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This was a request from Syllinsa. 

Ash and Gary sat on the beach, watching the waves follow each other. Gary shifted his gaze to Ash's eyes, which were glowing beautifully in the sunset, creating a spectrum of honey, chocolate and maroon. He then stared at his smile, which resembled an equal feeling of love and happiness. 

"So...kissed by a legendary, huh?"

Ash's face flushed and he blushed so hard you could tell it wasn't from the sun.

" mean...that one time..."

"Yeah! It was so cool! I think Tapu Lele really loves Ash!", Kukui exclaimed, appearing behind them.

"Y'know, I think the other Legendary Pokemon in Alola like you too! Tapu Koko and Tapu Bulu keep trying to get close to you!"

Lillie and Mallow appeared from behind, with Lana next to them, all grinning deviously. Kiawe jumped in front of them.

"I'm pretty sure Tapu Fini's got somethin' for you too"

"And Nebby. Nebby loves you! He feels so safe around you!"

"Oh, I know, Nebby adores him! I never knew Tapu Lele kissed him though! When did that happen?"

"Professor Kukui saw it"

"I did, it was so cute"

"It seems like all the Legendary Pokemon of Alola really take interest in Ash!"

Ash sat there awkwardly covering his face with his hands while Gary was silent, not knowing what they were talking about as he wasn't native to Alola. He wasn't quite sure how to feel about this conversation.

"Um, you guys, we're...tryna have a moment here..."

Lillie, Lana, Mallow, Kiawe and Professor Kukui all stopped and glared at Gary with blank faces, before making their escape out of the beach.

"Hahaha...they're really funny sometimes..."

"So...the stuff they were saying was true?"

"Yeah, I guess. I don't like to say these things about myself, usually. But, I think it's safe to say Tapu Koko isn't the first to take interest in me. The other Pokemon really like me too. I don't know why..."

Gary leaned closer.

"Well, did you know that I feel the same way?"


"Did you know that...I like you too?"

Gary leaned in for a kiss, but was delivered a slap instead. He drew back and rubbed his cheek, staring at Ash in dismay.

"What was that for?!"

"LIKE me? You LIKE me? That's funny, you know. Considering you made fun of me for years and years just because I don't come from some great family, or that my granddad doesn't work in a lab, even though you KNOW for a fact that all of my grandparents are either dead or missing. 

"I put up with you calling me stupid, poor, and lame. I dealt with you calling me and idiot and saying I could never be a Pokemon Master. You also said some pretty sensitive stuff about how my mom's mother died from a disease while Mom was pregnant with me, and how her father and my dad are both on Pokemon Journeys and still aren't successful. Then you'd cover it up with the fact that both of your parents are dead. 

"At least you got to see them and say goodbye to them, you know?! I've never met my dad, or my grandparents, and all the information I have on them is from my mom, who lied at first because she didn't want me to hate my dad. But I do hate my dad. And now I hate you even more. You might actually like me, but you have a funny way of showing it"

Ash stood up to leave, but Gary grabbed his arm. He opened his mouth to say something, but Ash's voice came first, which usually wasn't the case.

"...And never once...", he uttered, peering at Gary with teary eyes, "...have you had the dignity nor the courage to apologize to me..."

He shook his hand from Gary's, sprinting away. Lillie, Mallow, Lana, Kiawe and Kukui all apared behind him with disgusted faces.

"Way to go, loser", Lillie growled.

"Do you really expect him to accept your feelings after years of what most people could call bullying?", Mallow asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"You're a jerk, not just for hurting Ash, but think of your family's name. You can't just mess around with your family's reputation, you know...", Lana wagged her finger.

"I'm disappointed in you. Some teens these days just don't know how to act", Kiawe scolded, seeing Kukui nod in agreement.

"Y'all don't even know me!", Gary yelled at the group as he leaped back and placed his hands on his hips, pulling a face.

