Diodeshipping vs Amourshipping

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That one time Ash lost to Wulfric in Snowbelle City and he ran away for a little bit.


(For reference because I use it here, 'ai' is 'love' in Mandarin)

The breeze got more and more violent as time passed. Whether it was hours, minutes, or just seconds. He didn't care. The cold constantly felt the same; it was nothing compared to the tangles thoughts in his mind.

He'd disappointed his Pokemon, his friends and even himself twice in a row now. Ash wasn't much of an arrogant person, but he expected more from himself than this. All he could think to do at the moment was dart into the forest, only to return when he knew he could.


His eyes followed the voice. 


"Ash's been gone for ages! I'm really starting to worry. You think we should send out a search party?", Clemont panicked, pacing around the room.

"It's only been, like, an hour. Besides, you're not worrying about Serena", Bonnie moaned.

Clemont glared at her, raising an eyebrow. 'You'd really think I'm bothered about her when my ai might be in danger?', his face expression screamed.


"You are not the Ash I know!"

A ball of snow collided with his face as she ran away. The wind picked up all of a sudden, blowing away his coat. His body plummeted backwards, driving his head into the log. 


Clemont caught a glimpse of the girl sitting out on the front porch. Inhaling sharply, he rushed over to the door, punching it open.

"Where is he? Where's Ash?! Didn't you go to bring him ba-"

"I was! Until he decided to get mad at me. He wouldn't talk to me"

"...So you just left him there?"

"Yeah! Right after I taught him a lesson"

Clemont gritted his teeth, slowly stepping closer.


"I threw snowballs at his face. Think he fell over. I heard somethi-"


Serena was shocked at the sudden outburst. She'd seen Clemont angry before, but never like this. And why was he being so protective over her future husband?

"Wha-..I didn't-"


Serena was really starting to regret telling Clemont what she did. 

"Please come in", Nurse Joy interrupted, "The storm is supposed to get heavy"

Serena had no problem heading inside, ushering Bonnie in along with her. 

"I'm going to go find Ash!"

Bonnie grabbed her brother by the sleeve, yanking him back into the building.

"Clemont, no! It's too dangerous!"

"Exactly! Ash is in danger, I need to-"

"Ash isn't gonna like it if something happens to you, too, you crazy lover!"

"What did you say-"

"Just get in!"


The blizzard blanketed his body. His hand stopped shaking.


The sky seemed to calm it self for a moment. Clemont noticed immediately, and by the time Bonnie could catch him, he was already in front of the forest.

"Clemont, it's gonna come back in a few minutes!"

Serena appeared at the doorway, rubbing her eye.

"Can you guys be quiet? I need my beauty sleep", she yawned.

"I need to go find Ash! I care about him so much, unlike you Serena!"

He disappeared into the forest before another word could be said.

Minutes later, his voice could be heard echoing through the trees, calling Ash's name. He could be seen crying as time slipped away, digging his nails into the snow. 

Pikachu suddenly leaped off of his shoulder, pouncing forward.

"Pika pi!"


"You think Ash is okay?", Bonnie muttered.

"Hmm...I dunno...", Serena mumbled, dipping her face into the pillow.

"You don't actually care, do you? If you did, you wouldn't be sleeping"

Bonnie knew she was listening, although she didn't show it.

"You'd be walking around the room and keep talking about it like Clemont was"

She silently sat up, her back to the other.

"Listen here, you little brat. Ash is mine. What I did to him today, that was just to prepare him for our future together"

"Well, watch how Clemont looks at him and you won't have one"


He was paler than the snow clinging to him. His indigo lips were slightly parted, but frozen as the rest of his body was. There was a red, slightly bloody bruise on the side of his forehead.

"N-n-no-oh, A-Ash...n-no.."

He started to tremble as tears stained his glasses. Shakily, he slipped his hands under the boy's bare arms, and held him close, begging for him to breathe.


"Whatever. Ash'll come back at one point. Besides, he yelled at me, so..."

"So you don't care about him?"


They were both silenced by a tree trunk being shoved into the window by the gale.


The crackling fire dimly lit the cave. It was enough for Clemont to see Ash's lips return to their normal red color, and to dampen his bruise a little so it started to match the color of his skin.

He didn't care what would happen next. The only thing he could think about was whether Ash was going to wake up or not. His mind calculate every possibility, such as the chance he could be in a coma, or that he was simply sleeping. The other logical solution to explain why he hadn't yet awoken was...torturing to think about, to say the least. He tried to distract himself by talking to him, knowing he couldn't hear, but it calmed him somehow. Simultaneously, Pikachu was hearing him. They supported each other, knowing they both loved the trainer in different ways.


"Bonnie, why did you make me come out here? It's so cold", Serena complained.

"Well, maybe it wouldn't be so cold if you covered your legs like the rest of us. And the storm's starting to die down. We need to find them!"

