So Evil

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(So in this chapter, the pokemon I adopted from ZoeSpook, Drucilla the Persian, will be in this chapter along with Emerald, my Shiny Sableye.)

(If you want to know more about Drucilla, check out my 'Pokemon I've adopted' book.)

This is Emerald:

(Also Ivy is my Serperior and Torch, my Charaizard are in this chapter)

Torch: Stupid Blayze, me liking Ivy, ha don't make me laugh.

Torch grumbled to himself, after Blayze started an argument again with Torch over Ivy he had enough and just flew off and now he's just wondering around in the forest part of the ranch to get his thoughts together.

???: Oh is that so.....

Torch heard the mysterious voice come from a tall tree that hung above him.


???: Oh dear Torch, so love sick that you can't even recognise a very familiar voice.

Torch: No, not you again *he grumbled*

???: Yes Torch, it's me again *giggles*

A small golden pokemon jumps out of the tree and lands on Torch's snout.

Emerald: Boo *giggles*

Torch: Go away Emerald, I'm not getting involved in your trickery again!

Emerald: Awww, that's not very nice of you Torch, I'm just here to help with your little 'Problem'

Emerald, the shiny Sableye used air quotes around problem.

Torch: What problem!?

Emerald: Your woman problem *she grins*

Torch: I don't have a woman problem at all!

Emerald: oh, quite, we all know you like Ivy!

Torch: *Stays quite*

Emerald: Well, I have a friend that could help.

Torch: And who's that?

Emerald: Oh, you'll know when you see her *grins evilly*

Torch: Tell me where she is then

Emerald: Follow me then!

Emerald runs deep into the forest and Torch quickly flys after her.

*Time Skip*

Both pokemon come to a very big and dark cave hidden deep in the ranch's forest.

Torch: Is this it?

Emerald: This is it!

Torch: I have a bad feeling about this

Emerald: Get over.....*whispers* wimp

Torch: What did you call me!

Emerald: Nothing!

Torch: That's what I thought!

Both Emerald and Torch enter the shadowy cave, walking in silence, Torch's tail glowed bright so both could see where they were going, Emerald however found the flame useless because with her golden, ruby eyes let's her see in the dark.

Emerald: Mistress, I've found him!

Torch looked up where Emerald was shouting and saw a dark siluet rest on a rock that stood above their heads.

????: So there he is *chuckles*

Torch: Wait I know that voice.

????: That's right Torch, you do know my voice, really well actually *chuckles*

The shadow jumped down from the hanging rock right in front of the two pokemon.

????: Emerald, go have your dinner, I have some business to attend to *grins evilly*

Emerald: Yes, Mistress!

Emerald ran to a corner of the cave that had stacks of jewels lying around, asking to be taken or in this case 'eaten'.

Torch: What do you want....Drucilla...

Drucilla: What do I want? Your the one who came to me with a problem, remember.

Torch: I will not get the help from the likes of you!

Drucilla: Oh, how come?

Torch: Remember when we were kids, when you just stood there and watched me suffer as our old trainer abused me, then you just run of with some gang!

Drucilla: You know I couldn't do anything to stop our old trainer from doing what he did and I didn't run away with some gang, I was taken by Team Plasma!

Torch: *Is silent*

Drucilla: Now......since that's all cleared up, what is the problem?

Torch: What do you think my problem is, you know what happens around the ranch.

Drucilla: Yep, you are very right Torch.....*goes to Torch's ear* you have a lady problem.

Torch: *Blushing* Y-yeah

Drucilla: *Grins* So who's the lucky lady you have in mind?

Torch: I-I-I

Emerald: *Mouth full of jewels* Spit it out already!


Drucilla: Oh.....*walks into the shadow behind her*

Torch: You okay?

Drucilla: Listen, if I help you with your 'problem', do you promise to help me in return?

Torch: Depends on what you want.

Drucilla: Okay, I'll need your help to take over the Ranch *smirks evilly*

Torch: What?!

Drucilla: I will take leadership over the ranch!

Torch: So you want to kick Rusty off the job?!

Drucilla: Exactly, I will Kate's number one pokemon and I will keep everything in order....and I'll be queen but I'll need a King *smirks*

Torch: Like I'll ever be your King and I'll never let you take over the ranch!


Drucilla: Cool it Emerald.

Emerald: *mumbling*


Everyone hears the new voice coming from the entrance of the cave and turn to see the owner of the voice.

Torch: IVY?!

Ivy: Yes Torch, it's me *giggles*

Torch: What are you doing here?

Drucilla: Yeah, what are you doing here!?

Ivy: I had a really bad feeling so I came to find Torch, now Drucilla no more of your silly schemes, now go!

Drucilla: *Growls* Fine!

Drucilla jumps back up on her rock and watches from above, both Ivy and Torch look at Emerald.

Ivy: You too Emerald.

Emerald: *Sweatdrops* BYE!

Emerald climbs up to Drucilla.

Ivy: Okay, you ready to go get some lunch with me? *smiles*

Torch: S-Sure

Ivy: *Giggles*

Both Ivy and Torch walk out of the cave and made their way back to Kate's house, which is in the center of the ranch.

Drucilla: One day Torch, one day.

Author Note

Okay guys, I'm really sorry this took so long, I've been very busy lately so I've only managed to work on this chapter about once a week but it's finally finished and I hope your happy with the end result.

Like I said this book will have very slow updates but if I take really long  it doesn't mean I've given up on the book, if I've given up the book I would of posted a chapter about it.

Anyway I hoped you enjoyed it!

See you next chapter!


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