Chapter Three

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Arven went silent for a few moments before speaking again. "Anyway, that thing's your problem now, not mind, good luck"Arven says. "He's not a thing!"Alisa glared. He stepped back, then decided to take off. "What? Oye! Can you not hear me or something?"Nemona calls. No reply came from the male. "Fine, be that way! But you better actually show up for school!"Nemona calls waving. She lowered her hand, frowning a little. "What a weirdo..."Nemona says Alisa giving her a 'you should talk' look. Koraidon ran up to her, Alisa beaming at him as she returned him to the pokemon so she didn't have to deal with the reptile anymore. She turned to Nemona, finding the girl there with her arms crossed. "That Arven guy definitely knows more than he's letting on"Nemona comments. She looked up, pumping a fist out. "Next time, he and I are battling! I'm gonna wring some answers outta him!"Nemona promises.

"But, oh, right! We should climb the lighthouse, I can show you the school!"Nemoma suggests smiling. Alisa watched as the battle crazy girl ran off, climbing up the ladder. Alisa hurried after her, climbing up the ladder after her curiously. She looked around her eyes widening in amazement. "Look Alisa, that's Mesagoza!"Nemona calls beckoning her over. She walked over, looking into the distance curiously. "And that huge building with the pokeball on it, that's our school!"Nemona smiled. Alisa nodded, staring at the building in the distance. "It's gonna be so great having you in the same class, Alisa!"Nemona grinned. "I'm looking forward to classes and attending a real life school!"Alisa smiled. "Right? I can't wait to get back, we're gonna get to learn so much and battle so, so, SO, much"Nemona rambles. Alisa gave her a nervous smile, finding her really weird. "isn't it awesome what you can see up here?"Nemona asks.

Alisa nodded, a breeze blowing through her hair. "Mountains! Forests! Grasslands! Beautiful nature as far as the eye can see!"Nemona grinned, "and you know what's waiting for you all over these natural spaces? Tons of pokemon!" Alisa felt a smile appear on her face, her eyes starting to sparkle. Nemona turned to her, Alisa perking up. "Consider this me officially telling you: Welcome to the outside world!"Nemona smiled. "But anyway, as you can see, it's kind of a hike to get to school from here"Nemona goes on Alisa wondering if she'll stop talking now. "I'm gonna go now.."Alisa says. She hurried away, not giving Nemona enough time to speak before she headed down the ladder. "Come out you two!"Alisa calls releasing Sprigatito and Pawmi. She ran off, the two pokemon bounding after her as she hurried to get away from Nemona. She looked around, slowing to a walk, looking around surprised.

"Can't believe Dad kept me from seeing all this!"Alisa pouted huffing offended. Her father had kept her homeschooled ever since she could remember, the only friends she's ever really had were her fathers pokemon and her nanny. "Maybe I shouldn't have ran from Nemona"Alissa mutters regretfully. She wanted to make friends, but that was hard for her, being around other people made her uncomfortable and it was seriously awkward when another human being spoke to her. "Purr!" Sprigatito rubbed her cheek against her leg, wagging her tail. "I'm fine"Alisa assured smiling down at the grass cat. Pawmi chittered, looking up at her. "I'm serious, don't worry"Alisa smiled. She looked away, hearing a pokemon's cries. "Come on"Alisa beckons heading off the path, Sprigatito and Pawmi bounding after her. A blue Raltz sobbed, caught up inside a purple cage. "That's a Raltz!"Alisa gasped.

"Sprigatito use leafage, Pawmi use quick attack!"Alisa orders. Sprigatito leaped up, her neck furs glowing as Pawmi launched himself forward speeding towards the cage. Raltz flinched and shielded its head as Pawmi rammed head first into the mysterious cage, Sprigatito's leaface slicing it open. Alisa ran over, picking Raltz up. "You're okay! I got you"Alisa smiled. The sound of aggressive yelling reached her, startling the green haired girl. She set her backpack down, and unzipped it, placing Raltz inside. "Shhh"Alisa whispers zipping her backpack up. She peeked out from behind the tree, then started sneaking away as two boys that looked like bullies came into view. She glanced at them, noticing their outfits. She returned Sprigatito and Pawmi to their pokeballs, placing the balls into her pocket. She ran off, avoiding interacting with the two the strange kids. "Okay, straight to school"Alisa mutters.

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