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the palletshipping one is gonna be in two parts because i definitely haven't done this ship as much as i should

hope you like this

-trigger warning- -no seriously- -this is some sensitive stuff- -don't read if you hate disturbing topics- 

i wrote this at something am

right now

its past midnight

enjoy luv <3

"What day is it today?", Gary asked as he came rushing in to the kitchen.

"Uh...Friday?", Clemont answered.

"No, ugh, the date!"

"May 22nd-"

"Knew it!"

Clemont, Bonnie and Serena were left puzzled after the brunette ran off as he came in. It was weird enough he suddenly came to Kalos after the League to stay with Ash for some reason. Now he was acting weird, too? Not to mention that Ash hadn't gotten up yet, which was strange since he usually got up early to go on a walk or something.

Eventually, he came to breakfast, but he was still abnormally quiet. He only spoke when spoken to, and didn't have much of an appetite. Even when he was eating, he maintained the same, empty expression all the way through.

"We haven't seen Ash since breakfast. Maybe he's with his friend...", said Bonnie.

"It wasn't much of a breakfast for him anyway. He ate like, what, half an apple?", added Clemont.

Serena was lost in her thoughts, which was very obvious by her scowl. If something was bothering Ash, she couldn't think of a reason why he shouldn't tell her. Just like in Snowbelle City, she found it irritating that he didn't talk to her about it.

The fact that his friend knew more than her, or how close they were didn't sit too well with her either. In her mind, her and Ash were as much childhood friends as they were.

Clemont came up with the idea for all of them to take a walk through Lumiose City, hoping that Ash's remarkable empathy would allow him to see the citizens being so happy and cheer up a little.

Him and Gary walked a little further behind, much to the dismay of Serena. This was an opportunity for them to have a romantic walk, despite the fact that everyone was going, and she wasn't even next to him! 

"The sun's setting. It's so pretty!"

As Bonnie said, the sun was indeed taking its leave. Gary looked to his friend in the hope that he noticed it, too, but it seemed like Ash wasn't in the mood to watch a sunset.

Not today.

As the night fell, street parties made their way into the atmosphere. The smell of alcohol was far too potent, and there wasn't a single escape from the loud music.

Soon enough, the group had found themselves in the middle of it.

"How about we visit the sweet shop, Bonnie...?", Clemont suggested as he pulled his sister away, trying to salvage whatever innocence she had left from the drunken crowd.

"But I wanna-"

"Come on. We'll get macaroons!"


Serena noticed that Gary was trying to get Ash away, too. Ash was very innocent, but it didn't seem like that was the reason. He was letting him see everything, he just wanted to get Ash away from it.

"Hey", Gary said, nudging his friend so he could get his attention. It took a few seconds.


"Wanna go get some food? There's a cafe right there"

The boy didn't answer. He just stared blankly at his friend's face.

"We'll get drinks"

He tried to pull Ash away, which was working as he started walking again, until a woman no less than fifty suddenly grabbed his shoulders and turned him to face her, trying to press her lips onto his.

Serena didn't know why, but at that moment, it looked a little like Ash had died.

His eyes somehow became emptier, though his pupils dilated. For a second, his arms were raised in defence, but then they collapsed at his sides, hanging there like he was paralyzed. She couldn't really tell if he was breathing; she couldn't hear anything and his chest was as still as the rest of his body.

Gary quickly pushed the woman away, and she could hear him mumbling.

"Of all the days this could happen"

He was quick enough to catch Ash's body before it hit the ground, as if he had done it before, and try to shake him back into reality.

Eventually, he was able to move again, but it wasn't Ash in that body. Ash was somewhere else. That body was on autopilot, moving on its own like a robot without a soul having to guide it.

They made it back to the hotel and the hours flew by. Clemont and Bonnie were fast asleep, but Ash and Gary's room still had some light shining out from the door. Carefully, Serena creeped over to the door and watched from quite a convenient angle what was happening.

Whatever was happening today, it would be useful for her when she became Ash's girlfriend, she thought.

Ash sat on the bed in the foetal position with his head buried in his arms. What looked like the light from a fire emerged from the other side. 

There was Gary, holding a frosted cake with a little over ten candles on it. Slowly and softly, he sang.

"Happy Birthday to you
  Happy Birthday to you
  Happy Birthday dear Ashy
  Happy Birthday to you"

Silently, Ash blew out the candles after raising his head, allowing Serena to see his teary eyes.

"You don't have to do this", he whispered.

"I want to", said Gary, putting an arm around his friend, "I'm not going to leave you alone to deal with this, even if you want me to. You're stuck with me"

"...You brought the tape?"

