Megabondshipping vs Flameshipping

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This is the ship name for Ash x Lysandre. Credit for the name goes to Sakurablossem3.

Warning. I'm not sure how to define this, I don't want to say p********a in case that isn't the case here, but Lysandre gets a bit intimate with Ash, and I'm not sure of Lysandre's age, so if you think you'll find this disturbing, you might want to skip this Oneshot.

Ash had collapsed from absorbing the mass amounts of Mega Evolution energy. Alain ran to his side while Lysandre chuckled. He watched Alain pick him up with ease, carry him like a bride and onto his Charizard.

"Not so fast!" Lysandre yelled, throwing a grenade just as Charizard was about to take off. Ash fell headfirst onto the cold, hard concrete, struggling to breathe and shaking from the cold. Alain, unharmed as Ash was in front of him and took the blow from the grenade, tried to run to him, but the hovering orbs that had previously held Ash hostage grabbed onto his arms, restraining him. Lysandre walked up to Ash with a psychotic smile.

"Don't touch him!", Alain screamed.

Lysandre kneeled down next to Ash and held him up by the shoulders. He glared at Alain with the most devious glare, before pulling the unconscious boy into a hug. Alain's face expression varied from sadness, to disgust, to anger. It was horrible to do that to a kid, especially in front of him, knowing how he felt, but it was also creepy for an almost-40-year-old to be showing this kind of affection towards a minor.

Alain felt his feet skidding across the concrete, but he wasn't moving them. Something wasn't right. He looked up to see the orbs dragging him along the building, bringing him closer to the edge. His heart sped up.

"What? What are you-no! Wait!"

With each second he was taken closer to his death against his will, his panic escalated. Time was against him. He saw Lysandre caress Ash's cheek as his cap blew out of sight, which increased his pain. To see his loved one hurt, and even worse, in the hands of a maniac. Lysandre pressed a button on a remote, and suddenly the orbs flew faster. It didn't take long for Alain to piece things together.

"The remote! It's the remote!"

Ten meters away from the edge.

"What did I do?! W-We can work this out!"

Five meters away from the edge.

"Ash will never love you! Let me go!"

One meter away from the edge.


Alain fell to the floor. The orbs had let go of him. He'd initially assumed Lysandre had given in to his frantic cries, though he knew the last one was a lie. But as soon as he saw Ash's scrunched up hand on top of the broken remote, he knew that wasn't the case.

"Ash, you're awake!"

He ran to Ash, hoisted him up by his arms and squeezed him into his chest, as if he couldn't let go. Not like he wanted to.

Lysandre sat and watched Alain express his love. He was expected to frown, but he was smiling. Grinning. His mouth was spread so widely it gave Alain the feeling this moment wasn't exactly a happy one. He'd realized then that Ash hadn't actually moved or spoke at all since he got to him. Slowly, as his smile faded, he sat the boy down, letting him rest on his arm. He placed his free hand on his chest, looking to feel something. His heart sped up as it had before.

'It's probably...just because his clothes are thick...'

Looking at Ash's pale, paralyzed body and face, Alain took two guesses. Either he was just tired and weak from the injuries, as he should've been, or...

He didn't want to think of any other options.

"Ash...are you okay?"

He'd expected his own tone to be soothing and light, but instead, he spoke in a low voice, though it was still obvious he was worried.

'He's probably just sleeping...'

He stared as Lysandre's smile got bigger.

'The wrist'

No pulse.

'The neck'

No pulse.

He started to breathe heavily as he put his hand to his mouth. Endless tears flowed down his dry cheeks. With a look of both threat and fear, he shifted his gaze to the man sitting in front of him.

"Oh..was the Mega Evolution energy too much? I guess kidnapping a tired League entrant after his disappointing loss would do some damage. Maybe if the energy was more than enough to push the Legendary Pokemon Zygarde over the edge, it'd be too much for his frail body to handle, don't you think?", Lysandre teased slyly.

Alain choked on his own words. He couldn't say anything. He knew what to say, but he was too scared and shocked to even open his mouth without trembling.

"...Including the fact that he's freezing, of course. Unlike you and me, he's not wearing long sleeves. I mean, how couldn't he freeze to death at this-"

A fist of rage barged into his jaw, causing him to howl in pain. Alain lightly placed Ash on the floor and kicked Lysandre in the face. The old man descended to a lying position, but he wasn't done with him yet. He continued to jab his foot into every inch of his body, piercing his sharp boots into his ribs and his elderly knees. A swift kick for every second of heartache he had caused him. For every second of life he had taken away from Ash.

Soon, he ran out of energy and fell to his knees, finally allowing himself to sob. He knew that no matter how many times he beat Lysandre up, no matter how many tears fell from his eyes, it wouldn't change the fact that he was too late to save the one he loved. 

