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so uh you might be a little confused because the timing of everything makes no sense, but uh, this was my best attempt to tell the story in words...

enjoy :)

"Let me show you..."

He tried to back away from her, or run, but the woman had chased him into a corner.


"Let me show you, Ash..."

For some reason, he couldn't bring himself to move as he started to feel colder. He didn't register anything that was happening. Only that he was more confused than ever and he just wanted it to stop, whatever it was.

"...What a beautiful girl you would've been"

The floor brought a piercing chill to his cheeks. There was a mix of colours all around him, starting to blend together more with every second.


The warm blanket around his shoulders didn't console him when he realized just what had happened. That in just one day, his whole life took a turn he didn't think was possible, as there had been too many turns already.

Where would he live? Who would take care of him? Would he be bullied by children in an adoption centre the same way he was treated in school?

But with that thought, something pleasant came to mind. A certain brunette he'd always found to be teasing him and making him angry just like so, but it never actually hurt him.


His happiness was only temporary when he realized just how unstable his parents were. What if they went after those he cared about? He needed to start protecting everyone, but not himself. No, not himself. He didn't deserve. People in his situation had died in vain, and he'd survived? he didn't deserve it, and he wasn't going to try to get better either.

But he knew, whether he wanted to admit it or not, he wouldn't be the same person. Even if he told himself it was all real and okay. Forced himself to be happy, hid his insecurities, and made an extreme effort to keep his mind busy, away from the thoughts. They'd still be there, reminding him that he would never again be the same boy he was yesterday.


His eyes shot open, quickly taking in the room and remembering it all. His cold sweat didn't counter the warm he felt in Gary's arms, especially with the older boy on top of him and most of his body covering his own.

He felt a gentle hand stroke his tear-stained cheeks, rubbing them off.

"Hey", whispered Gary softly, "I'm here. Nothing's gonna happen, it's okay. You wanna finish the movie or go back to sleep?"

He could either have a few more hours of time with the one person he trusted most, feeling safe and having someone to cuddle with, or he could go back to bed, letting the dark consume him and risk waking up the same way. 

Even Ash has some common sense.

You'd think were a couple, seeing them snuggled up under a blanket with their arms around each other, Ash's body resting on Gary's. But if you asked, one of them would be quick to remind you they were just friends. The other would silently agree, knowing that the only reason his younger friend denied it was to avoid the topic of dating as much as possible.

"You know", Gary said, "I know you think you're this insane, dumb person who no one likes. First of all, you're a genius in a way no one else could understand, and it's pretty hard not to like someone like you who makes everyone feel so loved"

"But I am weird though. I mean, I still have weird reactions towards...that...and I'm way too happy, and...and perky..."

"Yeah, okay. So you are crazy. But you're a good crazy. You're my crazy"

Ash glared at his older friend with a look that would've been intimidating if he didn't have such a babyface. Seeing Gary snicker at him only made his face expression more laughable. Gary pinched his cheek and told him how adorable he was.

Thankfully, payed no mind to Ash blushing after that, figuring it was just red from being pinched.

-the next morning-

The three were surprised to see Ash and his friend back to a normal mood, but they didn't question it. Yes, even Serena. Because she was planning to address it in a much worse way.

"So, Ash? What do you say we go out for lunch together?", she asked, applying her polite façade, "I just found this new café, maybe we could go?"


That was exactly the reaction she was expecting, but she didn't expect Gary to be behind him warning her with a glare.

Gary, much like his grandfather, was quite smart. He and Ash put together made a good team, in a lot of ways. So when Ash said last night that he heard a few sounds at the door, and that someone must've been brushing their teeth for bed quite late, he put the pieces together.

He didn't know what this girl saw, heard, or knew. But he was willing to give her a second haircut if she didn't keep her fucking distance.

Distance yourselves and stay safe, by the way. Not just from creepy girls who don't have common decency, but perhaps a virus that could kill us all if we keep ignoring the rules and doing as we please, having parties and such. 

"Great! I'll start getting ready!"

"What? But we just had breakfast-"

She was already dashing up the stairs, swaying her hands forward and back and humming to herself.

