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Haven't done this one on it's own in a while! Enjoy!

***Topics you may find disturbing***

Gary slouched on Ash's bed while Ash sat cross-legged on the floor, leaning on his best friend. It was noon, but as the cold winter wind blew through the leafless trees, the sun got closer and closer to the horizon. The younger boy immediately caught the sight of golden rays gleaming through the curtains.

"Sunset! Gary, come on!", he excitedly urged the other, jumping and trying to pull him off the bed.

"Alright, alright, let's go. It's so cute how you get excited", Gary laughed, picking himself up for the sake of his crush.

A young woman with auburn hair and eyes watched as her son dashed out the front door, followed by a man wearing purple.

"In all the ten years you two have known each other, I can't remember a single day when he missed sunset with you", Delia remarked as the green-eyed man reached the doorstep.

"'Cause there's no way I'm letting that happen", Gary retaliated.

"Listen, I have a surprise for you two when you get back inside. I've been planning this for a few days now"

"Sounds exciting. We'll be back when it's dark"

The two boys sat themselves on the roof. Gary lovingly wrapped his arms around the other, letting his head lean on his shoulder. He admired so much how Ash's eyes glowed so beautifully at the sight of sunset. He wished it would last longer than a few minutes, but these moments were rare for the purpose of treasuring. 

There was silence as the last speck of amber faded away into the night. Ash slowly inhaled and exhaled, humming with delight as he did so. He threw his arms around the man, covering as much of his body as possible. Gary chuckled at his sweet attempt to hug him properly, warming him up as a response.

"We should go in. Your mom said she had some kind of surprise for us"

"Hmm. I know, but the night just started. Can't we stay like this for a little longer?"

Ash moved in closer and stretched his arms around Gary more, in an attempt to keep him on the roof. He smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Okay. Just a little longer. I know why the night is your second favorite time"

Delia heard the door creak open. She hastily got to her position, using her posture to cover up the tall present she had for her son.

"Alright, so, don't freak out...", she started as her son entered the building, "But I have a little something for you"

"What is it mo-"

He froze as his mother stepped aside, revealing the present.

A tall man stood in front of him, hands behind his back. He wore a black t-shirt under a red and white jacket, and light blue jeans. His hair was almost as dark as Ash's. His eyes were the color of blood. You couldn't tell the two apart if there wasn't an age difference.

"I-I'm sorry, but, who are you?"

"I'm your father"

Gary realized quicker than Ash's own mother how his heart stopped there and then. The more his smile faded, the more tears appeared. No. It couldn't be.

"I think you're mistaken", Ash tried to laugh it off, "My dad couldn't possibly be here right now, so-"

"May 22nd, 2005"

Ash froze again. His eyes acted like there was a bright light in front of him. But this was the opposite.

"That's the day you were born. The day I left", the man admitted coldly.

"A-Anyone...could know my birthday"

"You know, I hate to admit it as much as you do, but I'm your dad. I thought you'd be way better, too. Not the ugliest thing I've seen, though"

Ash was strained. He held his arms, digging his nails into pale flesh to distract himself from the tears. He sounded as if he was choking, as if emotional pain was strangling him. Gary wasted no time rushing over to the boy and holding him, ready to fight back at this man. He didn't care that he was Ash's dad. He never would.

"But that's not even the worst part. You're barely successful, especially compared to me. Hardly anyone's ever had a victory against me, yet after years of travelling you still haven't won anything? I assume that's the case, since I've never heard of you, or maybe you're just irrelevant. Be best if you quit"

Gary tightened his reassuring grip on the younger boy, who was on the verge of losing it. Before he could even defend Ash, the man kept belittling him.

"Not sure how you turned out to be so hideous after me and your mother. And short? Skinny? Where are you getting these awful traits from? I'd be happier if it turned out someone else was your dad"

He felt the younger boy clinging to him for comfort, pushing himself to hide his tears.

"But, unfortunately, the burden's on me and your mom. I'm honestly proud of her for not putting you up for adoption"

He could tell without even looking at him that he'd snapped. 

Ash clawed his way out of Gary's arms, grabbing a picture frame from the wall. Before his father could even try to taunt him, he hurled it into the wall, shattering it. Only a few inches away from the man. He and his wife flinched and cowered in fear. Ash went over and locked the door, assuring them they were going nowhere. The bloodthirsty color in his eyes was vengeful, dark and red like his father. 

