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I love Megabondshipping way too much haha. 
Warning. Some VERY sensitive and mature topics here. Viewer discretion is advised.

Also this is an AU, same AU from Pokemon GF (Gender Free), where the Pokemon Regions are just places in America and the rest of the world is just like Earth.

This is the first time I write a story with this theme so if you can please tell me how I can improve.

The crisis was over. Team Flare had lost, and the world was saved. Ash, Alain and Professor Sycamore stood and watched the Megalith go up in flames.

"Hey, Alain. How would you like it if Ash and his friends stay at our place for a while?"

"Are you kidding me? I'd love it Professor!"

"Great! Maybe this can be your opportunity know..."

Professor Sycamore nudged Alain in the elbow, chuckling as the other blushed with embarrassment. They both turned to look at Ash, who seemed to be finding it difficult to stand up straight.

"Ash, are you alright?"

Suddenly, his legs gave in and he descended to his knees. Alain caught him by the chest and sat him down.

"Ash, what's wrong?!", Alain yelled as he gently shook the boy's shoulders.

"Ngh...N...Nothing...just...tired", Ash reassured him, panting in between each word.

"Are you sure? You're so pale, and red, you're sure you're not injured?"

"No, no, I'm not. Really, Alain, I'm just really...really tired..."

He gradually began to breathe slower as his eyes closed, resting his head on Alain's chest. Alain smiled as he stroked his hair, admirably getting lost in his dreamy face.

"It's alright, Ash. I'll take care of you. I'll always be there for you"

Sycamore smiled at his heartfelt love confession. It's too bad he wasn't awake.

Once they'd gotten back to the lab, the night was deep. Alain awoke to Sycamore telling him to carry Ash out of the car. He smiled at the thought. It made him excited for the feeling of doing things like that.

He turned to his side, reaching his hand out to feel his beloved's soft skin. However, he felt nothing. He wasn't touching anyone. He rubbed his eyes, making sure to focus, and looked around. No one was there.

He began to panic. His heart was pulsating like crazy. His mind raced with fear.

Professor was about to ask him what was taking so long, when the echo of a bloodcurdling scream surrounded him, sending a shiver down his spine. He already knew at that moment, something was wrong.


"Don't worry, little boy. I won't hurt you too much", Lysandre mumbled sadistically as he raised the bat above his head, and swung it down onto the boy in chains.

His voice was already gone from crying, pleading and begging, and he was so tired that all he could do was sit there with his body confined to the wall, painfully waiting for everything to go black, so he could stop feeling already. But that time never came.

"Aw, exhausted, are we?", Lysandre teased as he knelt down and cupped the boy's tear-stained face.

"Don't worry. I'm going to keep you up for so long, you'll forget what it feels like to sleep"

Without warning, he ripped both of their clothes off and began forcing himself into the child, who moaned in agony from what he was experiencing.

He didn't want to do this. Not forcefully. Not with Lysandre. He wanted it with someone else. Alain.

It was painful for him to even think about that man. He loved him, but he felt so lost now that he was suffering without him.

He could hardly keep his eyes open as he panted in fatigue, shaking and twitching from the aftershocks. Through the blurry window of his sight, he could almost make out a group of armed men with guns busting down the door. Then, finally, everything went black, and he stopped feeling.


Professor Sycamore had been on the phone for hours, while Serena, Clemont, Bonnie and Alain sat there in apprehension. Once they heard him utter "Hello?", then immediately turned around to stare at him as he paced around the room.

"Yes. Uh-huh. W-What?! N-N-No way..."

Alain's heart sunk as he watched the Professor's reactions.

"Y-Yes. I'll be right there"

He abruptly ended the call and headed towards the door.

"I'm going to get Ash. No one's coming with me"


Professor Sycamore tore the doors apart as he ran through the police station. He got to a single room, slowed down and took the time to look at his surroundings.

A police officer, gaping at the victim with sorrow in his eyes, clearly feeling sorry for him.

Lysandre, practically being held down by about ten policemen, fighting to escape.

