Chapter Two

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Alisa laid on her back, her eyes closed as Nemona and the mysterious pokemon stared down at her. The mystery beast walked away, turning back into the form it was once in before entering the cave and collapsed onto it's side tiredly. "Ones fainted and the other lost its energy"Nemona says curiously. Alisa gasped, sitting up, her eyes wide. "What happened?!"Alisa yells. "Well-"Nemona started. "Pawmi! Sprigatito!"Alisa yells. She tossed the two pokeballs up, her two pokemon coming out in two flashes of light. Sprigatito shook her fur, Pawmi rubbing his cheeks getting the dirt off. The duo leaped into her arms once they were done, Alisa smiling in relief. "I'm so glad you're both safe!"Alisa smiled. "Spri!"Sprigatito smiled nodding. "Pa!"Pawmi beamed patting her arm.

"You're lucky to be alive, that Houndoom looked angry for some reason"Nemona interrupts. "And you have two pokemon, that's awesome!"Nemona grinned. "Wanna battle some time?"Nemona asks. "Oh, is it okay?!"Alisa yells running over to the Cyclizar like pokemon on the ground. It suddenly perked up, then finally stood up. It walked away towards the lighthouse, Alisa staring. "Wait, where's that turtle thing?"Alisa asks. "Here, catch!"Nemona says taking it out of her pocket and tossing it to her. Alisa caught the item, Pawmi and Sprigatito on her shoulders as she headed to the lighthouse. "Hey wait up!"Nemona calls running after them. Alisa walked beside her, staring down at the turtle shaped crystal wondering what this was.

Nemona stopped, Alisa stopping not too far from her. A male with blond and brown hair stood at the door of the lighthouse, a large backpack on his back. "Who's that?"Alisa asks returning Sprigatito and Pawmi back to his pokeball. The male turned, looking right at the three of them. "Why that little." He ran over, surprising Alisa and Nemona. "What're you doing out here?!"He demanded glaring at the mysterious pokemon. Alisa stared in surprise, a hand resting on her hip. "I'm not talking to you to, you can shove off"The male says. "...that's a little rude"Alisa mutters crossing her arms over her chest. Was this the reason why he dad always told her she couldn't have any boyfriend's, because they were all rude like this boy or probably worse. "Wait, I know you... aren't you Arven? You're enrolled in the humanities track, right"Nemona gasped Alisa looking at her in surprise.

She looked back at Arven, wondering how he knew the mysterious creature. "And aren't you the son of that Pokemon researcher, Professor Sada?"Nemona asks. "Doesn't matter who my Mom is!"Arven yells Alisa flinching in surprise. "The real issue here is what I the world this pokemon is doing out here"Arven went on, "And what is with this form it's in?!" Nemona and Alisa looked at each other, making faces that ranged from confused to a bit of surprise. "It was like that when I found it..well, actually when it found me and saved me from falling...somewhat saved me, we went through a cave when it changed shape and fought off some wild pokemon, it's really strong, I don't know if anything happened after I fainted but I do remember somethings"Alisa explains Arven staring at her.

"It should be strong, but it can't fight like this"Arven frowned turning back to the mysterious pokemon. "The form Koraidon takes in battle, that's it's true form"Arven went on. "Koraidon.."Alisa mutters. "Koraidon! That's this Pokemons name, how'd you know it!"Nemona blurts out. Koraidon stepped forward and looked towards the lab. "You can't go in there. It's locked"Arven sighed shaking his head. Arven looked at Alisa, then rubbed the back of his neck staring at her. "I don't remember ever seeing you around, but given the uniform you go to the academy too"Arven comments. He crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes scanning her from head to toe.

"Koraidon isn't the sort of pokemon that any old trainer can command. It's special"Arven said in a matter of fact tone. Nemona perked up in surprise. "Special how?"Nemona questions. Arven narrowed his eyes at Nemona, until he turned them to Alisa. "You think you're up for ordering Koraidon around? How about I test your worthiness"Arven says. Alisa smiled nervously, hoping this wasn't really happening and that this was all gonna be one big dream. "S-Sure..."Alisa smiled nervous, Nemona looking envious. Arven rolled his sleeves up, smiling slightly. "I've been feeling out of sorts, so I'm gonna use this battle to blast these doldums away"Arven says. "This can't be happening"Alisa mutters holding Pawmi's pokeball. Arven tossed a Pokeball, a Skwovet landing. Alisa screamed, her eyes wide in horror.

"I'M ALLERGIC TO THOSE THINGS!"Alisa yells. She sneezed, feeling her nose get stuffy. "Pawmi!"Alia calls tossing his pokeball. Pawmi popped out and landed, rubbing his cheeks. "Skwovet use bite!"Arven orders. "P-Pawmi use dig!"Alisa orders. Pawmi punched the ground, vanishing. "Follow it!"Arven orders. Alisa shrieked in surprise, and sneezed. "Now! Do it now!"Alisa orders. Electricity shot out of the hole, Arven's eyes widening in shock. "Electric types aren't very affective against ground or rock, so I use that to my advantage, the tunnel Pawmi digs up will collect all the electricity to the point it'll come blasting out of the hole at full power"Alisa smiled. Pawmi bursted out, Skwovet hitting the ground unconscious.

He landed and rubbed his cheeks, looking perfectly innocent again. Arven sighed, scratching his head. "Wow, Alisa, that was awesome"Nemona smiled clasping her hands together. "I guess I wasn't ever gonna stand a chance using a pokemon I only just caught"Arven sighed Alisa smiling as Pawmi leaped into her arms. "But if you really think you can take Koraidon off my back for'll need this"Arven goes on. He reached into his bag and handed her Koraidon's ball. Alisa and Pawmi stared in sunrise at the sight of the item. "I'll take care of Koraidon"Alisa mutters looking up at Arven, a small smile on her face.

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