Chapter 6: The creation of Mewtwo

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Mew was trapped inside a glass case looking petrified. "MUE!" it squealed in terror, sounding like a cat. A scientist walked towards the petrified pokemon, and opened the glass case. "MUE?" Mew said, curious. The scientist was holding on to scissors. "Don't worry strange little Pokemon, I am not going to hurt you" the scientist spoke calmly.

The scientist cut a piece of its pink hair and put it into a machine. The machine was copying Mew's DNA. "Now you are free to go" the scientist responded and Mew flew out of the lab towards the exit.

I ran inside and ran right into Mew. It backed up and shook the pain out of its head. "Mew!"I yelled, hugging the little Pokemon. Mew looked confused and began to like the attention. "Thank Arceus your alright" I spoke, letting go of Mew. It flew around me and smiled happily. It knew it was safe with me.

Back in the lab, the scientists were busy creating the genetic Pokémon, Mewtwo. "This Pokémon will be our secret weapon of getting rid of the others and we'll use it as our slave to conquer the world" the scientist cackled.
I walked out of the lab carrying Mew in my arms.
Mew was thrilled to bits with me. "Mew, do you want to travel with me?" I asked. "MUE!!!" It nodded with joy.
It flew right into my pokeball bag and it glowed. I took the pokeball Mew went inside as it shook only once before it was fully caught.
Mewtwo was in a glass case in the lab with suction cups on its body. " it's alive!!! The strongest Pokémon is alive!!! It took a few tries, but it finally worked." The scientist laughed.
Mewtwo opened its eyes and looked at the scientists in anger. "Now it will be our slave and it will destroy the other Pokémon" the scientist laughed. He did not notice that Mewtwo was awake and glared at him. "SLAVE?!?!" Mewtwo yelled in rage. "That will not be my purpose of living!!!" He yelled using psychic as the whole lab exploded out of oblivion. Mewtwo was the only creature that survived in the explosion as he flew up in the sky.
A little blob watched Mewtwo. "Ditto?" It said.

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