Ash, the victim, curled up against the wall with his chin on his knees. He looked dead. His dull eyes stared into the endless distance; Sycamore wasn't even sure he noticed he was there.

"What did he do to him?", the Professor inquired with a shaking voice as he slowly stepped closer to him.

"Beat him up pretty badly with some weapons, drugged, raped..."

The Professor flinched brutally as he heard the last word. A fourteen year old, raped by an insane middle-aged scientist. That was going to scar him forever. He'd never forget it.

"Oh, Ash..."


Everyone was told to go to bed before Sycamore arrived and carried Ash inside, before dialing 911. While waiting for them, he couldn't help but shed a few tears himself. Not only would Ash be traumatized from this, but how would Alain take it? Ash was his world. He was everything. The Professor felt horrible just thinking about how much the two boys would blame themselves for it.

But that wasn't important right now. He'd have to be the one to look Ash's parents in the eye and tell them with his own voice that their son was raped and abused under his care.


The next morning, Professor Sycamore brought Alain on his own to the kitchen. And sat down with him.

"Okay. I'm gonna let you go and see Ash at the hospital now. Keep in mind, what happened to him was horrible"

Alain nodded along with every command the Professor gave him. He looked so emotionless, but on the inside, he was terrified of every possibility there was that could've happened.

"I'm not gonna tell you what happened. Ash will tell you, if he wants to. I'm only letting you go because he wants to see you"


Alain carefully crept into the room as he carefully slid the door close. He etched his way closer to Ash, already starting to tear up at the sight of bandages and bruises on his body.

He softly shook the boy awake, removing the gas mask as his eyes fluttered open. Just seeing how weak he was laying there, Alain had to cover his mouth after he choked up a few tears.

"A...Al...Alain...", Ash muttered with a smile as the older male pulled him into a hug.

"Ash, I was so worried!", Alain burst into tears, allowing himself to breakdown now that he knew Ash was with him, "When I realized you weren't there I screamed so loud, then me and the Professor searched the whole car, then he spent forever calling the police and when he left to go get you, I kept asking myself if he was gonna come back with you, and I didn't get to see you until now, and I, I just, Ash I-"

"Shhhh, it's okay. Speak slowly. I'm listening", Ash reassured as he pat the other's back, regaining the ability to feel at peace now that he knew Alain was with him.

You know, from our point of view, Ash is pretty calm considering what happened to him.

"Please, I wanna know what happened. If it's messed up, I don't care. I need to know, Ash!"

Ash carefully pushed Alain off of him, although it was difficult, as he was clinging on. He took a deep breath. Now it was his turn to talk, Alain's turn to listen.

"I wanna tell you something"

Alain listened closely, restricting himself from any distraction.

"I...I was an accident. Sort of. My dad and my mom were happily married. One night, I don't know, something went wrong, and he, um...yeah. And I was born. He ran away after that"

Alain knew what he was talking about, but he couldn't help but notice that Ash missed out the word, seemingly on purpose.

"He's been on a Pokemon journey for years, like my granddad. No one's heard of or from any of them, not even on the internet. And my grandmother died of terminal illness soon after I was born, was just my mom, stuck with me. She treated me pretty well considering I wasn't supposed to happen"

Alain's chest tightened as Ash opened up about his life. For such an optimistic kid, he'd suffered so much at such a young age.

"So, I never really had much of a family. My mom cried about our situation a lot, and I had to comfort her. I didn't mind, of course, but no one was really there for me either. Especially when I was getting bullied"

So that's why he was always so selfless. No one was ever there for him. He'd been growing up thinking he didn't matter.

"So, I went on a Pokemon journey of my own, so that maybe I could build a new family. With my Pokemon. I thought that..."

Alain's heart sunk as a tear slipped from Ash's glassy eyes. As his voice cracked and shook.

"I thought would be fun. That I'd get great experiences out of it. But now, I..."

Seeing Ash get so emotional was shattering him.

"Now I just know how my mom feels"

Alain was confused. Looked down, thought for a while, then it hit him. No, it couldn't be.

"You...your got..."

