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A Sudowoodo walked through a private estate, carrying a basket of fruit and flowers, a wide smile on its face. "Sudowoodo, can you go wake Alisa up, the little flowers bud is still closed"A man with dark green hair asked. Sudowoodo set the basket on the picnic table in the garden and hurried away, smiling wide as it headed inside the large home. It looked around, before going over to the stairs, stepping up into a room. A girl with light green hair laid in a flower shaped bed, a Pawmi curled up by her head. Her chest gently rose and fell, a small smile on her face as she slept. "Sudo! Sudo!"Sudowoodo says walking closer. A gentle rattling sound filled her ears, causing her to stir. Alisa opened her eyes and yawned. "Has the flower bloomed yet?" Alisa got out of bed and went downstairs, a wide smile on her face. "Good morning Gym Leader Brassius!"Alisa teased.

"Hey"Brassius says sternly. "Sorry Dad"Alisa giggled coming over to eat breakfast. Her partner, Pawmi, bounded down the stairs Sudowoodo following behind him. Alisa poured him some pokemon food, Pawmi beaming as he sat down. She sat at the table, Brassius smiling at her in amusement. "Your bed head is adorable"Brassius says. "DAAAAD"Alisa whined trying to smooth her hair down. She lowered her hands, wolfing down her waffles then ran upstairs to get dressed. "You start school today! No more homeschool!"Brassius calls. Alisa laughed and cheered from her room, Brassius glancing at a picture of a dark blue haired woman. "Ellie...please tell me I'm making the right choice in letting her go out into the word"Brassius sighed. Sudowoodo clapped, Alisa coming down in the school uniform, a wide smile on her face. Smoliv bounded over, making a sound of approval. "Pawmi, ready for our upcoming journey!"Alisa beamed. Pawmi nodded, and climbed up onto her shoulder.

A knock came from the door, Alisa perking up. Her nanny walked in, looking apologetic. "Master Brassius, Lady Alisa, this man said he needed to see you"The man says. "Hm?"Serenity blinked surprised. A man with white hair and glasses walked in, Brassius relaxing. "He's fine Cole, this is Professor Clavell"Brassius says. Cole nodded, Alisa looking at the old man curiously. "Hello, Lady Alisa, I am Professor Clavell, I came to drop a few things off for you"Clavell greeted. "I was just about to send her off"Brassius says. "Corviknight is waiting for you outside Alisa"Brassius informs looking at her. Clavell perked up, one of his pokeballs popping open. A green cat landed and hurried over to Alisa, beaming at her. "Sprigatito seems to have taken a liken to Alisa"Clavell comments. Alisa kneeled down, petting the grass cat. "You can keep her if you want to"Clavell smiled.

"Can I Dad!"Alisa asks. "Of course, it's fine with me, take good care of Pawmi and Sprigatito, Little Flower"Brassius smiles nodding. Clavell handed her Sprigatito's pokeball, Pawmi bounding over to their newest teammate, chittering in greeting. "I better head to the school!"Alisa smiled. "Of course, I'll meet you when you get there, I have to discuss a few things with your father here"Clavell nodded. "Of course"Alisa grinned. She waved to her father, and grabbed her backpack. "I packed everything, including a small lunch, stay safe, Little Blossom"Brassius smiled. "I'm not a Litte Blossom!"Alisa protested. "You are to me, now bloom into an even more beautiful flower, little one"Brassius smiled. She nodded and waved to him, hurrying outside with Pawmi and Sprigatito. "New adventure here we come!"Alisa cheered.

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