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i've seen people say comashipping wouldn't last long, i've seen the same with megabondshipping as well. so i'm determined to prove these ships can last

enjoy :D

15+ and umm there's little messages in here for you guys, if you don't mind


i probably should've put 'enjoy' after all the shitty disclaimers

here's a familiar taste of 'after midnight' me

i'm not drunk btw

Paul wrapped a towel around his hair, breathing in the pleasantly warm air from the shower he had just taken. There was something else that would have made his shower even more satisfying, but that something, or someone, has been fast asleep in bed since he'd stepped into the bathroom. Or so he'd thought until he felt a small pair of arms around his waist.

"Mmm...", Ash moaned sleepily, hugging his tall boyfriend.

Feeling his face heat up, Paul put down his towel and moved an arm back to pat Ash's head.

"It's so cute that you sleep better if you cuddle me"

"Why can't you be this sweet all the time?"

Smiling, he got back to drying his hair, facing the wall so Ash didn't see his red face.

"I was just having pleasing thoughts about you, so only now I'm in a good mood. Go to bed"

"I can't"

"You're so adorable, you baby"

"It's hard to sleep...when you're having a baby"

The towel fell to the floor. Ash pressed his face even harder into Paul's back, grinning as he did so. He was right in knowing that, right now, his boyfriend would be so overwhelmed by happiness he was staying completely still, not knowing how to express happiness out of bed.

" mean..."

"Yes! I'm pregnant!"

You'd think a guy like him would be devastated knowing he'd be a father, but why wouldn't Paul want a person who was partly him, who he absolutely loved, and partly his boyfriend, who he loved only a little less but still much more than others.

But he shouldn't have assumed he'd love his child just as much, as he was getting a taste of his own medicine.

-9 months later-

It worried him a lot to see his boyfriend like that, lying in that bed sweating and exhausted after hours of pain. But when he saw what was in his arms, a baby with dark, purple hair and teary eyes the colour of chocolate, he couldn't help but smile.

"Oh...he's got my hair", Paul gasped softly in delight, slowly walking forward with his arms out, "And he has your eyes, and your beautiful smile"

"Pretty sure the smile is yours", Ash croaked tiredly, "It doesn't happen that often"

"Come here...yeah, come here-"

Paul's poor attempt at baby talk was somehow successful on the new-born, who cooed and snuggled up to him when he held it.

"See? He's like you. He's moody unless he gets love"

-a month later-

"I couldn't wait to meet my nephew!", said Reggie as he held the baby in his arms, "What's his name again?"

"Cole. We wanted to uphold a tradition of one-syllable names in the family. But sometimes it gets weird considering he has a dad called 'Ash'"

"You guys are ruthless", he laughed, "Calling your son 'Cole', and not even introducing me to him, yet you called me over to fix your squeaky bed. How often do you-"

"Alright, nap time! Or he'll get moody and start pissing everyone off, like Paul"

Ash carried the baby upstairs, starting to rush as it cried as soon as he held it, leaving the two brothers in the living room.

"Why'd he interrupt me? It's a valid question"

"He doesn't want to talk about stuff like that so it's not a habit when the baby grows up. He's fine with that stuff, but doesn't know if it's appropriate to say, so he tries to make it a subtle as possible. I feel like that's a reoccurring theme in these stories"

Sorry. I didn't hear the fourth wall break over all the moaning yesterday. 

"Anyway, I also wanted to know if you pro-"

"Shh! Not so loud! Ash has really good hearing, especially now when he's using it all the time to know if the baby cries"

"Wow. He really cares about this baby, huh"

"Yeah. I think he might be a little insecure about being a father. Y'know, 'cause his dad was never there, so he doesn't know first-hand what a dad is like"

Paul looked to a glass cabinet in the corner of the room, checking for the silver ring hidden in it. He'd wanted to ask for a while now, but with all the sadness Ash was feeling for some reason, he could never bring it up. Every time Ash was feeling okay, he always forgot about the ring and cashed it in for a slightly more squeaky bed, though Ash was slowly losing interest.

"Maybe talk to him? I know it's not your thing, but you're really the only one who should do it, since you're sharing the responsibility, you know?"

The door creaked open. Ash didn't see Paul peeking his head through the doorway; he was too busy glaring over the crib with empty eyes.


Paul made slow, silent steps towards him, having a hand reach for his shoulder, but stopped when he saw droplets fall from Ash's face.


"Ash? Are you okay?"

"I...I'm doing...I'm doing something wrong..."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I'm doing something wrong, Paul. The baby. Cole. He cries when I hold him, and when I do, I...he doesn't even feel like my child"

Eyes filled with concern, Paul kneeled down next to him, watching him sob.

"Ash, you're a great dad. You love that kid more than anything, it's obvious"

He had to admit those last few words came with a salty tone.

"Yeah, it is. I've been losing interest And I feel so sad all the time, nothing cheers me up anymore. It's so selfish for me to be like this when I'm supposed to be focusing on our child, but I'm always so tired, I just want to sleep"

He wasn't often openly a sweet person, and was only a little sweeter on the inside. But when he saw Ash tearing up as the sight of their child, it broke his heart.


"I don't deserve it, Paul. I don't deserve him. Or you. I'm a horrible boyfriend, and an even worse father-"

Before he could finish his sentence, his shoulders were pushed down to the floor. A big, but warm shadow came over him, smiling.

"Shut up", said Paul, "That's the stupidest thing I've heard you say, and that means something. I love you, so you're an exception, but if I ever hear anyone else talking about you like that, those'll be the last words they say before I punch their teeth out. You hear me?"

Though he was still crying, Ash managed to chuckle a little. He loved it when Paul was sweet in his own, mean way. And this was the first time he'd noticed something like this since finding out he had postpartum depression.

"You and I, we're not only the best dads ever, but we're both powerful, and do things out of spite. How many people said we wouldn't last, huh? Don't tell me you aren't dying to prove them wrong"

There were a lot of people who didn't approve of their relationship, including his own mother, who feared Paul would hurt him. And he was quite tempted to prove her wrong.

"You need help. You're struggling, and that's okay. It's alright to have to need someone to tell you that. It's okay to focus on yourself, and prioritize making yourself happy. Don't be so hard on yourself"

That message isn't just for Ash, by the way.

"I couldn't have a better boyfriend, or a better co-parent for my child. And I know for a fact...I won't find a better husband"

So many times he'd remembered to keep the ring in his pocket in case he would propose. He was desperate, and was even willing to do it before going to bed or after breakfast. But now, which was a lot better than the other times, he'd forgotten the ring.

"So...will you marry me?"

"...You're proposing to me while you're sitting on top of me on the floor, after I had a breakdown about my depression?"


"...I love us"

"Y'know who else is 'us'? The baby. And he's gonna be glad when he hears our crazy proposal story"

Poor Reggie, who'd already been called over to fix an awkward problem, didn't know he'd walk into his brother and soon-to-be brother-in-law making out on the floor.

"Y'know, for people who're trying to be subtle in front of the baby, you guys are pretty crude"

"This is an exception. We're getting married"

"Finally! I've been waiting for so long!"

Same. But stories are difficult to write. So we can leave that story for another time.

hope you guys liked it, can totally relate if you didn't

palletshipping is on it's way, i'm just as excited as you are

thanks for reading

have a good day, but i'm not trying to be bossy, if you didn't have a good day it's okay i know you tried

i should be sleeping

pls tell me i'm not the only one 

i feel like you guys need some love rn so


don't worry it's free you don't have to pass an exam or do any chores to get it

gonna go look at this avocado man who throws food at his husband so i can feel okay about being a single boi

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