Diodeshipping vs Amourshipping

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I'm just putting every ship I can against Serena because I don't like her. Amourshipping is one sided in my opinion haha.

Besides I haven't done Diodeshipping in a while so...enjoy!

Clemont awoke to the sound of crunching leaves. He looked over to Ash, who, may I add, happened to be his crush. Ash was sleeping soundly with Pikachu curled up next to his hands. Clemont sat up and gently caressed Ash's cheek with his fingers.

His eyes were so perfect, even when closed. His little mouth with his plump red lips made Clemont blush when he thought about kissing him. His smooth skin and wavy, dark hair were things he wanted to touch all day long, so he'd wait until nighttime when Ash was asleep so he could stroke him. And on top of his cute looks, his bright and optimistic personality made him impossible not to love. Clemont hoped with everything he had that Ash would like him back, at least a little bit more than Serena.

"Adorable...", Clemont muttered as he took Ash's hand in his own, cherishing the warmth from his palm.

The clattering of leaves got louder, beginning to alarm Clemont. He took a peek outside the tent to see a certain honey-blonde trekking through the grass, like a beast searching for its prey. That's how he saw her. Ash was just prey to her. Something to feed on for love. He worried for what would happen to him if Serena got to him first. Which made it even more important that Ash accepted his feelings.

He quickly shuffled back to his position so he could pretend to sleep, just as Serena popped her head through the opening of the tent. He stared at her with wide eyes, but shut them tightly when she spotted him. Ensuring he wasn't caught, he continued to menacingly glare at her as she toyed with what wasn't hers.

The way Serena saw Ash was so similar yet too different from how Clemont saw him.

His eyes were dark and shiny, so she could see her reflection in them. His face did have some quite attractive features, such as his soft lips, which were perfect for kissing, and his soft skin, which she was rather jealous of, as it was in better condition than hers. His hair, although, to her knowledge, he never brushed it, was still silky and bouncy like a cloud. He was also very skinny, which was an advantage when she needed to pin him down. He was perfect for her, because she thought she was perfect already, and deserved no less.

His blood boiled with rage when she leaned close to him, closing her eyes and parting her lips slightly. Oh, no. She wasn't really going to steal Ash's first kiss in his sleep, right? That wasn't just cruel, did it even count?!

He had to do something. He couldn't let her have Ash to herself. No. She didn't deserve him. He did. He deserved Ash, not some arrogant woman who assumes the person she met when they were half their current age would grow up to love her.

Luckily, he didn't have to do anything, as Ash shook slightly, forcing Serena to back away and quickly scurry out of the tend before he woke up. After a few seconds of relief, Clemont was surprised to see Ash open his eyes and start chuckling hysterically. Pikachu sat in confusion while it's trainer struggled to contain his laughter.

"Um, Ash, are you alright?", Clemont asked as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

Ash could hardly speak as he was still giggling. Clemont thought it was adorable, but was still confused.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just shocked. Did you see that? That girl, she-oh my days, she tried to kiss me, in my sleep! She's crazy. I swear she's crazy. Remember in Snowbelle City when I got upset and ran away and she followed me and attacked me with snowballs. I'm telling you. Crazy, ahahahahahah", he snickered, still trying his best not to laugh.

"Wait, you were awake that whole time?", he realized.

"Yeah, I woke up to the sound of the leaves, but I stayed still 'cause I was still thinking about how she she held my hand. It's kinda creepy..."

Clemont looked down in dismay. As much as he wanted Ash to hate Serena, he wanted him to recognize his feelings as well.

"Um...that...that was me..."

His heart glowed as Ash didn't look mad or angry, but he looked happy. He smiled.

"Well, that changes things. That makes it a lot better, to be honest"


"Yeah. I'd much rather it was a nice person like you than someone who stalks you then tries to kiss you in your sleep. I didn't know what to do so I just shook to make her think I was waking up so she would leave. I feel a little mean, but she's been trying to manipulate me into being with her since the start of this journey"

"Y-You think I'm a n-nice...person?"

"Who wouldn't? You always help people, and you make really cool inventions that do awesome stuff, even if they always blow up. You're really smart, too! I think you'd end up like the man who invented the telephone!"

Clemont hid his blush with his hands as Pikachu kept Ash distracted. Ash looked over at the boy, who had his back to him.


"Um...Ash, can I, um, show you...something?"


With his eyes tightly shut, Clemont turned round, grabbed Ash's shoulder and pressed his lips onto his, not even noticing he was sitting on top of the younger boy. As soon as they separated, Ash sat up and stayed still, while he freaked out in the corner by himself.

"W-What I meant to say is, um, is that, um..."

Which each passing second in which he failed to confess, the heat in his body increased, and more sweat drops slid down his face.

"You don't have to say it. I like you, too"

Clemont turned to face him, amazement in his eyes as he held the younger boy in his arms.


He gently enveloped Ash in his arms as he drifted off to sleep. As he pressed his thumb onto his lip and watched as he smiled with a hum of pleasure, he leaned close to his ear and whispered.

"Not how I was planning to confess, but at least she can't have you now"

Before the sun rose, they could both be found asleep in each other's embrace.

Hope you guys liked it! I'm going to be back on track with most of my stuff now because exam season is overrrr! Yay! 

As always, I appreciate you for reading what I write, it really boosts my confidence, and I'd love it if you had any requests for me as I want to write what you guys want to see. Suggestions and criticism is welcome also. :)

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