Gary wasn't aware he wouldn't be the only one spying on them until a little girl with lemon hair appeared beside him. He had a feeling she was looking forward to this, and, having adapted some empathy from Ash over the years, didn't want to let her down, but making sure his friend didn't have a mental breakdown in public was much more important.

"Finally, they're on their date! Imagine how hard Serena must have tried, knowing Ash and how dense he is!"

Gary obviously didn't agree with her, but there were a few strangers across tables that did. That was when he realised he really wasn't the only one in disguise in this café, watching the two. In fact, Ash and Serena were probably the only ones genuinely there to get food.

"She must've called Shauna and the others over to watch her confess to Ash! Oh, that's so romantic, they'll remember this day forever!"

She was trying to force what Ash liked to call a 'memory', and Gary was happy knowing he wouldn't like that. Ash's reckless nature allowed to believe in letting things happen on their own, and this was the exact opposite. 

Recalling stories Ash had told him of Serena, what happened in Snowbelle City, how she cut her hair, he came to the conclusion that this girl tended to have a 'perfect' image of everything in her mind. How it was supposed to happen and what it would be like. And if that didn't happen to a tee, she lashed out, either in anger or sorrow. 

He had a sinking feeling as they talked more. The conversation stemmed from Pokemon training to relationships with Pokemon to relationships with people, and he knew exactly where she was going.

"So, what kind of girls do you like?", she asked with her chin cupped in her palms.


"Like, you know, what kind of girl are you interested in? Cute? Hot? Long hair or short?"

He also noted the fact that she just assumed he was straight. Don't get me wrong, Ash didn't really have a known sexuality yet because he struggled to think about it. But yet again, she stayed loyal to her perfect image.

"I like everyone!", Ash beamed with a delightful shrug.

She was already starting to get a little bit frustrated, having her hands in her hair, but still keeping up the cuteness. If only he could glare at her again. But the only table available was behind them. Her friends wanted to see the view when she confessed, apparently.

"Ugh, no. I mean, what kind of girls are you attracted to? Girls you'd go out with?"

She knew saying the certain words themselves would trigger him, but she also knew he had the impressive self-control to compose himself even when being reminded of his trauma if he was in public.

"'d date?"

She could also tell herself that she didn't spy on him that night, thus not knowing he was sensitive to it. She could also tell other people, if they asked.


And just like the other day, Ash died a little. He couldn't be as he was just a few seconds ago. His mind was scattered and his heart had somehow been simultaneously pounding out of his chest and stopping.

"It's not a difficult question. You gotta know what you like, right?" 

But believe it or not, Serena isn't a psychopath. She felt bad for putting him in that position, and tried to make him feel a little better, although she overestimated how much she knew him and it didn't really work.

"Like, I usually like tall boys, but I also really like dark hair and eyes. And boys who smile and lot and can make me laugh! That's a keeper"

"I don't...I don't's not..."

"What? Come on, spit it out"

She knew what was happening to him, but maybe she didn't know that it's not ideal to be playful with someone who's on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"I don't think about that stuff, y'know?"

"What 'stuff'? You mean dating?"

Gary felt a pang of alarm hearing her say the word so openly. He could tell just then Ash forgot how to breathe for a second, but he didn't let it show. Only he could see it.

"Yeah. I just...I'm not interested"

Although it definitely wasn't meant that way, she immediately assumed that statement was personal, as did everyone else. Shauna gasped and almost dropped her tea, hardly alerting Tierno and Trevor, who were gritting their teeth with furrowed eyebrows.

"You mean you don't want to date me?!"

"No, what? No, I-"

"You don't! You don't want to date me, do you? You're not interested! Why?"

She started feeling a little threatened, somehow. Even though she'd established Ash never meant to say he didn't want to date her. 

I mean, he probably doesn't, but she can't get upset over it if he didn't say it.

"Why? Is it when I cut my hair? Or is it my clothes? It can't just be me, right?! I'm...I'm polite and nice, and I'm cute! Those boys said I look great!"

Poor boys being pointed out in that small cafe, having to also act like they had no idea what was going on. She set them up to this, and then she calls them out like that.

