Amourshipping vs Ash x Lysandre

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This sounds mean, but I will make Serena mad as many times as I can. 


Disclaimer: I have always made it openly obvious that I hate Serena, and I express that in my writing. If you're an Amourshipper or you don't like writing that shows the writer's opinion, then you probably won't like this.

Ash awoke as a blurry picture came into view.

Grey...a lot of grey...metal...ceiling, walls, no windows...some sort of...base?

He watched as the door in front of him swung open. A tall man with amber hair and electric blue eyes appeared from the door, wearing a sinister smile. He got closer to the child and leaned down in front of him.

"'re finally awake", he said seductively.

"Well, yeah. Obviously", Ash replied with a straight face.

"I bet you're flooded with fear...your lungs are so tight with terror that you're suffocating!"

"Nah, not really...I just want lunch"

Lysandre furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"You literally tried to destroy the world right after the Kalos League. I was so tired and I just wanted to eat and sleep. Could've attacked Lumiose City after. Rude"

Lysandre shuffled back and stared at him with a slight frown.

"So you really are dense aren't you?"

"Is that girl here?"

"What girl?"

"That girl I travel with. I dunno, I forget the names of people I don't like. She's crazy, man"


"Yeah. I don't know why her name is Serena. She's hardly peaceful. Imagine having a sunny day and then a thundercloud comes. That's what it feels like when she's here"

Suddenly, the already-open door was kicked to the wall, and a honey-blonde girl with boring blue eyes stepped through.

"Of all the people-"

"Don't worry Ash! I'll save you!"

All was awkwardly silent for many moments.

"From what-"

"I can get those chains off of you in no time!"

"What chains-"

"Lysandre! Get away from him right now! Or you'll have to face meeee!"

The orange-haired man stood up and took one step towards the girl, who looked terrified already.

"Try me"

Serena took a few steps back, her hands shaking with fear.

"You look stupid", Ash murmured, unnoticed by her.

Huh. That's weird. It's like Serena didn't hear something she didn't want to. That happens a lot, doesn't it?

Lysandre went to sit down next to Ash, Serena immediately gaining back her confidence after.

"I'm not afraid of you! I'm strong!"

"You cut your hair after losing your first showcase-"

"And I love Ash way more than you or anyone else!"

"Well we all know that's a lie"

I know, right? Serena, honey, if you loved someone you wouldn't throw snowballs at them and then leave them lying in the cold where they could possibly freeze just because they yelled at you. 

"You look really pathetic right now", Lysandre laughed.

"Oh, just wait 'till I get my hands on you! I'm a Rhyhorn racer!"

"What does that have to do with-"


She tried to kick the air, which, I don't know what that would do if she succeeded, but her foot slid under her and she fell face first. Oh well. She was ugly anyway.

As she struggled to get up, Lysandre turned to Ash.

"Wanna go out for dinner?"

"Sure, but I wanna watch this first"

As she struggled to get up, groaning and moaning dramatically, she still continued to scream as if her words were her vows.

"I won't let you do this! I deserve Ash more than anyone. I'm a beautiful, talented performer, and I love him, so he's mine!"

She continued to be dramatic for seconds, which turned into minutes, which somehow turned into hours.

"Okay, I'm bored now. Let's go out"


Ash let Lysandre out of the room as the girl continued to throw a tantrum.

"No! Ash, get back here! You're mine! You know that, right! Get back hereeee!"

I laughed way too much writing this haha. 

Okay, that was just for fun. Here's the real Oneshot.

Ash fell to his knees as his head dropped. Pikachu circled him, jumping and calling out his name as his face eventually hit the floor. Cold clouds of breath hardly escaped his mouth as Pikachu restlessly grabbed and shook him, trying to wake him up. But he lay still on the cold, hard concrete, with the blood trickling down from his head and mouth granted the only signs of life.

Lysandre scanned the area for anything concerning. Nothing bothered him until he caught the sight of a young boy lying lifelessly on his side, bleeding to death. He sprinted up to the boy as fast as his feet could carry him and kneeled down next to him, ignoring the cries of protest from his Pokemon and shushing it soon after. He smoothly slipped his hands under the boy's body and held him up against his chest, trying to warm him up a little. 

He was wounded on every inch of his body. His clothes were torn, revealing his bloody, bruised skin. He was violently shivering from the vigorous cold, but as soon as his head rubbed against Lysandre's chest, he unconsciously grabbed onto him. The man wasn't sure whether the child was aware of what he was doing or not, but either way, he felt his heart glow as his shaky hands clung onto him for warmth.

"I never meant to hurt you this much. I'm so sorry...", Lysandre whispered as he sobbed hopelessly, tightening his grip on the boy.

A honey-blonde with average stature and dull, blue eyes held her arms against the cold as she stepped through the merciless wind, searching for her loved one.

"Ash? Ash, can you hear me?", she called out.

The loud breeze hardly allowed her voice to be heard, but she was persistent. However, not necessarily in a selfless way.

"Ash, come on! I'm worried about you!"

