Palletshipping vs Comashipping vs Kodakshipping vs Megabondshipping

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I guess this is basically just part of the love octagon against each other. To the person who requested this I'm sorry I did this so late!




At first it seemed like a good idea. Having all the boys in one room would naturally force them to get along. But Clemont, Brock  and Cilan were too busy being Gym Leaders, and others like Sawyer just simply said they would rather train than go to a gathering. No hard feelings on Ash's part,  of course, but sometimes he couldn't help but wonder if they were all purposefully avoiding each other except him.

Well, I mean, he sees the tension at least, right?

The only ones willing to show up did so immediately, leaving Ash no time to wallow in the sense that he might end up cancelling. From time to time he thought maybe Paul should be a little more careful if he wanted to keep his driving license, especially since his car almost broke through Professor Oak's lab. Trip came at somewhat an earlier time than Alain, but both were equally as unhappy to see the other there.

Once Alain first heard the address was a lab instead of a house, he never bothered to ask why. Things like that don't matter, right? He was just jealous it couldn't have been him and Ash at Professor Sycamore's while the others came to them. Then it would at least feel like Alain and Ash were the closest above all else.

"So glad you made it, Alain!", Ash greeted with a smile as he ushered the man inside.

"Oh, it wasn't a problem at all", Alain subtly bragged, "All I had to do was fly Charizard a few thousand miles, no big deal. Especially to see you"

"Hey, Ash?", Trip called out.


"Why is this thing at Oak's lab instead of your house? Don't you live in this town?"

"I do live in this town"

"Then why-"

"Okay! Let's get to doing something!", Ash announced as he clapped his hands together.

The image to him was quite comedic. Four moody men squeezed into one couch together,  desperately trying to distance themselves as much as they could. Alain had no idea why he sat next to that creep with a camera, who knew what kind of photos he had taken? Trip on the other hand was far too busy trying to get purple hair out of his face, despite already having to deal with his own shoulder length hair. Paul deeply regretted seating himself next to the Professor's grandson as he was his most annoying rival, but somehow still successful over Ash in his own way. All Gary could do was wonder why he was being suffocated at the edge of his own couch.

"You didn't invite any girls?", Paul asked. Before you assume anything, he's gay, but it wouldn't hurt to know why no female love rivals of his were invited. 

"Well, if I did that, by common decency I'd have to invite Serena. And she's fucking crazy, so it's easier just to single out all of them", Ash replied with a  completely straight face.

"More than fair", added Alain, "She is pretty crazy. Not to mention annoying"

Ha. Only he knew what Ash was talking about. Turns out they did have a special bond of their own. Checkmate, boys.

"Alright, so, you guys wanna watch a movie or something?"

Minutes later, while Ash was occupied in the kitchen, the four competitors were ready to fight to the death for the two spaces closest to Ash. The boy was tiny and would hardly make a difference in the closeness, but they wouldn't be able to tolerate another second of being forced together before grabbing each other's throats.

"Realistically, only I deserve that spot", said Alain, "I'm the only one here who's ever protected him at all, and I'm assuming it's because you all don't have the guts"

"Bold of you to say you 'protected' him when he was held captive because of you", Gary argued.

"You can't say much either, Gary. You and Paul have a history of trying to make him feel like trash", Trip retaliated.

"Oh, please, as if you didn't do that at all!", mumbled Paul. 

"Why are you all spread out?"

They looked to the voice. Thankfully it was Professor Oak.

"You're all clinging to the walls like your lives depend on it"

Gary approached the old man, taking his chance to prove he also had a unique bond with Ash.

"Grandpa. Any news know..."

"I'm afraid not. That woman is adamant on her case. This Region's justice system needs some haven't brought it up with Ash at all, right?"

"Only a few times by accident, but every time I pretty much got what I deserved for not being careful, seeing him breakdown like that"

"That poor boy..."

While the other three stood confused, Gary was smug with his folded arms and irritating smirk. Ha. They had no idea what he and the Professor were talking about.

The Professor, in his old age, was too busy loathing to notice a bag shaking behind him. As soon as he did, a bright face popped out from the other side of him.

"Hungry, Professor?"

He couldn't help but chuckle. This boy was talented when it came to optimism.

"Thanks, Ash, but I'll pass. I've got a lot of work ahead of me"

"Suit yourself!"

As the Professor left, Ash set the food on a table. It only took one step for his leg to unexpectedly give in and throw him forward.

"Ash!", the others yelled in unison. 

Alain was the first to reach him, smoothly sliding into action as he cupped his body with his hands. Ash instinctively grabbed onto his arms for support.

