Part 100 / 150 follower special / 40k reads special (UNIFINISHED)

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title says it all!!!

the above is a little drawing i did for you guys

flowers to me are like followers, and petals are like reads, votes and comments, if that makes sense

so i am the flower boy :D !!!

(flower sounds like follower, get it)

(btw im not saying im ash, i just use him as my character because i dont want to make an oc and i aint drawing myself)

so for the special im gonna do something i thought id never do

and don't get mad at me here 

but i'm gonna write a genuine amourshipping oneshot

because i know there are amourshippers as a part of my following and i love all of you guys 

no i'm not gonna write serena as a bitch

i dont ship amourshipping anymore, but there are people that do and i respect that

so enjoy!

Ash was the last to make it to the table for dinner after having trained in the field for hours. Serena would watch him, as she admired his courage and determination, and she noticed his particular interest with the setting.

She remembered even seeing him fall back into the grass, almost on purpose, and just stay lying there under the sun for a while. Maybe he was just enjoying himself like the wholesome kid he was.

"Ash!", Bonnie called, running over to the boy with a gift in hand, "I picked you this flower! It's yellow, because you remind me of sunshine!"

She saw him blink a few times and put a hand on his heart as he accepted the gift.


"Yeah! Take it!"


She had never seen him smile wider, but he started to cover his face a little. For a split second she could tell he was blushing, but why would he try to hide it? Usually Ash was open to show how happy he was.

He set the flower down next to him, as if he wanted to protect it. Even while eating, he kept his eye on it.

"I'm gonna go watch the sunset!"

He rushed to the edge of the mountain they were on, ignoring the terrifying drop in front of him as he watched the orange sun melt over the horizon. He held his cap by his side and his cap on the other as he watched, too mesmerised by the beautiful sight and the sound of soft breeze blowing through the budding trees, that he didn't notice Serena sitting next to him.

"Beautiful", she said, smiling.

"I know, right", Ash replied.

Perhaps he wasn't aware she was looking at him instead.

"So, you really liked the flower Bonnie gave you?"

"...Yeah. I mean, she's a kid. A kid gives you a're gonna be flattered, right? I kinda have a soft spot for kids"

He didn't expect to tell her that much, but for some reason he wanted to.


He took a deep breath and looked at her for a split second, before looking back.

"'Cause, y'know. They're little. They're...they're growing...finding out about the world..."

He held the flower close to his heart.

"They're learning..."

He was silent for a few moments, lost in thought as it showed. She stared at him, waiting for a reaction.

"Ash? Are you okay?"

He snapped out of his thoughts.

"What? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm good"

She leaned back, dragging her right hand through the grass behind him.

"You know, you were the most likeable kid ever. You still are. You're so always happy and carefree, even though sometimes it worries me how reckless you are"

"Not always so happy..."

What was he saying? Why was he saying it? He wanted to keep going for some reason, even though he didn't know if she wanted to hear it.

"What do you mean?"

But she did.

"I guess you could say I was only happy out of spite. I was a target for bullies, and...well, why do you think on that day when I saved you in the bushes, I came alone?"

Thinking back, she realised he was right. Although he was friendly, he didn't seem to have many friends to back that up.

"You were lonely?"

"My mom was working a lot. And my dad...was never there. When I wasn't being bullied, I was playing with Pokemon, or climbing trees, I hardly ever went to class because of them. That's probably why I'm stupid"

"You're not stupid, Ash"

He looked at her, surprised. No one had ever said that to his face before and genuinely meant it.

"You think?"

"I know. You're a genius in your own way. The way you battle, the strategies and techniques you come up with that no one else could think you're not that great in school, but that doesn't mean you're stupid"

He stared at her for a little before smiling and looking away. He'd never expected anyone to think of him as a genius. Let alone Serena. He felt a warmth in his heart he couldn't quite comprehend.

"No wonder you're so fit now, spending your childhood climbing trees", she chuckled, stifling a laugh out of him as well. 

By now it was starting to get dark, and they were expected back at the campsite, but they were too distracted by each other to notice their surroundings.

