Chapter 5: Meeting the four legendary Pokemon of Kanto

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The next morning, I awaken hearing thunder booming in the sky. The first crashing sound I heard startled me, making me jump three feet in the air. I ran outside and met Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres on my front patio. "ART-tick-COO-no!" Articuno yelled. "MOLE-trace!" Moltres screeched. "ZAP-dose!" Zapdos yowled.

I starred into the three Kanto region legendary Pokemon's eyes, while they were infront of me. This was my chance to catch them at that very moment. Suddenly, Mew appeared and flew towards me. "MUE!" Mew responded. It looked at me curiously. I reached into my bag and pulled out a Pokeball; when Mew spotted it, it became frightened and flew away. I watched while the three legendary birds fled as well. I looked down to the ground sadly: that was my only chance to catch a legendary Pokemon and I blew it. 


That day, I went inside the forest and met a male and female Nidoran. The male Nidoran gave the female a rose without thorns and the female Nidoran thanked the male by rubbing her cheeks on his. They looked perfect for eachother. I wanted to catch them, but they ran away before I could even grab a Pokeball. Was I ever going to catch another Pokemon?

Then, I spotted a sleeping Rattata. I walked towards it with calm slow footsteps and took out a Pokeball, but it's ears twitched and it woke up and looked at me in anger. It leaped into the air and scratched my face and landed on the ground on all fours and ran away into the bushes. I began to get angry and yelled, "PEST!!" I looked at the ground and sighed. "Maybe, I wasn't cut out to catching Pokemon after all" I thought, walking out of the forest without even one new Pokemon to take home with me.


Deep in a cave, Mew was sleeping in a corner. Sense it was created by Arceus, it found this cave and made it, its home. Suddenly, a group of scientists appeared in the cave and captured Mew.  They wanted Mew for an experiment.  "MUE!" Mew cryed out for help, it was petrified.


The day was very slow,  I didn't even think everyone would have thought catching a Beedrill wasn't that fascinating. "If you catch a legendary Pokemon or ANY rare Pokemon, we would be impressed" everyone replied at school. I looked at Beedrill's Pokeball sadly. "They're right, I should catch a better Pokemon than Beedrill" I thought. 


Now everyone could catch they're own Pokemon because Pokeballs were being sold at Walmart and malls. They even had a tiny little store in Walmart and malls that sold berries, potions and Pokeballs, called Pokemarts. Everyone at school carried Pokeballs and showed their Pokemon they caught to their friends. A sixth grader put her Pokeball right in my face and yelled excitedly, "I caught a Dragonair! It is a super rare Pokemon! Have you caught any rare Pokemon?" 

"No! All I have is a Beedrill" I replied. "Oh cool!" she yelled surprised, "do you have any others?" she asked. "No" I sighed. "Wow, thats too bad. I already caught three Pokemon including Dragonair" the sixth grader replied.  "Wow cool!" I replied, sarcastically. I walked away annoyed and a little frustrated, then I grew upset. "I started this whole thing and everyone is ahead of me to catching them all" I thought, sadly. 


That night, I was lying in my bed, thinking if I was going to catch any other Pokemon. Suddenly, I heard a sound outside. I opened my window and spotted Articuno looking straight at me. I took out a Pokeball and bumped its forehead with it and it went inside. The Pokeball jumped off the window sill and it hit the ground. The pokeball shook once... a second time... and a third time... and CLICK! Articuno was captured. I ran towards the Pokeball and picked it up. 

I pointed the Pokeball to the window and yelled, "I CHOOSE YOU, ARTICUNO!" Articuno leaped out of the Pokeball and looked at me. "ART-tick-COO-no!" it  squealed. It was trying to tell me something. 

I jumped out the window on Articuno's back and it took me to a cave. "COO!" It told me. "What is it, Articuno?" I asked. Arceus flew into the cave. "MEW IS GONE!" it answered. "That was what Articuno was trying to tell me" I thought. "It has been taken by a group of scientists" Arceus explained." It must have watched the scientists take Mew to the lab to make... Mewtwo!" I thought, relizing that I started to yell. 

"Where did they go?" I asked Arceus. "To a lab right out of the forest" it answered. It was the lab with that Arceus machine. I climbed on Articuno's back and it flew to the lab, where Mew was being held captive.


In the entrance of the lab, I met a boy that was part of a team called, Team Mystic. It was one of the three teams that you could choose from in Pokemon Go. "You have an Articuno! Cool! Now hand it over, or we are going to battle for it!" the boy yelled in an evil-looking way. "What! No, you are not going to try to steal my Pokemon!" I yelled. "Then, we'll battle! If I win, you hand over your Articuno. If you win, you keep it, and I'll leave you alone. 

The boy was about twelve-years old. He won't be that hard to beat. I took out my Beedrill, while the boy took out his Nidoran. "Beedrill, use agility!" I commanded. Beedrill began to fly very fast near Nidoran and hit it hard. 

"Nidoran, use bite!" the boy ordered. The male Nidoran ran towards Beedrill and tried to bite it, but Beedrill flew up and avoided the attack. "Great job, Beedrill! Now, use poison jab!" I commanded. Beedrill pointed it's needle-like arms at the Nidoran, but Nidoran kept dodging the attack. 

"Nidoran, use double kick!" the boy demanded.  His Nidoran used the attack and hit Beedrill twice, but it was fine. "Beedrill, use twineedle!"I commanded. Beedrill used the attack and poked Nidoran. It hit the ground, exhausted. "Beedrill, finish it off with fury attack!" I demanded. It hit Nidoran and it fainted.

The boy looked at the ground and sighed. "Return Nidoran!" he yelled, returning Nidoran to its Pokeball to rest. The boy groaned and looked at me in anger. "You won! But this doesn't mean that it's over! I'll become stronger and defeat you and win that Articuno! I swear, I will!" the boy shouted. The member of Team Mystic stomped away.


"Beedrill,you did geat. Now return!" I directed, returning Beedrill to it's Pokeball. I grabbed Articuno's Pokeball and yelled, "great job Articuno, now return!" Articuno returned to its Pokeball and I went inside the lab. 

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