Chapter One

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Alisa sat on the back of Corviknight, looking at her rotom phone, Pawmi on her shoulder. "We're gonna have so many different classes, no more homeschool!"Alisa beamed. Corviknight suddenly lurched backwards, alarming her. Sprigatito looked around from in front of her as the giant bird Pokemon lurched backwards again. "Oh no!"Alisa gasped spotting Tinkaton's aiming rocks at the Corviknight. One hit Corviknight square in the eye, causing him to practically toss her off. She screamed, her eyes wide in shock as she fell, Sprigatito and Pawmi in her arms. "DADDY!"Alisa screamed closing her eyes. Something grabbed her, her eyes opening when she felt something related to scales. She looked up, finding a strange looking orange Cyclizar carrying her. It's eyes suddenly closed as it fell towards the beach water. "AHHHH! HEY! WAKE UP!"Alisa shrieked her eyes widening. She braces for impact, but felt nothing. She opened her eyes, finding herself on the ground, Sprigatito and Pawmi safely beside her.

"How?"Alisa stared. "Og..pon?" She looked to her right, finding a green leaf thing with horns staring at her. It reached up, moving the mask over its face slightly, getting a better look at her. "Oger, Oger! Pon!" He tossed her an item, her eyes wide as she caught it. "What's this?"Alisa asks. A piece of a shiny crystal sat on her palms, shaped like some kind of turtle. "What is this?!"Alisa demands looking up. A breeze blew through her hair, finding the mysterious pokemon gone. "HEY! HEY, YOU ALRIGHT DOWN THERE?!" She looked up, finding a girl with a red pouch above her. "Y-Yeah!"Alisa calls. She heard barking and looked back towards the beach, finding two Houndour approaching her. "G-Get away! Pawmi use spark as a warning!"Alisa yells. Pawmi rubbed his cheeks, then released the electric attack, forcing the Houndour back. "Sprigatito use tackle in the form of headbud!"Alisa yells.

Sprigatito launched herself forward, ramming head first into the right Houndours jaw. A roar startled them all, the orange Cyclizar related pokemon glaring at the Houndours. Alisa stared, watching the two frightened pokemon retreat into the cave. "Wow that was amazing! Is that big guy your pokemon!" Alisa looked up and shook her head. "I fell out of the sky and it was one of the two pokemon that saved me!"Alisa calls. "Wow, nice! Oh, the names Nemona!"The girl smiled. "Alisa is my name!"Alisa waves. Nemona perked up, looking curious. "I think I heard that name somewhere before"Nemona comments. "It's pretty well known from where I live"Alisa nods. Everyone in her home knew she was the grass gym leaders daughter, and showed her respect whenever she appeared. Whenever Brassius got challenged to a battle, she was always there to cheer him on. The first time she was revealed was when she was six, and her nanny was sick so her father had to take her to the gym with him, and rumors spread around, but was put to a stop when Brassius confirmed that she was his daughter. "Need help getting up?"Nemona asks.

"In a moment!"Alisa calls. She walked over to the mysterious pokemon, and crouched down, her hands resting on her knees. "Hey, are you alright"Alisa asks feeling Nemona's eyes on her. Sprigatito sniffed the mysterious pokemon, Pawmi looking curious. "Are you hungry?"Alisa asks scanning it for any injures. She took her backpack off, and rummaged through it. She pulled out a sandwich, and held it out to the creature. It lifted his head and chomped down on it, startling her as she snatched he hand back from how fast it took her food. It got to it's feet and stared at her for a long moment, both staring the other down intently. Alisa flinched, letting out a shriek when it tried to lick her. She did NOT like reptile pokemon, those things FRIGHTENED her to DEATH. The mysterious pokemon walked past her, looking at the cave, then back at her.

Alisa looks towards the cliff, finding Nemona gone, Sprigatito and Pawmi standing at her heels. "Where'd she go?"Alisa frowned gently holding the strange looking turtle shaped crystal. A glow started her, her eyes darting back to the reptile creature, watching as it changed shape. Sprigatito ran forward and stood beside it, beaming up at the beast. "Oh. My. Arceus"Alisa mutters. It reached for her, causing her to scream and flail her arms. "GETAWAYGETAWAYGETAWAYGETAWAYGETAWAY!!!!"Alisa screamed shaking her head. It picked her up, carrying her on its back as it walked into the cave. "I hate this!"Alisa cried wishing she was at school already. Her Pawmi and Sprigatito bounded into the cave after the newly shaped beast, Alisa hanging on for dear life as it walked through the cave. A Houndoom stared at the two as they entered, flicking it's tail as it's eyes narrowed. "Papa, is there anyway I can be homeschooled again"Alisa asks the air sighing. Her rotom phone chimed, Alisa gasping in alarm as she fumbled with it for a moment. She fell off the reptile beasts back, falling right onto her butt.

"Ouchie"Alisa whimpers rubbing her bottom. She answered the phone, Pawmi looking up at her, relief on her face when she realized it was a voicemail. "Hey Little Flower, hope you made it to school, I called you three times before and you didn't answer, so I'm leaving you voicemail, call Papa back when you can." She sighed, walking after the mysterious beast, feeling guilty she didn't answer his calls. She stopped, feeling chills go down her spine and turned, finding Houndoom walking towards her. "PAWMI, SPARK!"Alisa yells. Pawmi rubbed his cheeks and released the called attack, hitting Houndoom head on. He landed, Sprigatito nodding to him. "Sprigatito, use leafage! Pawmi, boost it with spark!"Alisa orders. Sprigatito leaped towards Alisa, her trainer launching her up into the air as her neck furs glowed, a storm of glowing leaves heading straight fr Houndoom. Pawmi rubbed his cheeks and released a strong spark attack, turning the leafage into a spark leaf tornado attack. Houndoom roared, sending the two pokemon back into their pokeballs. "No!"Alisa gasps grabbing Pawmi's ball.

Houndour suddenly surrounded her, her eyes widening. "Papa...I wish you were here..."Alisa mutters her eyes starting to water. A flamethrower flew at her face, tears falling down her cheeks as she froze in shock. "ALISA!" The large orange Cyclizar related pokemon landed in front of her after Nemona's yell echoed through the cavern. It grabbed her as she fainted, looking around before it's eyes landed on Houndoom. It rushed forward and spun, tail slapping the fire dark type away from them. "Daddy...."Alisa mumbles unconscious. "HEY! COME ON, UP HERE!"Nemona yells waving her arms. It looked up and leaped up the rocks, carefully carrying Alisa the best it could as it landed beside the girl. Nemona clapped, a grin on her face, looking impressed. "Let's get her outside!"Nemona suggests immediately, seeing how pale Alisa looked. Something shiny fell to the ground, Nemona stopping as she looked down. She picked up the weird turtle crystal, staring at the detail on it. She placed it in her pocket and walked out after the mysterious pokemon and Alisa.

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