"What's wrong with you? Why can't you see me? Why can't you see us? Why?!"

Ash felt horrible despite having no idea what was going on. All he could do was sit there while she repeatedly asked 'Why?!'. It wasn't until she lay a hand on him that he felt something else.

Without thinking, she grabbed his shoulder and threw him off of his chair. 

"Come here, let me touch you"

"No, mom!"

The world started to spin, creating a swirl of ugly faces staring down at him.

"Let me touch you, my beautiful, 



Ash was very light, actually a quite underweight, but it didn't stop tables, chairs and cutlery crashing onto the floor with him. Serena had pushed him as if to defend herself. With all her strength, she sent him into the wood panels along with the plates and cups that smashed when they reached the ground. Just like in Snowbelle City, she attacked him until he fell, to defend herself. But from what? 

From the reality that she knew wasn't true, but she wasn't willing to accept. Just like a spoiled little girl, a tantrum was due when she didn't get her way.

Ash had lost consciousness the second he registered that he was pushed, so along with his masterly pain tolerance, he didn't feel the metal and porcelain digging into his skin, convincing his blood to come out. He landed against the wall, sat up, his head hanging. Aside from some blood and one or two bruises, Gary was pretty sure when he ran over to him that something was bent the wrong way.

For all we know, being lucky enough to stay conscious and not get hypothermia after colliding with the log in Snowbelle jinxed his chances here, doubling the damage. Only now, everyone was here to see it. And when Serena thought she'd have people by her side the most, they walked away in disgust.

"I'm so sick of waking up to horrible things", Ash complained, "And I'm mad at you for staying beside the hospital bed. You stayed up with me all night! I thought you were going to sleep during the day as usual"

"I wasn't going to let myself sleep knowing she was there with you. Besides, do you really expect me not to spy on you when you have a date? I need to make sure they treat you well"

Ash smiled tiredly, patting his sleeping Pikachu with the relief that one of his friends had a relaxing day.

"And I will make sure. I won't have to spy on you"

Gary leaned closer, turning Ash's chin so they were facing.

"Because I trust myself to take care of you"

They were lucky the blinds were shut and no one happened to burst in when Ash got his first kiss. You'd think it would be scary for him, right? Considering he can't handle being touched by a girl? But Gary had been with him since the beginning. He never hesitated to tell him how he felt or something that happened, and he always felt safe with Gary despite everything else. Gary, on the other hand, was a selfish jerk before really getting to know Ash, and now he had developed somewhat a sense of empathy for others.

That's right. They needed each other.

The exact dialogue in Ash and Serena's conversation is irrelevant, but they eventually were happy to be best friends. She started to realise just how unhealthy her attitude was towards things and was determined to change it, with Ash by her side. She also helped him, having him regularly high-five her or do each other's hair, so he could practice being friendly with girls. What a revelation it was for her realising her 'crush' was just an admiration of him, instead of romantic feelings, and that they were always meant to be friends.

Little did she know he would one day ask her to be his best person at their wedding.

Although you'd expect him to be, Ash wasn't nervous. He would always be reckless, though Serena inspired him to see an ideal image every now and then, and all he saw was a decent wedding. How hard could it be?

"The day after Ash's fifteenth birthday", she announced in her speech, "I took him to a cafe and, long story, short, he ended up in the hospital"

There was a shared amount of giggles, confused looks and gasps of concern. Even Grace, who was there to watch her daughter as the better person she was, had wide eyes at the statement.

"But, that day was actually one of the best days of my life. That day, I found a best friend in someone who I thought I'd be standing on this altar with. I realised that life isn't perfect, and we can't force it to be how we want it. Another thing I learned is that not everything is about me, so why don't we give a hand to our grooms?"

Gary's parents were too swamped with work to make it, but Professor Oak filled the empty chairs for the three of them. He also bothered to dress accordingly, contradicting the usual slippers and lab coat he wore. He definitely cried a little bit.

