Megabondshipping vs Palletshipping

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I think it's safe to say Megabondshipping is my favorite OTP (Only True Ship) XD

Anyway, enjoy this weird content that you guys love for some reason!

P.S. I know this kind of spoils the One Shot a little bit, but I'm sorry if some of these seem repetitive or boring to any of you, because for some reason, I feel like they're all unoriginal compared to each other. I tend to write AU's that could be possible if applied to the canon perspective of Ash's life, because, personally, I like things like magic and supernatural things. I'm not running out of ideas, I just want to make people happy. So, if you have any ideas, please tell me and I will most likely write it for you :).

Ash and Gary sat on the edge of Clemont's gym. After Ash's journey in Kalos, his mother announced that they'd be moving to Lumiose City, and of course Ash was excited, since that meant he'd see Alain a lot more often. When he mentioned that part of his excitement to Gary, while he broke the news to him, he wasn't too happy. Luckily, Professor Oak said he was old enough to make his own decisions, so he bought an apartment in that same city, quite close to Ash's new house.

"I'm glad you let me and my mom stay with you in your apartment until our house is ready to move into", Ash thanked while staring out into the sunset.

"No problem", Gary replied, staring into Ash's orange and brown eyes. They looked just like the sunset, but they were more beautiful. Ash was more beautiful than anything, in Gary's eyes.

"Alain was really happy when I told him. He tried not to show it, but then he just gave in, and we had a good laugh about it"

Gary went silent. He didn't like the fact that someone else was happy about Ash moving to Kalos. Especially since this 'Alain' guy Ash was telling him about seemed to be interested in him, from the way Ash described him. And he knew how dense Ash was, so he always told every little detail there was to know about this guy, because he wasn't aware of what to hide and why he had to hide things like this from Gary in the first place. It was all a different language to him.


"Huh? Oh. Yeah?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You just kinda went quiet..."

"Oh, um, sorry, I was just thinking. You know, since I'm studying Pokemon, I might get lots of opportunities if I work with Professor Sycamore"

"Oh yeah, that's right!"

They were both silent for a few minutes. Partly because they didn't know what else to say, and partly because they wanted to watch the sunset. Gary decided to watch Ash instead.

"So...what reason did you give Alain for moving?"

"Oh, I just said my mom found a new job. I think he bought it, from the look on his face"

"He doesn't know about you, right?"

"No, of course not! I mean, I haven't told him"

"Phew. Because I don't know about you, Ash, but that Alain guy, he's just"

"So what?", interrupted a voice from behind.

The two boys looked over their shoulders to see Alain standing behind them, cross-armed. From the looks of it, he liked Gary as much as Gary liked him. Meaning he didn't. At all.

"Alain! Hi! How ya doin? Wanna join?", Ash greeted. The two others could only roll their eyes and smile at how naive he was. Gary, however, wasn't as welcoming.

"How long have you been listening?", he questioned threateningly.

"I only heard what I did when I got here", Alain confessed, holding his hands up in defense, "When you started to talk about me. Go on. What were you gonna say?"

Gary growled glaring at Alain with death in his eyes. Ash just looked between the two in confusion.

'What's going on? What are they talking about? Ah, I don't understand. I want to watch the stars'

And that's exactly what Ash did, leaving the other two to their squabble.

"What were you gonna say about me to Ash? Huh? Go on, say it to my face, coward", Alain demanded, grabbing Gary by the collar.

"None of your business. What I say to other people is my and their concern", Gary calmly countered, trying to stay professional.

"It's my concern too if you're badmouthing me"

"You don't even know what I was gonna say"

"So if it's not that bad, why don't you say it, right here, right now?"

"I said...NO!"

Gary shoved Alain away from him, which made his own body draw backwards, resulting in hitting Ash's back. Since Ash was the light, skinny kid he was, that was enough to tip him over the edge. Literally.

"Ash!", Alain screamed, reaching out his hand. To his surprise, Ash left him hanging. What surprised him even more was that Gary wasn't even fazed by the fact that his best friend for more than 10 years just fell off of the highest building in the city.