"Stop trying to act cool, punk", Lillie confronted, stepping forward, "I've got family issues too, and, let me tell you, it's not something to joke about. In my opinion, Ash is better off with any Legendary Pokemon on this island. Preferably one that doesn't make him feel like trash"

They all walked around him, mumbling negatively as they did. Gary stood still, his arms drooped to his sides.

'I feel...smaller, and...stupid', he thought, 'Is this what Ash feels like when I make fun of him?'

-A few hours later-

All were asleep but Ash and Gary. Gary sat outside Ash's door, hearing nothing. 

Ash sat on his bed, tears streaming down his face. How could Gary like him? He was only starting to forgive him for all the horrible things he'd do when they were younger, even without an apology. He was even expecting one, but he never realized Gary thought that what he was doing was just a fun game for him.

Tapu Lele leaned in to kiss him, to make him fall asleep and relieve him of his stress, but he backed away and smiled sadly.

"No, thanks...I don't really wanna fall asleep right now, Lele"

The Pokemon cuddled up to his chest, as did Tapu Koko. He cuddled them both, placing his chin on their heads. 

Tapu Bulu and Tapu Fini leaned on either side of his small waist, drying his tears from his face first. Nebby sat on his head and rested in his hair. Ash chuckled.

"Heh...thanks, guys. At least I know someone, or rather, something, that really loves me without saying"

A loud knock pounded the door.

"Ash, let me in!"

"Gary, don't break the door down and don't be so loud, everyone else is sleeping"

"Ash, please-"


Ash's scream echoed through the walls and through the hallways. Through the ears of those listening. Through their minds.

Silence remained, before it was broken by a loud crash. Ash turned around to see Gary standing in his doorway.

"Did you just-"

"I'm not gonna stop until you talk to me!"

The Legendary Pokemon hovered defensively in front of Ash, looking more threatening than Gary had expected.


"You think you can all stop me! Ha! Watch!"

Gary grabbed a large broken piece of the wood from the wreckage of the door, and charged.


Another loud crash. Tapu Lele, Koko, Bulu, Fini, and Nebby stared in shock. At Ash lying on the floor with a bleeding head. Gary dropped the piece of wood and fell to his knees.


'I never expected this to get so serious. I thought that when I came here, Ash would gladly accept my confession and we'd be together. But I...I was arrogant. I've never even apologized to him, and I expected him to be my boyfriend? I can't believe I was so stupid'

He crawled over to Ash and held the boy in his arms.

"Ash, wake up"

As expected, the boy's eyes remained closed and his mouth remained shut. Gary held the boy close to his chest sobbing into it.


It was easier to think of apologizing than to actually do it. Was he really going to say sorry? That wasn't even a question. The love of his life was slipping into a concussion.

"I'm sorry. For everything. I should never have joked about your family, or called you names, or made you feel any less than I am. mean so much to me, and I didn't know how to show you, so I thought bullying you would let you know how much I love you. I know now that I only hurt you. I made you feel horrible, and that was never my intention. I just wanted to be close to you. I'm sorry, Ash. I'm so, so sorry"

He turned to the left to see Lillie, Mallow and Lana standing in the doorway, holding their hands together and smiling. He turned to his right to see the Legendary Pokemon cooing with happiness. He wasn't quite sure what to do, but he knew at that point, even without words, that he'd made things right.

The girls went to help Kukui and Kiawe with the ambulance and the Legendary Pokemon went back to where they were supposed to be, leaving Ash and Gary alone.

"I'm so sorry, Ash. Please don't have a concussion. Please wake up. I'm sorry"

He pleaded and pleaded and pleaded, but never saw his eyes open. He dipped his head down in sorrow.

Wait, what was that weak, soft whisper?

"That's...", the whisper said, "That's all I ever needed to hear"

A moment of pleasant silence before Gary spoke.

"Did you know something?"

"That you love me. Did you know something?"

"That you love me too"

Thank you Syllinsa for giving me this idea. I hope it was good enough for everyone and I hope this was what you were expecting (let me know if it wasn't).

Palletshipping is Lillie, Mallow and Lana's OTP :)

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