"How could I forget?"

She saw a device that looked old brought out from Gary's bag along with a tape.

The voice, though it was blurry, was grim and mournful.

"Ashlynn Camellia Adair was born on the 22nd of May, 2005. He had decided at a young age he was not born into the right body, much to the dismay of his parents. His biological father, Mr Giovanni Adair, went missing the day after hearing the news. His biological mother, Jayden Adair, became an alcoholic and drug addict, leaving her son alone to educate and take care of himself"

"On his birthday, she had been drinking the night before and physically and sexually assaulted him. He was diagnosed with PTSD, but was in denial and refused to get it treated. He struggled to be around women and was excessively disturbed by the topic of sex education and relationships, and tended to avoid it at all costs, especially with women. He often forced himself to be happy and talked a lot, to distract himself from his trauma"

"He fought for his life in the hospital and almost died from his wounds. However, he was suffering from survivor's guilt and resorted to self-harm and brave, reckless activity. He attempted suicide seven months after the incident. His extremely high metabolism made it too easy for him to lose weight, and too hard for him to gain weight, additionally his love for physical activity, so he was quickly encouraged to regain an appetite, stemming a love for food. He struggles extremely with accepting his negative emotions and to see others suffering without trying to help them"

"He was adopted by Miss Delia Ketchum, a willingly single mother. He now lives with her in the countryside in Pallet Town as Ash Camellia Ketchum, often disregarding his middle name for fear of being made fun of, though he personally liked it and the flower itself. Other than her, the authorities and his best friend Gary, there is no one else who he wishes to disclose this information to"

Well, it was too late now.

Gary shuffled wrapped his other arm around Ash and pull him against his chest. She heard one or two whimpers, but it seemed like Ash was skilled in crying silently.

"I always loved the fact that they mentioned me like that", chuckled Gary as he patted Ash's head.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"Don't be. If I were you, I wouldn't have even been able to face a woman even after all this time. You're meeting girls on your journeys and being friendly with them. Do you know what an achievement that is, to be able to do that without being treated?...Heh, I still remember before, with Misty, May, Dawn and even Iris, when you used to lash out at them because you were scared. But you're not a coward, and you're not horrible. You're brave and strong. And you're not a dick, unlike your parents"

Now she understood. That time she followed him through the forest, and started to yell at him, he was defensive because he was scared.

Or perhaps he wasn't sound of the fact that she didn't let him be sad for once and literally followed him when he said he wanted to be alone. Either way, she was slightly less mad at him for that moment.

"Can we..."

"You don't even have to ask. Yeah, we can stay up until the sunrise, eating microwaved food, laughing in bed, watching movies and talking. How many times have we done that already, huh? And you feel like you need to ask? That offends me a little, Ashy"

Ash relaxed in Gary's arms, still hiccupping from his breakdown.

"Hey, I was traumatized too, you know. Seeing you in that hospital bed looking like you were going to suffocate. I hate the colour red now"

"You're making me feel bad. But yeah, you've struggled, too. Seen your parents, what, five times in your life?"

"Having researchers for parents is kinda cool, though. It's good for show. But yeah, it sucks. Like your jokes. You should be glad people don't think about them, though, otherwise they'd realise how dark they actually are"

Serena was getting a little tired herself, but that wouldn't stop her from eavesdropping. It was one of her specialties, having done it well in other stories before. 

It was only when Gary asked Ash to close his eyes and brought out from his bag a closed container, which happened to contain a vase with a rose-coloured camellia, was she grateful she stayed to watch them.

She wouldn't forget the look on Ash's face when he opened his eyes. That was the first time she'd seen him blush, his face mimicking the colour of the flower. His eyes sparkled like the sunlight. He was too astounded to smile.

"No matter how many times you see this flower, you're never any less happy", he said, "This flower symbolises love, which you have way too much of. Even for those who don't deserve it, you love them so much, you can't help it. I'm gonna give it to you when I hug you, kiss you, put a ring on your finger, vow to spend my life with you, and hold a child that's made of us"

Although Ash tried his hardest to avoid the topic of dating or anything related, he was quite flustered by Gary's cheesy speech.

Serena had gone to bed by this time, having gotten enough information. She didn't like it, but she'd need it.

"Shut up", Ash chuckled, playfully hitting his best friend, "There are too many emotions tonight. I'm gonna be feeling numb again tomorrow"

"Let's eat your cake"

hope u liked

if not i understand i didn't like it either

criticism let me know

next part coming soon

thanks for reading

here's some love 


have a good day 

or good night if you're like me and you stay up until 6am

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