AshStoneShipping vs Amourshipping

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That first name is for Ash x Steven. It's about time I use a name for it! Also, AU, Ash is a girl, Serena is a boy.


DISCLAIMER: This contains fourth wall breaks, bad jokes, and my grammar is shit.

Ash cheerfully wandered around the streets of the rebuilt Lumiose City. She was so happy that everyone was back to normal after the Kalos Crisis. Her long hair drifted with the wind as she waved hello to strangers on the street. She was in such a good mood she decided not to wear her gloves that day. She was so distracted she soon found herself sitting on the ground after bumping into a stranger. 

"I'm so sorry", she apologized, still holding her head.

"It's alright", the stranger replied as they held out their hand, for her to take it and face them.

"S-Steven! Steven Stone!"

"Hey, Ash! Glad to see you're doing great after the Crisis. Not to mention you were a big help"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, I just thought that the loss to Alain might've made it a little more upsetting, but I shouldn't have doubted your optimism!"

Ash began to get nervous and fiddle with her fingers. She never even thought about the Kalos League since all the events that had happened with Team Flare.

"W-What? No way! Me? Oh, please, I've been on lots of journeys before, I know what it's like to lose, hehe", she giggled, trying her best not to sound awkward (and failing miserably).

While trying not to look pathetic, her feet were tangled in between a Pokemon that had been running towards her. An ice type. She immediately slipped and landed on her back, but not before accidentally touching the Pokemon with her finger. As soon as her hand reached the ground, it was flooded with a layer of thin ice, causing Steven to slip as well.

"W-Woah, what was that?", he asked as they both looked to the girl who picked up the Pokemon.

"Don't look at me!", she quickly retaliated, "My Vanillish doesn't know a move like that!"


Ash couldn't say anything; she was only wishing she could disappear right now. Well, she might be able to do that if she got her hands on a magician.

Soon, she and Steven were sat down on a bench at the park.

"I was born with this...strange power...", she explained to him, looking at her hands, "Whenever I touch something or someone, I somehow gain their's like a curse"

Steven wrapped her hands in his so she turned to face him, and gave her a warm smile.

"I think it's pretty cool", he complimented, inwardly congratulating himself when he saw her beam, "You don't have to feel bad about something like that"

"You think?"

"Totally! To me, it means you're unique. You don't have to hide it, you know!"

"Hide what?", spoke a salty, low-pitched voice from behind them, "The fact that you two are probably dating by the looks of it?"

"Oh, hey, Serena!", Ash greeted with a little wave.

"Hey, Ash...", he waved back while trying not to smile too much.

"Oh, it's you", Steven groaned.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, I mean, I've seen you a few times. Pokemon Showcases: dude, find a new hobby. Dancing is not for you. You look like a 6 year-old playing dress-up. As for your 'help' in the Crisis, well, let's just say it wasn't much"

Serena growled as steam burned from his ears. 

"Oh, yeah? Well at least I'm not sitting with teen girls in the park holding their hands like some creepy perv!"

Steven got to his feet and pounded his fists together.

"You wanna go? Let's go, I could take you on any day!"

"Oh, yeah? At least my hair doesn't look like blueberries-"

"Dumb blonde bi-"

"Stop!", Ash screamed, holding the two away from each other with her hands. 

They both ended up on the ground, holding their backs. Ash started freaking out and sincerely apologizing while helping the two up. She didn't mean to push them that far.

"See! I could beat you so hard that even Ash's power knows it!"

"What are you talking about?"

After realizing what he said, Steven looked over to Ash to see she had a terrifying glare on her face. The type you give your friend after they leave you on read.

"I'll explain it later. Right now, I should probably get outta here before any other crazy stuff happens today"

Steven quickly got to her side, linking their elbows together whole Serena dusted himself off.

"I'll walk you back to the Gym. Then maybe we can pay Clemont a little visit?"

"That sounds great Steven!"

"Perfect!", he exclaimed, making sure Serena was listening, "It's a date then"

He watched as the boy burned up with rage. Serena was close to punching him in the face. Of course, if he managed.

"I'm coming too!", he yelled as he linked elbows with Ash's other arm, "I'm Ash's friend too, you know!"


Without any major, messy accidents happening (nothing major enough for me to write about it), they made it to the doors of the Gym.

"Alright, let's go in then!", Ash suggested.

Since the door wasn't big enough for the three of them in a line to fit through, they both realized it was an opportunity to take Ash through on their own. However, Ash not sensing what was going on, she separated herself from both of them and approached the door on her own. Is anyone surprised?

"The door won't open...", Ash moaned as she yanked on the handle, physically begging it to budge.

"I'll get Metagross to help us out", Steven offered as he released his steel-type Pokemon.

However, the Pokemon refused to compromise. He wasn't going to use his strength just so some pesky humans could open a door.

"Pleaseeee, Metagross", Ash pleaded as she stroked him lightly, "Just one little favor"

The Pokemon stayed hovering in the air with its arms crossed. Ash sighed before turning back to the door and giving it one final pull. Before she could even apply any strength to it, the doors flew open.


"You must've absorbed the strength from Metagross", Steven informed her as he walked her through the entrance, looking back at Serena, "Damn, I'm doing all the work here. You're almost handing her to me straight"

Serena growled again, tightening his fists as he stomped in after them.