The bruises. Why he didn't say the word. Why the Professor was so upset. It all came together, no matter how much he didn't want it to.

"Y-You got..."

"That's right"

A waterfall of tears streamed down Ash's cheeks. He wasn't stopping himself this time.

"I got raped"

Alain's heart broke. His Ash, who he'd loved and cherished so much, suffered a casualty no one should've suffered. Even worse, it brought him back to such a horrible thing in his life that he was so ashamed of. He didn't deserve this.


As Alain pulled him into a tight hug, it was as if Ash had forgotten how to hold back. He sobbed into Alain's chest, grasping his jacket ever so tightly with his shaking hands.

"P-Please...", Ash cried, "D-Don't ever let go..."

"It's okay, Ash. I'll always stay with you", Alain soothed him, kissing his forehead. Ash had reassured him more than once before. Alain ought to give him the same.

"I-I need you...I-I need...someone...w-who won't e-ever hurt me, p-please, I can't...I can't take it anymore..."

"Listen to me", Alain whispered as he pulled away to face him, "I kinda feel like this is my fault, like I should've protected you, but I'll always stay with you, no matter what. If I don't, make me stay. I'll do the same with you. We'll always be together. And if I hurt can slap me in the face"

Ash chuckled weakly, tears still tumbling down. His grip on Alain's jacket loosened to cover his mouth as he laughed. Alain took hold of his wrist and pulled it away.

"Hey, don't do that. Your laugh is cute. Everything about you is cute"

Ash continued to laugh in exhaustion, starting to lay back onto the pillow. Alain noticed and tenderly nudged him fully onto the pillow, aware that he was in a state where he wouldn't remember anything he did. Kind of like a drunk person.

"You're so, so cute", Alain mumbled while caressing Ash's cheek.

He got up to leave, but he felt something grab his wrist and pull him back. He looked in it's direction.

"No...please...stay with me...please?"

He smiled and even went a little red as he went to sit back down on Ash's hospital bed. He played with the younger one's hair as he drifted off to sleep.


Alain shuffled around in the bed the hospital provided for him. He was lucky he was in a hospital where visitors were allowed to stay overnight with the patients in their room.

He looked to his right, where Ash was facing him, squeezing his hand with his own. A single tear rolled down his cheek.

"Are you upset? We can talk about it, it's okay", Alain asked kindly as he sat up slightly.

"No", Ash shook his head, "I'm just happy"

Alain's heart glowed as he lay back down, his hand still enveloping Ash's.

"I feel bad after what happened...kinda feel like it's my fault... but for once in my life, someone loves me so much that they'll stay with me, and always be there for me, and make me feel...important"

Alain placed his arm around Ash's back, embracing him warmly.

"You'll never have to live without that again, Ash"


Alain walked down to the kitchen, to find the Professor waiting for him.

"So...Ash and his mom have been calling each other back and forth. She tells me you've been doing well. I'm proud of you"

"Thanks! Wait...why are you talking to Ash's mom?"

"O-Oh, uh, just to get Ash's personal info, for emergencies, of course, since Ash is living here with you now, so..."

"Oh, really?"

Alain eyed the Professor suspiciously.

"Mmmmmm....okay! Fine! I wanna ask her out. She's just so nice and awesome!"

"I guess it runs in the family"

Sycamore smiled at how open Alain was with his relationship. He'd always been so cold-hearted. Never wanting to be close to anyone. Then Ash comes along, and they're suddenly sharing a life together. Even Alain had finally found that special someone.

"Hey, if I can get with Ash, you can get with his mom"

"Yeah, I guess I can. But don't say anything about it when she gets here"

"Ash's mom is coming here?"

"Yeah. She just wants to see Ash, the place he's staying in, you know. Anyone would be skeptical after...that"

Alain knew exactly what he meant when he referred to it as 'that'. Ash, the victim of 'that' didn't even refer to it at all. He didn't talk about it, and ignored anyone who did. Well, to be fair, he is just 14, and it only happened about a month ago.