Tears fell from Alain's face as he slowly lowered his arm.

"", he whimpered, watching as Gary stared into the distance where Ash had fell, absolutely no worry on his face. He was more than ready to grab him by the collar again.

"How could you not be worried?"

Gary sighed.

"...I guess he wants you to know"

"Know what? KNOW WHAT?! THAT HE'S SOME KIND OF-OF DRAGON OR SOMETHING THAT CAN JUST FLY BACK UP?!", Alain yelled, leaning towards Gary so their faces were an inch apart.


Alain pulled back as his tears stopped falling.


He heard the quiet sound of something fluttering. Similar to that of a Butterfree. But lighter and more delicate. He saw Gary hold out his hand. Ash flying back up, white fairy wings magically merged to his back, was the sight that made his heart stop. He took Gary's hand, and his friend pulled him onto the ground as his wings fluttered slower until they stopped. Transparent wings with just a dash of gold lining. Now that wasn't something you'd see every day.

"", Alain stammered. Ash chuckled and shuffled towards him.

"You know Arceus?"

"Yeah, of course. He's, like, the creator of everything"

"Yeah, well, you know how I've never told you about my dad?"

"Yeah...I know-wait, what? You mean..."

Ash nodded with a grin.

"Yeah. He and my mom, they really, really loved each other. Things happened and then I was born. But, the thing is, I wasn't really meant to happen. Arceus isn't supposed to have children. So, me, my mom, Gary, and now you, I guess, are keeping this a secret"

Adorably, he held his finger to his mouth in a shushing gesture. Gary gave Alain the ultimate death stare, with a protective flavor. A stare that said 'Don't fucking hurt him' and 'I'll murder your ass if you tell a soul' at the same time. Alain actually got scared this time and backed away, convincing Gary that he was willing to compromise.

The three watched the stars twinkle, Alain on one side of Ash and Gary on the other. Not just because Alain and Gary were passionately against not sitting next to each other, but also because they wanted to see whose shoulder Ash would fall asleep on. Plot twist. They were sitting against a wall and Ash fell asleep on that instead. Everyone's a winner. Or a loser, if you're a pessimist.

"So...are we friends now, or..."

"No", Gary interrupted, getting Alain back for earlier. No one interrupts Gary Oak.

"Hey! It's not like I did anything to you!"

"You did"

"What did I do then? Huh?"

Gary shot him the most pissed off look he'd ever seen since he saw Ash's face when he found out Alain worked for Team Flare.

"You feel for Ash the same way I do. And that's not acceptable. You know why? Ash is mine", he smirked while pulling Ash to sleep on his shoulder. Okay, whether you're a pessimist or an optimist, Gary wins now.

"Oh, yeah? Watch and see. Next thing you know me and Ash are gonna be the ones sitting alone and watching the sunset"

"Keep telling yourself that"

I hope you enjoyed this One Shot.

Okay, this isn't really a big announcement, but I have an announcement to make. 

You probably won't understand this if you haven't read my Pokemon GF (Gender Free) book.

From now on, in everything I write, I will be subtly inserting GF hints into my content. Not to advertise my story or anything, because the 300 reads that story has already got has me celebrating every time I look at it. But it's because I want all of my stories to follow the GF System. I think it's a really good idea, not just to make my stories more pleasant to myself and the people who read them, because most people who have read Pokemon GF (Gender Free) seem to be enjoying it, but also to see if anyone makes a comment about it. Because, in a story where even the title is focused on gender equality and lgbtq+ rights, I don't think anyone would comment negatively, especially since it's written by a small writer like me. But in other stories, where it's so casually hinted, someone might say something. I've had many people question me about it in real life, so I'm curious about what the internet has to say, but I am already overjoyed that the only comments I've seen on Pokemon GF (Gender Free) are positive. So, I guess you could call this a social experiment. I am definitely not looking to call people out, though. I probably won't even respond to negativity.

I would've written this as an announcement on my page, but there are too many words and the limit is 2000.

Also, shout out to Sakurablossem3. Their comments are wonderful and very encouraging!


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