Ignoring the younger girl's remark, Serena stopped as she spotted a light coming from the inside of a cave.

"Finally, something warm!"


"I know, Pikachu, but you can't electrocute him. We're not sure about his condition and that might just make it worse. I want him to wake up as much as you do, but we just need to be patient. Ah, my throat's so dry from being in the cold so much"

"Maybe you should drink some water"

"Yeah, maybe I sho-"

He went rigid. In the corner of his eye, Ash was there shivering so much he could hardly keep still, but he could still maintain a smile. He felt himself tearing up again. He fully faced the younger boy as his breathing stuttered.

"Wouldn't want you to get sick, too"

Clemont pinched his own arm before throwing himself into Ash's arms. He pressed his head down onto his chest, gripping him harder when he heard his heartbeat.


"You think that's Ash and Clemont?"

Bonnie turned to her, copying her brother's face expression from earlier.


"H-How are you? Are you okay? You look really cold, here, take my coat-"

"A-a-ah, no! No, no, Clemont, it's okay. I'll be fine. I already feel bad for you having to run around in the snow to find me"

"We had to do that, too!", yelled a voice from outside.

"Shhhhut. UP. I've HAD it with you!", another voice hissed, "They're having a MOMENT!"

The two ignored the voices and went back to each other.

"Ash I, I was so, I, oh m-my gosh, I was so worried about you! I wanted to punch that-that idiot in the face when she said what she did to you. You have no idea how my heart just...just dropped when I saw you, lying there like that-I thought I'd lost you-I thought I...Ash?"

He stopped his rant when he saw tears shed by the younger boy. Immediately he kneeled down and took his hands in his own.

"Ash? What is it, are you okay?"



He raised his chin, despite a few tears still falling.

"T-Thank you, Clemont"

"Oh, Ash, you don't need to say thank you again just because I saved you-"

"No, it's...it's not that"


"Psht. He should be saying thank you to me. I ran around in the snow for him first"

"Well, yes, but you're also the reason he froze, so shut your gob"


"Thanks for...for caring so much about me"

Clemont's eyes twinkled as he cracked a small smile.

"I hate it when people worry about me. But you...you made me feel really important"

"Because you are important. To me"

Clemont leaned closer, slowly closing his eyes.


"I can't even hear what they're saying anymore"

"Yeah, maybe that's because they're whispering, Serena. They probably know you're here because of how loud you are! Are you usually that bad at stalking people? I thought you were good at it considering you did it to Ash really well"

Serena's face contorted at the insults getting fired at her.


Clemont stroked his dark hair as he slept soundlessly, beaming as he did so.

"Alright, I can't take this anymore!", screamed a familiar voice as footsteps approached.

Serena appeared past the shadows, Bonnie panting behind her.

"I kept her out for as long as I could", she breathed, "Puh-LEASE tell me you confessed already so she can't ruin the moment"

"I mean, she already did, so..."


Serena stomped over to the two, grabbing Clemont by the collar.

"If you think you're the smart one here, you're wrong, you pathetic nerd. Ash is too good for someone like you, although he just barely meets my standards. So why don't you just go back home to your robots and your books, and leave me alone with my future"

Clemont felt a sudden surge of anger. He was never content with confrontation, but this girl was going too far from the start. He grabbed her hand and ripped it off of his clothes, getting to his feet.

"You know, Serena, I tried my best to like you. I really did. But you're problem is you're so...so self-centered. You think the world revolves around you. You think Ash, a person who met you when you were like, eight, belongs to you. Well, guess what, he doesn't. So take your ugly clothes, face and attitude, and leave them in the garbage along with yourself"

The girl was so taken aback she started crying, dramatically running away as if she expected someone to follow her. The siblings rolled their eyes before sitting down, preparing for a long night.

"So...what happened?", Bonnie asked excitedly.

"I confessed! We were both getting so emotional, we kissed, oh, it was so...ah, I don't even know how to describe it!", Clemont retold, waving his hands around like a giddy child.

"I'm so happy for you, Clemont! Plus, I kinda knew you had a thing for him. Phew! Finally, now I don't have to keep asking girls to take care of you just to give you a hint!"

"What hint?"

"One, for you to come out of the closet, and two, for you realize your feelings for Ash"

The two laughed until eventually Bonnie fell asleep under her warm covers. 

Clemont snuggled up next to Ash, placing his chin on his head and wrapping his arms around him so that they were both warm enough to dream peacefully about the other.


Serena sat shivering on a log, unable to move for fear of the dark.

"Maybe if I cut my hair again, I'll change. That's what happened last time. Right, Braixen?"

The fire-type rolled its eyes and continued resting, clutching its branch for warmth. Finally having the opportunity to properly obey its trainer, it refused to share.

Why do I use "..." and "!" so much, it loses the effect if I use too many times.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed and feel free to request!

(This was kinda badly written, but I tried my best. Baoqian, guys)



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