"Yeah, I know. But I'm glad I've been able to make Ash happy. I'm not just treating him like this now because of 'that'. I'm going to give him my best forever"

There was a knock on the door. Alain opened it to see a woman with Ash's bright eyes and cushiony, small red lips.

"Hi. I'm Delia Ketchum, Ash's mom", she introduced herself as she shook his hand, "You must be Alain"

"I am"

She looked to the side, behind Alain, and waved playfully.

"Hey, Sycamore"

From behind Alain's back, Sycamore was blushing and waving back, smiling nervously. Alain rolled his eyes at the sight and went back to Delia.

"I just want to say...I'm so grateful to you for making him feel like a real person in this world. Even I didn't care enough about his existence because I was often too busy upsetting myself over my own problems. When 'that' happened to me, I blocked everything else off in my life for years, to focus on myself. And now, Ash has gone through it, and it's only been a month, but he seems better already. Thanks to you"

Alain nodded to accept her thanks. Admittedly, he was quite proud of himself as well. Wanting to see Ash happy made him do anything.

"I just came to see how he was doing, but it's early in the morning on a Saturday, he's probably sleeping. I might as well get to know you. Maybe share things with you. You are his boyfriend, after all...and you'll always be"

Alain's smile began to fade. Why was she reassuring herself?

"You'll never leave Ash. Right?"

Then he remembered. This woman's husband and parents weren't there for her when she needed them most. No wonder her and Ash were so paranoid about being left behind.

"Of course. I've always promised to stay with him no matter what"

"Good. I wish that's something my husband would've said"


They sat down in the living room. The Professor next do Delia, etching his way closer every five minutes or so, and Alain on the opposite side on his own.

"When Ash was younger, I wasn't really there for him, as you probably know. It was too much of him being there for me, and he was getting bullied a lot, so now he doesn't really care about himself, because he thinks he doesn't need to"

Alain's heart glowed again. Hearing so much about someone he treasured more than anything in the world was something only he could enjoy in a special way.

"Despite all the time he spent on his own, he hated being alone. Probably why he's so happy spending time with you. He never feels alone with you. He tells me things like this"

It made his eyes sparkle knowing he made Ash feel so special and well treated.

"He used to do things like climb trees, and play with Pokemon sometimes. We're a traditional Chinese-Japanese family, so being around so many American kids wasn't so easy for him"

"Really? Are you guys from Asia?"

"Yeah, his dad was from China. I'm from Japan. We met at my home in Tokyo and, well, you know what happened next..."

Indeed he did.

"After 'that', a lot of people lost respect for me, so I had to immigrate with my baby to America, and came to the Pokemon Regions, since Pokemon are everywhere here. I want Ash to be surrounded with friends who'll keep him safe. And I know you'll do that"

The fact that his mother trusted him so much, made him think about how much Ash himself trusted him.

"Ash knows both me and his father's languages, he learnt them first, and it took quite a while for him to learn English, being such a young age. That's one of the reasons why he was bullied, aside from not having a father"

He couldn't possibly imagine it, especially for someone so positive that he loved so much, to have grown up knowing his father was out there and didn't want anything to do with him.

"What I'm trying to say is...please, please, please take care of him. He's already gone through the first part of what I went through. Don't make him suffer the second part. I've always been careful when I let people get close to my son, because me and him have both dealt with way too much. And now you come along, and...and you love each other. And I'm happy. But, if you ever think about hurting him, remember what that little boy's been through. Okay?"

"Yes, Ms. Ketchum. I've promised him I'm never going to hurt him, I'm a man of my word. Plus, if I do, he gets to slap me in the face, so..."

Delia and Sycamore laughed briefly before she stood up and headed towards the door. Alain and Sycamore went after her.

"Wait! You've only been here for an hour! Don't you want to see Ash?"

"At least stay for dinner!"

Delia looked at Sycamore.

"Maybe another time"

As the Professor moped in his rejection, Delia shifted her gaze to Alain.

"I know you'll take care of him"

Alain felt his chest, his heartbeat skipping.

