wore a blue dress that matched the color of her eyes. "Hey Beedrill!" I yelled. I took a Pokeball out of the bag and threw it at the Pokemon. The pokeball hit Beedrill on the forehead and it went inside. 

The pokeball shook once...twice...and a third time and CLICK! The wild Beedrill was captured. "It worked!" I yelled.  I grabbed the pokeball and put it in my pocket. The little girl was crying, and we walked towards her. "Are you alright?" we asked. "Yeah!" she replied, wiping the tear off her cheeks. "You saved me!" she yelled, hugging us. "You two, are the first real Pokemon trainers in the world!" she yelled running towards her mom. We looked at eachother and smiled.


Back at my house, me and Ella had pizza from Pizza hut. "This is great isn't it?" I asked. "Yeah!" Ella replied. I looked at Beedrills pokeball. "I wonder what Beedrill can do?" I thought. "I don't know if it's a good idea to take that out" Ella said. "Come on I want to know what it can do" I said. "Fine" Ella sighed, "let's do it out in the backyard". 

We went outside in the backyard and let out Beedrill. "Bee-drill" it said. "Hello Beedrill" I told it. "Bee-drill- Bee-drill" It replied to us happily. We laughed, while we played with Beedrill. A couple hours later, "all right Beedrill, return" I said returning Beedrill to its Pokeball. It was getting dark, we had to go to bed.


In my bedroom, I put Beedrill"s pokeball on my desk and went to bed. Ella went to bed in the guest room, that night. Outside, Pokemon were running around and playing with eachother happily and peacefully with no people trying to harm them. 


Arceus was up in the sky and began to glow. He created four legendary Pokemon. They were Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos, and Mew. They looked down to the ground and looked at the Earth in the sky. "MUE!!!!"Mew yelled. "MOL!" Moltes yelled. "ART-TICK-COO-NO!!"Articuno yelled. "ZAP-DOSE!!!" Zapdos yelled.


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