"You know, Ash, you don't have to be so happy all the time. I know it's weird for me to say that after what happened in Snowbelle. I've been thinking about that, and...I was wrong"

He looked at her again, and she looked right back.

"You're allowed to be sad. You're already the leader of the group, the one who guides us, helps us back up when we're down and protects us when we're scared. But you're also human, and you need to be selfish sometimes and have bad days like the rest of us"

Astounded, he stayed quiet, as he had done for a long time now. 

"I never even thought I'd say something like that. If I hadn't joined you on your journey, I'd probably still be a spoiled brat"

Until then.

"You were never a spoiled brat"

"Really? I expected you to remember me after meeting you once when you were, what, six?"

They laughed together under the moon for a short time before silently smiling back to the view of the stars. Serena saw how content he was, just staring at the sky, and was determined to make that feeling last, if not, make it better.

Ash was admiring the stars when he felt something soft and silky under his chin. He looked down and saw a rose-coloured camellia stroking his neck.

Making eye contact, he took it from her hand, which lingered before letting go.

She watched him blush as he held the second flower, admiring it like a work of art.

"You like flowers?"

He quickly retracted his smile as his blush faded.


"Come on, yes you do. Why won't you admit it?"

He took a second to stare at her. She wasn't taking anything but a real answer. He sighed.

"No one's proud of something they were bullied for"

Serena gasped, finally putting the pieces together in her head. She leaned closer excitedly.

"So that's why you were bullied?"

"My mom would need my help a lot in her garden, and she took a lot of pride in it, so naturally I started admiring flowers. But I learned that hard way that it was just pure bully fuel"

"I never got that, you know. Boys and girls are equal. If a boy likes flowers, that's not weird"

Ash was surprised. Usually Serena was so shy, especially around him, but now she was confidently speaking her opinion without hesitation, saying what she wanted to say, looking at him directly. Maybe it was his effort to make people feel comfortable? Or she finally got over whatever fear she had before?

"I should apologise", he said.

"For what?"

"For being dense"

She didn't know what to do except slowly shift her gaze to him with raised eyebrows.


"Come on. Even an idiot like me can hear when people talk about me. You and Bonnie think I'm dense, which I don't disagree with. I tend to ignore romance and stuff like that. Not like anyone would send me signals anyway"

She felt a little offended at that, like she had been ignored.

"Why wouldn't they?"

"C'mon, me? The stupidest, most annoying kid ever?"

She had learned from Ash that it was worth it to be brave. To take chances and see where they lead.

"I send you signals"

It went better than she'd expected. He was surprised, but not in a bad way.

"You do?"

"I mean, not really. I just blush when we talk and I saved the ribbon you gave me. But it's totally okay if you want to ignore romance"

"Oh. I'm sorry...I didn't know. I don't really get this stuff"

"That's okay. But the thing is,"

They made eye contact.

"I really like you"

She wasn't holding back. The Kalos League was over and Ash was going to leave. She would've cowered to do something like this a few days ago, but Ash wasn't going to make the first move at all, so she'd have to.

She leaned in and pressed her lips onto his.

Now, it's not a good idea to do this for a confession, especially in front of a camera where millions will see it, but this is fiction, and we control what happens, so it's okay.

Ash didn't know what to say. For one thing, this was very out of character for Serena. She was usually less subtle than this. But something told him that this was a good thing, somehow.

But he wasn't resisting.

Even when Serena pushed him into the grass and, being taller than him, dominated his body, he didn't seem uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, he was trying to kiss back a little, which she found adorable.

"Another thing I never got", she said, breaking the kiss, "is in a straight relationship the boy has to be the bigger, stronger one. I hate that stereotype"

There was no hiding his red face or his sparkling eyes.

"Y-yeah, me, too..."

She leaned closer.

"So why don't we break it?"

I hope the amourshippers enjoyed! And if you don't like amourshipping, just imagine it with another ship. 

There's more coming up, a lot more! I'll update when I can. The special isn't finished yet.

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