"You know...I didn't do it for the Bond Phenomenon..."

Lysandre, shaking and barely awake...sat up, somehow still maintaining his wicked smile.


"We're more similar than you think, Alain...we may not have the same views, but...we both love the same people"

Alain's eyes widened in a horrible realization. How could he even look at this man.

" different ways..."

Alain's heart went numb. He thought he'd defeated him. He thought all those kicks and punches gave him victory. But no, he was defeated once again. An emotional defeat.

"You know what? I got what I wanted. Ash is more than enough"

He held a holo caster in front of his face as the image of another old man appeared.

"Xerosic, cancel everything. I got the boy"

"Well done, Master. I must say, quite an extra act just to get one boy, but at least now the world with think nothing happened"

The image disappeared and Lysandre took a minute or two to stand up and then carry the boy in his arms. It was only then that Alain came to his senses and started to feel again.

"No! You can't do this! You've already killed him!"

That last sentence hurt Alain to say, more than he'd expected.

"I can do whatever I want. He's mine"

Lysandre walked off. Alain started after him, but the hovering orbs that zoomed in front of him convinced him otherwise. He stood hopelessly still and stared at the ground. He had lost. Not only his dignity and pride, but the person who gave him reason to love. Who did he love now?

-One week later-

Alain stood at the door of Lysandre Labs, with a bunch of police behind him. It had took them a while, but eventually the police gathered all the forces necessary to punish Lysandre and his company for their crimes. He was going to take them down, but wasn't going to get any fun out of it. He didn't have anyone special to show it to, anyway.

Lysandre unknowingly sat happily in a big room at the top of his lab, filled with jars of specimens and small bags of drugs, his experimental room, where he had his own sick fun. The most noticeable furniture was the many shelves stacked with illegal substances. Well, besides the lifeless-looking boy with black hair sitting next to it. His eyes were only half open, but they were dull, as if he was dead. He was wearing a blue jacket, with a peculiar label of 'DOLL' on the sleeves. The mad scientist sat down next to it and stroked its face.

Groups of men in dark blue uniforms spread out and searched the building from top to bottom, arresting anyone in sight. Having worked there before, Alain knew the blueprint of the building. After talking to him, they were all heading to the big room near the top of the lab...

Lysandre gasped as he heard his door broken down and smashed to the ground. He was pulled away from his toy by two policemen, struggling to break free. He wouldn't let them take his doll away. He grabbed a white bottle of clear liquid from a shelf and spilled it onto them both, forcing them to back away in pain form the toxic liquid. As it was clearly a bad idea for anyone to approach this dangerous man, the other police called for backup while they protected the area, ensuring he couldn't escape, though they had to leave the room. Alain appeared as they all left, his emotionless face echoing through Lysandre's mind. He thought of every cursed name he could before running up to the man and grabbing a saw from the shelf.


Seconds before his head was sliced in two, an axe blocked his attack and knocked the weapon from his hands.


He stood there defenseless. Who was holding the axe? The same young boy with black hair and blue jacket, except this time, his eyes were colorful and bright. Just like Alain's when he saw him.

"A-Ash...? But I thought you..."

"It's called a coma, genius", Ash explained while looking back and smiling, "Sometimes people in a coma can seem like they're dead, and they breathe unnaturally. Since you've studied in a lab before, I thought you'd know that"

Alain changed from being shocked and in disbelief, to feeling every positive emotion there was to feel. He could feel again. He knew for sure then, that it was Ash who gave him life and emotions. He gave him a reason to live.

"But, wait...if you've just been in this lab for a week and everyone thought you were dead, haven't drank or eaten anything"

"...I know"

Ash dropped the axe and started to fall forwards, but Alain caught him in his arms and knelt down so Ash could sit.

"...But I knew you'd catch me...", he said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around Alain's neck.

Just then, all of Alain's emotions hit him at once. He allowed himself to sob into Ash's thick raven hair, hugging the boy back so tightly he dug his fingernails into Ash's back.

"I...I missed"

"It's okay. I'm okay now. Don't cry"

"You saved my life. Thank you, Ash. Thank you, I-"

There was a pause. He felt tense for a moment. Should he say it? What if Ash rejected him? What if Ash judged him? He then felt a change. No longer tense, now warm and calm. He could see Ash's smile without even looking at it. Ash chuckled.

"I know. I love you too, softie"

"Hey! I-I'm not..."

"Hahaha...just kidding..."

He felt Ash's arms slip from the back of his neck. Of course. He was dehydrated and starving.

"Come on. We need to go to the hospital to check you. Might as well get you food and water while you're there. Wouldn't want my boyfriend starving to death, would I?"

He heard one last adorable chuckle before he stopped feeling movement of Ash's arms. Carefully, he picked him up bridal style and carried him out of the room.

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