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Looking forward to Christmas? ❄️

This ship isn't very popular, and I haven't watch much of the sun/moon anime, but here we go! Enjoy!

(Another one of my AUs...I love AUs way too much)

The moonlight softly glowed through the window panes and white curtains of Ash's room. The curtains swayed to the cool breeze outside, which occasionally came in to play with his hair. He slept soundly, his chest slowly rising with every breath. His messy black locks of hair stretched across the pillow as his body did on the mattress. 

The light from the window on the ceiling seemed to be blocked by a shadow. It creeped over the window, as if it was watching him. A hand reached out to open the window, and the shadow leaped down and creeped up to Ash, cradling him in its arms.

"Beautiful...", the shadow murmured as it stroked his face.

It then snatched him and scurried back into the darkness.

The sparkly ocean that smoothly crossed the golden sand washed over rocks and boulders on the beach. It was quiet, only the sounds of nature and a cloaked figure in the atmosphere.

Guzma ripped away his dark cloak as he held the sleeping boy close to his chest. Ever since he'd seen him, he knew he had some sort of lust for him. But his irritating friends, always getting in the way, seeing him as a bad guy. Now he was finally alone with him.

To his surprise, when the boy came to and realized he'd been kidnapped, he hadn't panicked or gotten angry. It was almost as if he felt the same way.

"I thought...you'd be mad. Or you'd try to escape", he murmured to the boy, staring at his smile.

"Why would I? You're not going to hurt me", Ash replied, still grinning.

"How do you know that? You know I'm the leader of Team Skull, right? I'm dangerous. I could take you out in a second, you know", Guzma threatened, raising his fist as if to punch him.

Ash said nothing, only giggled, leaving Guzma baffled. Usually, one would fearfully cower in his presence, but it was clear this boy was different. He feared nothing about him.

"I know about people like you"

Guzma slowly lowered his fist.

"People...who've been hurt. People who've suffered. And when you suffer, you can go two ways"

He watched as Ash revealed his wise side, holding out two hands to explain it to him.

"One way is full of kindness, remembering you don't want others to feel how you did. The other way is full of bitter hatred, hurting the world to get back at what it did to you, when really, you just need love. But either way, it's hard to get these types of people to open up unless the other is the same", he motioned to himself, "I would know"

"Oh, really? How?", Guzma crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

Ash promptly got to his feet and made his way towards a boulder almost twice the size of him. He raised a foot and drove it into the solid, which immediately shattered like glass. Guzma's mouth dropped as he sat back down.

"My father", he explained, "Is a scientist. A leader of a team similar to yours"

"I...I thought I recognized that sinister face from somewhere...wait...Flare?!"

"That's right. I'm the son of Lysandre, the leader of Team Flare. As a father, he was kind to me in the cruelest ways. He taught me to fight by beating me. He raised me to be intelligent by treating me like I was stupid. I'd suffered a lot when I was younger. Bullied to the point that I was terrified of going to school. No one helped me, so I learned to help myself"

Guzma's mouth was still wide open, forming into a large smile.

"People like us...we fight because we're scared. We're evil because no one was ever kind to us", he leaned closer, his eyes meeting Guzma's, "But I do it better than you. I can still pretend to be nice"

He leaned back, continuing to talk as Guzma shuffled closer.

"I like your team. It reminds me of my father and me. People who have been hurt, and are just trying to protect themselves. His team is like that too. I have power over Team Flare just as he does. And all of us are the same in which we're broken. I can tell you are"

Rose shades dashed over Guzma's face. Not only was this boy quite clever, but he could read him like a book.

"I can see the pain in your eyes. I can hear the agony in your voice whenever you're spiteful. Want to know how I do it better?"

Although he'd hardly spoken all along, Guzma's breath was taken away as he felt warm, smooth lips press themselves against his cold, dry ones. Arms wrapped themselves around his waist and legs enveloped his torso.

"I pretend to be nice. But I don't hurt people. I laugh in their faces behind their backs, but if I manage to protect myself, then I'm successful in anything I do"

Guzma gulped before wrapping his arms around the other's waist, placing his chin on his shoulder.

"I failed the island challenge...", he started as Ash listened.

"They told me I wasn't good enough. That I would never be good enough. That I should give up on my dream. And it wouldn't stop hurting, how hard I tried only to be torn apart at the last second of effort. Everything around me snapped. My mind became twisted. Anything I'd ever cared about was everything I wanted to destroy. I acted like I was heartless, like I didn't care. I brought together a group of people who were just like me, so I wouldn't be alone. Because all I wanted was love. But the pain made me forget it. Now I don't have anything..."

"Except me"

He raised his chin as Ash beamed evilly; he swore there was a tint of red in his eyes.

"Let's destroy the world together"

Guzma cackled and forced his lips onto his, pushing him down onto the sand and surrounding his body with his own. They both soon got to their feet, and Ash pulled out some sort of device from his pocket. He pressed a button, and soon, a number of Team Flare and Team Skull goons sprinted into view.


"I've been planning this attack for a long time", Ash yelled so all could hear him, "I, no, we, are going to terrorize everyone we can. We are going to build an army, then no one will be able to hurt ever again!"



The sun shone over the bright streets of Alola. A bustle of citizens walked the streets with chatter among them.

Suddenly, screaming emerged from the crowd of people as individuals wearing black and orange suits broke through them.

"Who are they?!", one woman screamed as another ran up next to her, both backing away from the criminals.

"I heard they're rebels of some sort. Team Flare and Team Skull are in some sort of alliance. Apparently it's because the two leaders are in love!"

"W-What alliance"

The woman gulped as two figures, one remarkable taller than the other, got closer to cornering her.

"Team BugMania"

Sorry, I just love AUs! And rebellious, evil characters are also my fav. Hope you enjoyed :)

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