Her cries were loud enough for the sound to ring Lysandre's ears. He realized at once who it was, and immediately got up to leave.

"No way", he mumbled as he stroked Ash's hair, "I'm not going to let her have you. I'm not going to let anyone have you, but me"

His helicopter soon landed near him. Lysandre immediately rushed towards the vehicle, but unfortunately, his love was challenged as Serena also seemed to notice not just the helicopter, but him running towards it. Because Ash was light, it wasn't hard to run with him in his arms, but the way that girl's presence irritated him seemed to slow him down.

He soon made it to the helicopter and jumped inside as Serena had to stop to throw her hands onto her dress, to stop it from blowing up above her thighs.

Lysandre heavily exhaled as the vehicle took off, lying the boy's head in his lap as he placed a blanket over him. He watched with care as the boy's eyes slowly fluttered open, giving him a moment to wake up enough to use his senses.

As soon as he was nearly half-awake, he smiled. He chuckled. Lysandre's eyes widened as he saw the boy tiredly laugh instead of trying to escape, or cowering in fear.

"You...", Ash breathed almost silently, "You can be kind"

Lysandre twinkled with admiration as he gently cupped his face in his hands, watching as he cooed in delight as a response.

"And you...are very cute", he whispered back.

Ash smiled one last time before his eyes closed again, and his body was drowned of tension. But he didn't look lifeless this time. He was still smiling, clearly feeling safe in the man's care. Which he was extremely glad about.

They made it to the lab in no time. Lysandre was more than happy to carry the boy into his room and rest him onto his bed. He carefully removed his blood-stained jacket and began to treat his injuries. He twitched or flinched every now and then, but it reassured Lysandre more than scaring him, since it reminded him that he was alive.

Ash started to shuffle around constantly. Lysandre stopped treating him and leaned towards him, analyzing his movements carefully.

He was starting to wake up again, but this time, it took longer. Lysandre took the opportunity to see more of what he was like. How his hand softly appreciated the fluffy duvet and pillows, and how his body comfortably melted into the mattress. How he smiled about every little thing there was for him, even though his situation at the moment was quite unfortunate. At the perfect time, when their eyes met, he noticed him. As if the stars aligned.

"Thank you", he praised weakly, remaining frozen on the mattress, "Thank you, Lysandre, for taking care of me"

The man curiously caressed his soft cheeks as he studied his chocolate brown eyes.

"You're not scared of me?", he questioned.

"Of course not. Sure, you look evil and mean, but I can see somewhere that there's a wonderful man who just wants love"

Lysandre froze with surprise. This boy was like a mind reader. He was so much wiser than he appeared to be.

"You never got much love, right? I can tell. I know what it's like"

He listened to him like a student to a teacher, fully engaged in every word he uttered.

"You've been hurt. You're scared. I'm like that, too. It's hard, isn't it? Pretending that you're not in pain"

He couldn't help it. He understood it so much that it hit him harder than anything. He'd opened up a deep part of his heart that he didn't know was there. What surprised him more was that Ash was right. People took advantage of him, and because of that, he felt like he had to get rid of them. But how did he know? He must've been special.

Teary-eyed, he held the boy up by the shoulders and pulled him into a hug, scrunching his shirt into his fist. Still hurt and freezing, Ash managed to just place his hands on the man's back. He had to show him that he was really there. They both needed this more than they realized.

"But, you know, you can still be kind after being hurt. You're doing it for me right now. I know you can"

Lysandre sniffled as his tears puddled onto the boy's shoulder, but he didn't seem to mind. 

"I'm only doing it for you because...because I..."

"I know. You don't have to say it. I know"

Ash felt his head spinning. His vision started to blur. He tightened his grip onto Lysandre for one last second before promptly letting go, losing control of his body as he fell asleep.

"You're exhausted, aren't you? Rest", Lysandre murmured, still shedding tears as he slowly placed the boy down and pulled a thick duvet over him.

Right after he tucked him in, he felt a strong force pull his leg back. He looked back to see a Talonflame and a Greninja dragging him away. He screamed and cried for help, as well as demanding the two Pokemon to release him, but it was to no avail until he was dropped onto the rooftop. 

He looked up and saw a honey-blonde standing in front of him, a Greninja, Talonflame, Hawlucha, Noivern and Goodra next to her, a Sylveon, Braixen and Pancham in front of her, and a Pikachu behind her, who she was was ignoring as it waved its arms around, begging her to stop.

"I know what I'm doing, Pikachu. I'm not going to let him hurt Ash"

Lysandre stumbled to his feet and clenched his fists. His anger rose. He'd had enough of this girl who hardly even knew anything about the boy she 'loved'. He'd learned more about him in less than an hour. Yet she knew less after travelling with him for 3 months.

"If anyone's hurting him, it's you! Stop trying to take everything away from him just so you can have him to yourself. You're selfish!", he yelled, pointing at her accusingly.

Pikachu continued to yell along with him, agreeing with him, but Serena only turned around and glared at him.

"You shush or I'll push you off too!"