He'd hurt him for so long, and now it was Ash's turn.

He began to recall everything from his childhood, spitting the first words that came to his head. The two adults backed away every time he came close, their faces contorted after every threat, but Gary saw what was hidden behind his rage.

"I'm tired of hearing about how everything in your life wasn't good enough! Including me. I was just born and you left like that, because you didn't want the responsibility"

Everything he said was true. 

"I practically lived in the hospital, having to go there so many times after getting beaten by bullies. I couldn't even go to school anymore, and being so lonely killed me. I just kept going and going, I thought it would be worth it"

They all knew that.

"I don't even understand the concept of love because I never had any! People call me dense behind my back and laugh at me because I don't know how to recognize it!"

But would they admit it?

"I was ready to give you a second chance to be a part of my life everyday. I went to sleep happy, hoping that you'd be there in the morning. Then, before I knew it, I went to sleep crying, running out of patience"

Gary? Of course he would.

"I didn't know anything about you. I always asked mom, 'When is dad going to come home?', and I never got a real answer. I had to figure out on my own, before my fifth birthday, that dad wasn't coming home. Dad hated me too much to come home. Dad would rather sit on a mountain alone in the cold, living in the snow, rather than being warm and surrounded by people who loves him. Because it would come with the price of coming home"

His mother? Debatable.

"Mom could hardly even raise me because she was too busy working to teach me how to read or walk or write or talk. Either that or she was drinking, telling me I should end it all. And it confused me so much, how after I tried doing that, she always got mad at me. I didn't know whether I was allowed to be alive or not. I felt bad for breathing"

His father? Quite unlikely, as of this moment.

"Because of you, I don't know how to care about myself! I've never felt sorry for myself until now!"

His last sentences escaped him with tears. Almost every word, his voice cracked.

"And now, I'm finally, finally getting and trying to tell people what I want, and you're still trying to make it about you? Even you, who ruined the life I could've had by not even being there, lived through years of isolation knowing there's a little boy out there who cries for you to come back, have the nerve to make me feel worthless?"

The whole room was silent. Ash was out of energy, close to collapsing. Gary, who desperately wanted to pull him into a hug, could easily tell. His mother looked uneasy, staring between her child and her husband, who maintained a straight face through all of it.

"Yes. Because you deserve it"

He'd killed him. He was still standing, completely still, but you could see in his eyes that what he'd just heard had killed him.

"Why do you think I left you in the first place? I don't resent your mother one bit for the years of abuse she put you through. At least she didn't just get rid of you, which I think she should've done. Because now she's used to you. She's nice to you. Maybe she even loves you. Ugh. I can't bare the sight of anyone loving you"

Dead. His soul lay peacefully on the floor with dried tears on its face.

"I didn't come back for you"

The corpse got back to its feet.

"What did I ever do to you?!"

The man wrapped his hands around his child's neck, depriving him of air.

"Don't talk to me like that, you piece of trash"

The husband and wife had blood on their hands. The wife seduced within a matter of seconds, the child lying with his eyes barely open.

"It's about time I abandon you as well"

The child runs out the first door he sees.

"Ash! Ash, get back here. Wait!"

Spinning. He's dizzy. The blisters on his head start to burn.


A friend in tears. Or is he more than that?


The child smiles, his happy mouth ignoring the blood.

"I'm sorry"

Gary gently held the boy in his arms, cuddling him close as he sobbed hysterically.

"For what?"

"I didn't mention you"

Still confused, but the tears lessened.

"What do you mean?"

"Gary...I kept saying I was alone. But you've been with me for more than ten years. I can't believe I forgot that"

There were almost no tears with the exception of tears of joy.

"I lost my mother. I lost my father. Everyone but you has left me. So please, do me a favour...", he paused to press his lips onto the others, despite having bled everywhere, "...And don't join that list. I need you, Gary"

"Ash...", the older boy started, kissing passionately back, "Why would I've stayed all those years if I didn't need you too?"

Ash chuckled weakly as sirens approached. He saw the light from ambulance cars heading their way.

"I love you, Gary"

"You know I love you too, Ash"

That was kinda cheesy, but anyways, hope you guys enjoyed and feel free to request! Have a great day!

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