That day at the cafe, Bonnie had come home pouting, expecting Ash and Serena to leave holding hands and instead having to rush to the hospital. She was equally mad at both of them, for just wanting to be friends instead of dating. But as she got older and made it to her teen years, she was mature enough to understand. Clemont was always confused about what was going on, but he just resorted to being happy for everyone.

Shauna was particularly displeased with the way things turned out, explaining that she rooted for Serena only for her to change at the last second, when she finally had the chance to confess. She was happy for Ash and Gary, but was no longer on speaking terms with Serena, which they both said they were fine with.

Ash looked down to the white camellias in his hand. In just five years, he'd managed to marry the love of his life and even have their son there at the wedding.

Oh, yes. They indeed had a son. But Gary's vows were also of interest.

"For my vows", he said, bringing something out of his pocket, "I'm going to play a tape"

I know what you're thinking, but rest assured it was a copy that had been slightly overwritten.

"Ash Ketchum was born on the 22nd of May, 2005. He had decided at a young age he was not born into the right body, much to the joy of his best friend, Gary Oak, who supported him along the way. Gary took care of him more than his parents ever did"

"Ash's life took a horrible turn once his birthday arrived. Everything was different, except Gary was still there with him"

"He suffered and suffered and swore he could do it alone, but he was never going to be alone, even if he wanted to be"

"Still, with Gary by his side, he found a new family, a new life, and only the two of them had lived through the whole of his past. If Gary hadn't been there, Ash wouldn't have been there either after a short time. They kept each other going, saved each other's lives, in a way, and created a new life that would be here today"

A little boy in the audience squealed at that last sentence, having to be calmed down by the giggling Professor.

Serena held a glass in the air.

"To Ash and Gary!"

Now you're probably wondering how the little boy got there.

Besides his traumatic childhood, this had been one of the most stressful times in Ash's life. Gary had proposed to him the day he got pregnant, so all through his pregnancy he was sending invitations, finding venues, and picking cakes, dresses and flowers.

The planning was almost done by the time he'd given birth. But with the way it happened, it was a miracle he was able to show up at the wedding in the first place.

The birth itself was painful to hear, let alone watch. Gary, as much as he hated himself for it, couldn't support Ash that much because he was too disturbed by the blood dribbling onto his shirt. 

Finally, he was able to hold his baby, but not his boyfriend.

"It could've been a miscarriage-"

"He lost too much blood!"

"Quickly, get him into the operating theatre-"

Serena was in tears thinking she was about to lose her best friend, who'd promised her she'd be his best person at a wedding she wasn't sure was going to happen. But Gary was feeling differently.

Watching Ash fight for his life in that cold, bright room brought him back to a memory he didn't know he had.

"Come on, Ash..."

He could see the doctors' disgruntled faces, losing hope in themselves. Even they had a feeling the little boy wouldn't make it.

Ash twitched and shook in his unconsciousness, trying to find his way back to life. He felt a finger slip from the thread. He was losing his connection.

And when Gary reminisced that awful moment all over again, that was when he realised the first tape was wrong.

Ash didn't completely win the fight for his life. It was stolen from him, and he took it back.

The long beep didn't distract them. Though their hands quivered and beads of sweat ran down their faces, they weren't going to let him die after the brunette watching in the window had dragged him through his suffering for so long.

For a split second, Ash's vision granted him the sight of the window. There was Serena, the most worried she'd ever been. In her arms was a new-born boy, crying with no one to console him. 

And then there was Gary. His hands on the window, his eyes wide and teary. Just as they remembered it, the little boy watching the one he loved die.

Much to their relief, his heart restored itself. They saw the boy in the window laugh through his sobs, knowing too that he made it.

But he'd make it again. He wasn't going to die.

Not this time.

He gathered all his strength and, though he found himself dizzying into sleep, it wasn't the kind that felt close to death. Rather the kind where he could rest, for he fought until the last second.

Moments later, Ash was awake, and Gary handed him the little boy who ironically stopped crying that second.

"He's so cute!", Serena squealed, taking a picture with her phone. She'd surely send that to her girlfriend, Miette.

The baby cooed in Ash's tired arms, and he was able to smile and laugh in spite of almost losing his life in the last hour.