Lysandre's breath stuttered.

"What do you mean, 'too'?"

Serena turned back at him before Greninja, Talonflame and Noivern forcibly grabbed his arms and legs, dragging him to the edge of the rooftop. He shrieked in terror and protest, his voice intensifying as he neared the edge. His heart beating with more and more agony.

"You shouldn't have tried to take Ash away from me", Serena teased.

"Actually, it's the other way around"

All looked towards the new voice behind them. Ash stood there, still shivering and wincing in agony, but he still firmly stood his ground.

"Serena, what's wrong with you?"

"What do you mean? I'm doing this to protect you!"

"No. You're doing this because you're selfish"

Serena stepped back in shock. She wasn't used to not getting her way, never mind something that belonged to her rebelling against her. Her Pokemon never did that.

"Because you don't know how to deal with situations that don't work in your favor. When you lost your first showcase, you chopped half your hair off. When I got mad at you in Snowbelle City, you threw snowballs at me until I fell into the snow. But you didn't care. You just left me lying there. You didn't care that I could've frozen, did you?"

Lysandre smiled for the boy, as if he was cheering him on.

"The reason your Pokemon don't go against you is because they're scared of you. You force them to perform on stage for plastic keys so you can enter showcases, and win Kalos Queen for what?! For your Pokemon to be terrified of you because you explode every time something goes wrong? I train my Pokemon because I want them to do their best in battles, but if they're not comfortable with it, I won't force them and scream at them!"

Sylveon, Braixen and Pancham lowered their heads as they realized what the boy was saying was true. They'd only always obeyed Serena because they feared what she would do to them if they didn't. And they'd always known that.

"I don't like to play with victim, Serena. But you found me on TV and stalked me through the city until you found me! Why would you get upset if someone you met once years ago doesn't remember you? Bonnie's been telling me a few things as well. You thought it was a date when we went out to buy presents for our Pokemon? You thought I was confessing to you when I was sick and going to collapse?"


Ash lowered his head, starting to feel his energy being drained from him by the second.

"I don't want to hurt your feelings, Serena...", he concluded, etching his way closer to the edge, "I never would. But please, at least try to be nicer to your Pokemon. They don't want to be brushed and being forced to dance like they're in a pageant all the time. They just want love. I know how that feels..."

Sylveon, Pancham and Braixen hummed in agreement, much to Serena's dismay. Her blood boiled as she felt a headache coming on. Why wasn't anyone listening to her?

"Just...", Ash stammered as he struggled to speak, his breath started laboring, "Just, p-please...don't hurt anyone..."

Serena gritted her teeth. No. She wasn't having it. Ash already disobeyed her, and that was bad enough. Now he was trying to tell her what to do? He wasn't getting away with this without getting punished, and for whatever reason, he cared about Lysandre.

She let out a wild growl, facing the sky as she forcefully threw her hand at Lysandre's chest. The Pokemon panicked as they saw his back slip past the railing. 

Ash's heart stopped. His pupils dilated. Time was running out, but so painfully slowly. Why wasn't he moving? Move! Go! His feet pounded against the concrete as he raced towards the railing. Just a few more steps. Grab his hand! Please, don't go! He was the only one that ever really cared for him. He reached out with all his might, feeling himself breathe again as their fingers intertwined...

Ash darted towards the railing, swifter than light, grabbing Lysandre's hand and using all his strength to have him back up onto the rooftop. As soon as he was sure he was safe, as he had both his arms around him, that he could feel him, he let the tears escape him. Lysandre, on the other hand, although still in shock, rubbed the boy's back reassuringly as he hugged him just as much as he did.

"I-I-I-w-w-wh-wha-what in...w-what in t-th-the...Ly-..."

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here now. I'm alright"

"N-N-No...I-I was s-so scared...I t-thought that..."

"Don't be scared. Everything's alright. She's gone now. She can't hurt me anymore"

Ash's cry gradually escalated into a breakdown. He clenched Lysandre like his life depended on it, burying his head in his chest. Although he was proud that the man was expressing his kindness towards him, he admitted he needed it. All he could think about was how scared he was.

"You did this for me before. I can do it for you"

Ash's breathing slowed as the sun rose, spreading light across the horizon, and the pink, orange, blue sky. Clouds started to come into view. The light shone off of his hair, turning it into a peculiar brown-gold color. His eyes glittered like the sun as his tears dried. Lysandre held his chin and smiled.

"Listen to me...", he mumbled gently as he watched his eyes glisten, "I don't even think you realize how beautiful you are to me. I wanted everything in the world to be beautiful, but I don't need that anymore. I just need you"

Ash's whole body relaxed as he melted against the other, enjoying the warmth and safety that enclosed him. Lysandre kept his arms tightly around him, listening to his soft breathing. 

And as the morning came, the world wasn't reborn, as he'd planned. But his world was.

Sorry if that was cringy and I know this might sound off because of the possible age difference, but their ages aren't specified, so I think it's okay.

Hope you enjoyed!

(Amourshippers please don't come for me haha)

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