Your star shines the brightest

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(Okay guys, this chapter has Autumn and Galaxy in, I adopted Autumn from ZoeSpook and I adopted Galaxy from hiya2810.)

(This is Autumn.)

(This is Galaxy.)

(Okay let's begin!)

Autumn: *Humming*

Autumn was just taking a stroll around the ranch forest, happily humming a tune to her favourite song, while it was dark out.

Autumn: *Singing* Lay down    your head~
And I'll sing you a lullaby~

Autumn was cut off by a sound of rustling coming from a tree that lay next to her.

Autumn: *Trembls a little* A-anyone t-there?

The rustling stops and she spots a glow behind the leaves of the tree.

???: U-um......Hi?

Autumn: W-who are yourself.

???: No

Autumn: Why?

???: Because......because...

Autumn: Because what?

???: You'll be like everyone else.

Autumn: *Tenses back up* W-what do you mean?

???: You'll judge me

Autumn: *Eyes soften* I won't, I promise

???: Promise?

Autumn: Promise!

The glow from behind the leaves shimmered brightly and the mysterious pokemon jumped down, he was the one glowing. His glow died down a little bit so he wouldn't blind her.

Autumn saw his dark face that was lit up from the light of a small looking galaxy that consumed his body. She just.....stared in wonder.

???: *Tense* Please don't stare, I know I'm a freak but please, don't.

Autumn: W-What? Your not a freak.

???: To everyone else I am.

Autumn: Everyone on the ranch likes you!

???: Yeah but I don't want anyone to judge them because they're friends with me.

Autumn: That won't what's your name?

Galaxy:'s Galaxy.

Autumn: That's a beautiful name for you! *smiles*

Galaxy: *Blushes* R-Really?

Autumn: Yeah, it suits you really well.

Galaxy: Thanks, what's your name?

Autumn: Oh, my name is Autumn.

Galaxy: And Autumn is a beautiful name for you. *smiles*

Autumn: *Blushes* Thanks

Galaxy:......You have a lovely singing voice.

Autumn: Y-You heard me sing! *blushes in embarrassment*

Galaxy: Yeah! Even the stars like your voice.

Autumn: *Looks at him* The stars?

Galaxy: Yeah, I come from a different planet, we like watching and listening to the stars.

Autumn: What do you mean?

Galaxy: You see, every star up there is a spirit, people and pokemon that have passed away, they love to sing but only my kind can hear them.

Autumn: Oh, I bet they sound beautiful! *she smiles*

Galaxy: Yeah, they do.....hey come with me.

Autumn: Oh....okay

Galaxy lead her to a small cliff edge where you could clearly see the moon and stars shine brightly.

Autumn: Wow.....its really pretty!

Galaxy: Yeah, this is where I like to hang out, only me, Kate and now you know about it, please don't tell anyone about this place.

Autumn: I won't *Smiles softly*

Galaxy: Thanks

Autumn: It's okay.

Galaxy: So what's your story?

Autumn: What do you mean?

Galaxy: Your past and how you got here.

Autumn: Oh....

Galaxy: It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want too.

Autumn: No it's okay, I'll tell.

Galaxy: Okay, I'm all ears.

Autumn: *Giggles* Okay

Galaxy: *Blushes*

Autumn: Well, when I was born, I was just a normal Eevee, that's until I evolved. It was about Autumn time and I started to evolve, since I was in a forest, I evolved into a Leafeon. But my evolution had, what you call it, a malfunction.

Galaxy: What malfunction? You look fine to me.

Autumn: You see my colour, I'm an autumn brown, orange. Leafeons are suppost to be green.

Galaxy: Oh....

Autumn: Anyway, after that every pokemon avoided me, calling me a freak. Then I got caught by a trainer. He was nice at first until his other pokemon started on me as well and both him and his pokemon called me weak, pathetic....a freak.

Autumn started to tear up a little, Galaxy wiped her tears away.

Galaxy: Please don't cry, your not weak, pathetic or a freak, your amazing and beautiful!

Autumn: W-What! *Blushing*

Galaxy: *Blushing* I-I mean-

Autumn:*Starts to giggle*

Autumn: Your cute when your embarrassed.

Galaxy: *Blushing* Please, continue with your story.

Autumn: *Giggling* Okay

Galaxy: *Blushes even more*

Autumn: Anyway, after about a year, he took me to this adoption center and just left me outside in the cold, then the people of the center brought me in and cared for me. After about 6 months, Kate came along and adopted me, she's been looking after me ever since.

Galaxy: Wow....

Autumn: Yeah, wow *giggles*

Galaxy: Hey! *Laughing*

Autumn: So how about you?

Galaxy: Well, I was sent here because my planet was destroyed, I'm the last of my kind. When I got here, all the pokemon called me a freak of nature. After a while I managed to wonder to this adoption center and from there, I was adopted by Kate and brought here.

Autumn: Oh, you must feel so lonely....

Galaxy: Well, ever since I came to the ranch, life has been great.

Autumn: That's good to hear *Smiles*

Galaxy: Hey, the stars are singing again.

Autumn: Really?

Galaxy: you want to listen?

Autumn: How can I?

Galaxy: Here....

Galaxy'a glowing hair that was around him, wrapped her ears up, they warmed her up and she could hear the sweet sound of the stars voices.

Autumn: They're.....beautiful!

Galaxy smiled softly at her; seeing she was enjoying herself.

Autumn: *Starts humming*

Galaxy caught on to this and listened closely.

Autumn: *Singing along with the stars*


Lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby~
Back to the years of loo-li lai-lay~
And I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow~
Bless you with love for the road that you go~

Galaxy takes his galaxy, glowing hair off her ears and just stares at her in amazement.

Autumn: *Blushing* W-What?

Galaxy: That was the most beautiful voice I have ever heard.

Autumn: *Blushing* R-Really?

Galaxy: *Blushing* Yeah....

Autumn: Thanks *hugs him*

Galaxy: *Hugs back* You know, your star shines the brightest to me...

Autumn: *Giggles* Same to you Galaxy.

Author Note

And there you go, I've been working on this all day with no all.

I put a lot of work into this and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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