"He has your warm eyes", said Gary, "And your smile"

"But he has your gorgeous hair", Ash chuckled, stifling a laugh out of the other two.

"So, name?"

"Hmm, I don't know. There's too much to think about right now. We don't have to decide right away, right?"

"Yeah. Let's finish planning the wedding first. But not you, you're gonna rest until the big day"

"What? No-"

"Yes!", Serena chimed in, "Or I'll call Misty and have her yell at you. You're not doing anything"

What else could he say?

-Months later-

"It' heavy! Why isn't Gramps helping? It's his lab!"

"He had to help your parents with some work and-oh! Honey, be careful! That's my wedding dress"

A grey car came speeding down the road, which three woman came rushing out of. Serena, being dragged by Miette, and Delia behind them.

"Hey, how's the moving going? Aw, the kid's so cute!", Miette praised.

"Say hi!", Ash said playfully to the baby, "Say hi to Grandma Delia and Auntie Serena!"

"Hey, don't forget about me"

"...And Auntie Miette. I was getting to it"

Gary arrived to find them fussing over the baby, quite annoyed that the other four adults weren't helping him.

"Take a break, Gary, come here!"

Although the baby wasn't Delia's biological grandson, she loved it no less than she loved her adopted son.

"Have you thought of a name yet?"

Ash and Gary grinned at each other.

"We did. Adair Camellia Oak. I wanted him to know how strong his daddy is", Gary told them, looking to Ash's red cheeks, "Yeah, it's a little weird, but this family really can't get any weirder anyway"

Serena and Miette gave each other the same look.

"So, we have an announcement to make..."

The three stared at them with anticipation.

"We love Adair, but...we found out we're actually getting one of our own..."

"One of your own?"

Serena pulled out a device with a positive sign on it.

"I'm pregnant!"

Ash, being Serena's sibling like best-friend, pulled her into a tight hug, to which he hugged him back even more.

"I'm gonna be a mom!"

"Oh my gosh, yes! I'm so happy for you! But we need to make a deal"

"What deal-"

"We're having playdates at the lab"

"We'll see about that. You guys are actually moving there?"

"Yeah, I mean, it's close to our mom, you guys are moving to Pallet Town as well, so we can see you, and it's pretty much where our childhoods are at"

Gary huffed.

"But it won't be getting done anytime soon if I'm the only one moving the boxes!"

The baby started to throw its arms around, wailing for attention.


"He means you", Ash and Gary said to each other in unison.

They realized it would be confusing for the baby when it grew up.

"Is this what it'll be like with me and Serena's baby?"

"Okay, just have one of us be 'daddy', and the other one 'dad'. 'Mom' and 'mommy'"

"Oh, yeah! How cute would it be if-"

"Guys! Boxes?"

"Okay, okay. I'll grab this one. Serena, you sit down, you're not doing anything"


And and Miette looked at her sternly.

"After I gave birth, you didn't let me in on the wedding planning!", Ash reminded her.

"That was different, you had to go straight into surgery because you lost too much blood. I haven't even gained any weight yet!", Serena retaliated.

"Okay, first of all, you have", Miette argued, making her girlfriend gasp, "Secondly, you're not getting around this. Sit"

The woman sat herself down on a large box with her arms crossed. Miette sat down next to her and put her arms around her, kissing her on the cheek.

Ash grabbed a box and ran to join his husband.

"You think they'll make a better kid than us?", he asked.

Gary stopped, turned around and pulled the shorter boy into a kiss, making him drop the box which was thankfully just clothes.

"Not a chance, my camellia"




"How fat do you think she's gonna get-"


"What? I'm just didn't gain that much weight except from the baby"

"That's 'cause I'm already underweight, don't be mean!"

yeah so uh i know it was confusing so i'll explain it just in case

ash and gary started dating

and and serena are best friends and serena is dating miette

they had a baby but ash almost died from blood loss and had to go into surgery

then they got married

and now they're moving into professor oak's lab together as a home and serena is pregnant with her and miette's baby

i know crazy right

welp that was the longest oneshot i ever wrote

i'm putting the 150 follower special in part 100 btw :D

love u guys

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