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Time for some Yandere Alain ;).


Alain waited as patiently as he could to see Ash walk through the door already. He'd been at the airport with (unfortunately) Serena waiting for him for about an hour. When he told them he'd be visiting his mom back in Kanto for a few weeks, he wasn't impressed. And now he had to wait at the airport with her? Ugh.

Finally, he saw his silhouette. He was tempted to run over to him until Serena stole his chance and threw herself onto him. He felt his blood boil as she wrapped her arms around him. It was clear Ash was uncomfortable; he wasn't even hugging back.

"Hey, Alain!" Ash waved.

Alain smiled shyly and slowly waved back. His heart glowed with warmth as Ash looked at him.

"Ash, I missed you so much! Tell me all about it! I wanna spend so much time with you!", Serena started insisting, grabbing Ash's hand in an attempt to drag him away.

To Alain's pleasure, Ash pulled his hand back as gently as he could and awkwardly laughed it off.

"Hehe...Serena, I just got here. I wanna catch up with Alain and everyone else first..."

Serena frowned and childishly crossed her arms. Alain was disgusted with her behavior. She was always so spoiled and horrible when she didn't get her way.

"Fineeee! But make it quick! I want time with you!"

"Kay, got it..."

If Ash wasn't there, he would've ripped her hair off. What was wrong with her? Acting like she deserved Ash all to herself. Ash deserved better than her.

The ride home was awkward, to say the least. Ash sat at the edge next to Alain, who sat in the middle, while Serena sat at the back. He'd insisted for some reason for Ash to sit at the side next to him, but the Professor wasn't having Serena sit at the back. He knew about Alain's feelings, but he should at least try to make Serena feel like there's no grudge against her if he wanted this to work. Ash, as expected, didn't sense any of it. He was happily chatting to Alain, not even noticing how he growled at Serena.

During dinner, Serena, thinking Alain wasn't watching her, tried to shuffle closer to Ash. However, Alain noticed immediately, and made sure she didn't get any affection by stealing Ash's attention. It became a contest for his love.

"So, Ash, did you have fun?"

"Totally! I met a few friends...a bunch of Pokemon too. It was fun, but as weird as it sounds, I was still really looking forward to coming back here. Living in Kalos is great!"

"That's good to hear. I haven't seen you for more than a month. I was missing you too"

Alain blushed heavily as some of the color drained from his face. Professor Sycamore smiled. Seeing Alain so timid when he was talking to Ash revealed a side to him that he liked to see, a side that only appeared when Ash was around.

Suddenly, he saw anger rise in Alain. He looked over to see a hand caressing Ash's arm. He knew immediately this wasn't going to end well.

"Ash...", Serena murmured in a flirty tone. Well, at least she tried to be flirty. To Alain, it was creepy.

Ash was about to turn around when Alain impulsively followed his instincts and grabbed the opposite arm, making him Ash turn back to him. It worked, but now he had to come up with something else.

"Ah, ah, um, I, I just remembered! I have something I'd like you to see. Like, right now. It's really important. Come on!"

Slightly aggressively, he pulled Ash away from Serena and led him out of the room and into the greenhouse. He couldn't help but smile as he watched Ash's expression in awe, his eyes twinkling at the sight of nature. He was so beautiful. He sat him down against a tree and stroked his delicate face with his fingers. Usually, Ash would question things like this, and Alain would have been too shy to do this before he'd confessed, but Ash was tired and Alain had a little to drink, so they were both content with it.

"I really missed you Ash. Every day felt like forever. I just want to have you, I need you", Alain whispered softly as he leaned in.

"Aaaaash! When are you gonna spend time with me? Alone!"

That was it. The last straw. That annoying voice that just punctured his ears, made him want to scream whenever he heard it. He couldn't think anymore, he just wanted Ash. And Serena was ruining everything for him, seemingly on purpose.

He grabbed a rock and furiously threw it without aim. It hit a tree, making it shake and drop a few apples. Most landed on Serena's head as she was drowned in leaves. Alain almost laughed at just hearing her defeat.

"Ah! Ah! Uh, ew! What is this? Ugh, I'll talk to you later Ash!"

As she walked away, Alain turned back to Ash, chuckling with a smile as he leaned in again. The boy was almost asleep now, but he was awake enough to hear Alain's whisper.

"No she won't"

He pressed his lips against Ash's, feeling how soft and moisturized they were. Being tired, Ash didn't have much energy to kiss back, but the cute little effort he made assured Alain that he accepted his feelings. Alain's arms were wrapped around him. His body was flooded with warmth. He pushed his own body against his, forcing him against the tree, pausing for a second to let him breathe. 

"You'll be mine...forever...", he mumbled as he enveloped Ash's waist with his legs, lying his body over his.

Not to rude, but...

Alain: 2     Serena: 0

I know the title should've probably been Megabondshipping vs Amourshipping but I thought it would be weird as I just did that one two parts ago, and I wanted Megabondshipping to be the main focus.

Hope you enjoyed!

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