"Wow", she was mesmerized by the sight of the rebuilt Gym, her hands clasped together, "It's as good as new, Clemont! And I can see you're making good progress with Clembot"

"Yep! It might take a while to fully reprogram it", Clemont nodded proudly, "But thanks for keeping me going. I really wouldn't have gotten this far if you didn't come by every day to encourage me"

"Don't mention it Clemont! We're friends. Besides, you're so smart, I'm sure Clembot will be up and running in no time!"

She sat down next to him and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder as he entered lines of programming into Clembot.

"Agh, this error keeps occurring, I can't figure out why"

Ash took one look at the computer and pointed somewhere on the screen.

"It's because it can't recognize the input you've written for 'print', it's misspelled. Here, I'll help"

She suddenly began to speedily smack the keyboard with her fingers, programming Clembot as if she'd been in the field of electronics just as long as her scientific friend.

"H-How are you doing that? Are you some sort of programmer?", he questioned while slightly admiring her sudden burst of knowledge.

"No. Why are you asking?", she answered, keeping her eyes on the screen.

"Girls. They're so complicated sometimes", Clemont groaned while sweat dropped down his face.

"Explains why no one ever understands Serena", Steven murmured, turning to make eye contact with the red-faced boy.

"You make me look bad in front of Ash one more time", he muttered through gritted teeth, "I'll put you in hospital"

"I'd probably be there already to get my vision treated for having to look at you"

"All done! There you go, Clemont! Just remember to check spellings when you're programming"

"Right. Thanks a lot Ash!"

"No problem. Bye, Clemont!"

Ash took off, the two competing men following suit after her.

"Where should we go now...a restaurant? No, for once in my life, I'm actually not that hungry. Let's go hangout somewhere. The park again?"

While Ash was suggesting places to go, the two boys in the back were competing to see which one could irritate the other. Steven had been winning for a while now.

"Look out!"

An Espeon came sliding towards them, across the ice Ash had previously unintentionally created. She had no idea it spread that far. The Pokemon ran into her, forcing her to catch it and falling over for the third time that day in the process.

"Are you okay?", she asked the purple Pokemon.

Before it could respond, something escaped from her hands and crashed into a building nearby, causing it to shake and collapse. A crowd surrounded the building not knowing what had caused the sudden quake.

"Aw, now we'll have to build it all over again!"

"How did that happen?"

"This city's gonna go broke rebuilding stuff"

The first thing Serena and Steven did was look at Ash. Tears welled in her eyes as she swiftly got up and fled the scene. They immediately ran after her, though she was quite fast. Not like she'd got her hands on anything like that. But they were able to track her down after following the little, sparkling trail of dust her power left behind after the psychic outbreak.

"Ash!", they called in unison as they spotted her curled up on a bench.

Steven was the first to get to her. After elbowing Serena. He sat down next to her and gently stroked her hair.

"Hey, Ash, what's wrong?"

The girl didn't answer. She only buried her head deeper into her knees.

"Hey, c'mon, kid. Talk to me. What's up?"

"I'm such a mess...", Ash whispered quietly.

Serena, panting breathlessly, finally made it to the both of them.

"So, let me get this straight, hah, when she...ah, when she touches something, she can do what it does, right?", he breathed while bending forwards with a hand on his hip.

"Took you a while to figure that one out", Steven scolded.

"Oh, yeah? Easy for you to say, she probably explained it to you"

"I did...", Ash spoke up, drying the tears from her face, "I did tell you. And you told me you thought it was cool...but it's not. Now, because of me, people that live here are probably gonna have to pay more taxes to fix that building because I was stupid enough not to wear my gloves"

"Wait, your gloves stop it from happening?"

"That's why I wear them. If I try really hard, the gloves give me a little more control over it. But I was such an idiot not to wear them today...I'm just so-"

"Hey, now. If you keep disrespecting yourself, I'll make you give yourself five compliments"

They both turned to look at Steven after his strange comment.

"What? It's a good idea. Now listen here, Ash. Not only are you tough and strong, but you're adorable, and cool. I bet everybody who's ever met you wants to be like you. You're so powerful you can literally do anything! Who cares if you trip up sometimes, or if things happen like losing Leagues. You're amazing"

Ash sniffled as she threw her arms around Steven, who stayed silent and still for a moment before hugging her back.

Serena, Mr. Tomato over here, was about to explode.

"I think it's safe to say I should keep her away from you. I wouldn't want her to absorb the power of being stupid and annoying. Your ability for that is way too strong"

He'd hit him. He would, if Ash wasn't there, calming down as her mood started to brighten.

"So, who're you gonna try and beat now? You've already been put up against me, Lysandre, Alain and Clemont. Who next?"

I don't know, man. All I know is she'll probably lose whoever it is.

Hope you enjoyed! 

Just want to say that this book is growing to fast and I'm so thankful to you guys for making my day every time I login on Wattpad :)

Also, I'm starting to feel like my writing isn't good. But it's probably because my teacher tells to me that my English isn't good enough (I have to go to a school where they speak English)

Anyways, requests are always open, thanks for reading, have a great day!

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