"Besides, I call him everyday. I don't need to watch over him like a baby anymore. He's a teenager now. Bye, you two! I'm in Kanto, if anyone ever needs me, but I have a bunch of one-way tickets just in case!"

With that, the woman sped away in her car.


Ash woke up to a bright sun, lighting up the blue sky and cotton white clouds. Sleepily, he yawned and turned on his phone.

"It's almost noon?! Geez, I need to start, getting up in the morning..."

As he sat up, Alain greeted him with a fleeting kiss.

"Morning, sleepyhead...", Alain murmured as he wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, embracing him with affection.

"Morning...", Ash replied sweetly, lying back, letting Alain lie on top of him.


"More like lunch, but...sure"

Ash giggled as his boyfriend pulled him out of bed, carrying him down the stairs before playfully throwing him onto the floor.

Sycamore watched the two lovers with contentment. They were so, so perfect for each other.


After a long day, hanging out with Pikachu and the rest of his Pokemon, Ash got to his room to find a note on his bed. Written in Mandarin. Reading the note, he chuckled as he shook his head.

"You've definitely used Google Translate for this", he muttered as he looked through his wardrobe.



Alain turned around from adjusting his tuxedo, to see Ash, except you'd think it was someone else.

He was wearing a gorgeously colored kimono, with hanfu-like patterns stretched across it. His hair was decorated with ribbons and classical Chinese hairpins, and around his neck was a golden necklace lined with shiny string.

He made his way into Alain's arms, allowing the other to wrap his arms around his waist as he looked up at him.

"Guess you knew what I was talking about when I told you to dress up", Alain whispered lovingly.

"Only for you", Ash whispered back as their lips met passionately.

Alain took his hand and lead him into a garden.

"I wanna show you something. I spent hours on this. The Professor helped me too"

He made Ash shut his eyes, leading him down a pathway.

"Open your eyes"

Now, Ash's heart glowed.

Throughout the garden were lanterns, floating around like flying stars. The walls were lined with sakura cherry blossoms, raining into the reflective blue ponds that gleamed in the moonlight, like the lush green grass that sparkled silver. At the end, there was a huge tree, with writing carved into it.

Ash walked towards it, Alain trailing behind him, still holding each other's hand.

'Alain + さとし'

Alain watched as Ash's starry eyes shimmered with awe. How his delicate little fingers brushed over the surface of the carved writing. His amazing smile of fascination. 

In Alain's opinion, he really didn't deserve Ash. He was just so lucky to have him.

"Your mom told me how to write your name", Alain explained, throwing his arms around his neck, "This way, I can make my promise to you that we'll always be together. That I'll do anything for you. Because I..."

Ash turned to look at him. His soft eyes melted his heart. He threw himself onto the older male, gifting him a most passionate kiss.

"I love you. You're beautiful, and smart and brave. Even after everything you've been through, you still keep going. And even without trying, you're just so adorable, and cute. And you're filled with so much wonder and life, you've changed me so much, I can't imagine a life without you. You're so precious to me you don't even know it. Watashi ai anata, Satoshi-kun"

Ash's eyes glimmered in such a lovely way, Alain knew he'd touched a part of him that was home, a part of him that he'd always kept secret. He was confessing to him, except this time, he was awake.

"Aran-kun. Arigato guzaimasu. Watashi ai anata"

Alain chuckled as he leaned in for a kiss.

"Your mom only taught me to say 'I love you'. She didn't tell me any of that..."


Ash soon fell asleep in his embrace, still wrapping his arms around him. Alain lay down, gently lying him down onto the breezy blades of grass. Unconsciously, Ash shifted closer to him, resting his hands and cheek on his chest, nuzzling in, as if for warmth. Alain kissed the sleeping boy's forehead, smiling one last time, before falling asleep himself.


That's probably the longest thing I've written that's only one part long. Also, I get annoyed because I tend to reuse things like ellipsis (...), and I try not to reuse the same adjective/adverb twice, but I don't know why, oh well. I might make this into a little series where Ash and Alain live together, or something.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Sorry if it was a little too dark. 

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