 "It's just like when I held you back on Prism Tower", Alain smiled, "Are you alright?"

"Mhm", Ash nodded as one of his hands trailed down to a certain point in his leg. 

"Is there an injury there?"

Gary had to intervene on this one, and not just for the romantic rivalry.

"He does, it's just a bandage. It's nothing to worry about"

"Shouldn't he wear shorts to make it more visible in case something happens to it?", Paul questioned.

"I-I'd rather not..."

"Pervs", Trip murmured under his breath.

"You can't say that until we see what's on that camera of yours", Alain snapped back.

"Guys. I appreciate it..."

As the room turned to Ash, the tension quickly drowned to sorrow as they noticed him facing the ground, supposedly shaking.

"...but I'd rather just leave it, okay?"

Gary sighed and went up to the youngest to place a hand on his shoulder. 

"It's alright, Ash. That was just rude of them"

The other three had been absolutely betrayed, staring at him with disapproval as he carried on.

"But you've still got me. Can I see a smile before we watch the movie?"

Hesitantly, Ash cracked a small smile to reassure the others in the room. Gary wasn't done rubbing it in how close they were, feeling his soft cheeks and patting him on the head. 

He had no shame doing so even when he was on Ash's left of the couch, opposite Alain. Trip and Paul were on either side of the floor, separating as much as they could but remaining close to Ash.

It was obvious that Ash was really the only one paying attention. Gary was the first of him and Alain to trick the boy into his arms. Paul, cruel as he was, quietly laughed at the fact that he was too late, only to make himself feel better about only being able to lean on Ash's knee. Trip couldn't even try to get him camera out with the other pair of blue eyes threatening him.

Almost an hour in, Ash was lost in sleep. It was quickly noticed by others in the room, especially because of how Gary held him so close, and once again it was the four men face to face.

"Alright, what's going on here?", Alain begun, "Not only am I stuck with a shady purple guy and a blonde who I'm pretty sure at this point has some form of illegals on that camera, but an arrogant bully who knows something I think at least I should know, too. If not, we should all know"

"Guys...", Gary hissed, "Seriously. At the end of the day, I hate you all and honestly wish the worst for you. But you're being jerks right now if you're not willing to leave this room without an answer"

"Or maybe you're being the jerk by not telling us", Paul fought back. 

"I am seconds away from-" 

Before another word could be said, the room watched Ash's hands shakily grab Gary's sleeves as tears stained his face. He'd been having a nightmare right in front of them. 

Gary grabbed a blanket and placed it over the boy's shoulders, being so good at it he had to have done it recently before.

"Ash, it's okay. She can't hurt you anymore"

Almost immediately, the tenseness in Ash's body was flushed away with exhaustion. He lifelessly collapsed against Gary's shoulder, worrying them even more. His breathing was hindered and there was little to no colour left in his body, apart from red. 

"He looks sick! Should he be in hospital or something?!"

"Okay, I need to get him to bed. Can't believe I have to ask you idiots for help"

No matter how much they hated each other, they couldn't deny the certain thing in common. They loved Ash to no end, and would never let anything get in the way of that. 

Gary, barely thinking about the rivalry by this time, carried Ash to his bed while the others cleaned up. More than almost anything they wanted to know for what reason had he moved into the lab, but that wasn't important at the moment. 

Minutes later, Alain, Trip and Paul entered the room where Ash was sitting against the wall of his bed, looking a lot better yet still in poor condition. Gary was beside him filled with panic. To their satisfaction, the youngest mustered up the courage to wear shorts. However they weren't expecting to see wounds there.

Understandably, Ash had to lean on Gary's shoulder half-asleep as the other tried his best to explain his situation. It was harder to trigger trauma when he wasn't fully conscious, but couldn't have a nightmare if he wasn't fully asleep.

"Ash's mom...recently found out. That he's trans"

They didn't want to listen to his voice, or the fact that he knew more and before they did, but they wouldn't allow  their love for Ash to be interrupted by any of the sort.

"She might look like a normal mother on the outside, but it took me more than ten years to see the selfish psychopath she is. She was already troubled because of what she describes as her 'accidental' pregnancy of Ash and the separation with her husband. Both of which she was responsible for. But all his life Ash has done nothing but care for her, and what does he get? Physically and mentally abused by his so-called 'mother', who's apparently the victim because 'all she wanted was a normal little girl'. Ash is only into his teens and gets kicked out for being who he is. Police aren't as much help either. It's like they're trying to ignore the fact that she has a history of mental illness"

"Wait, WHAT?!"

"That woman has been admitted to a hospital how many fucking times?! I'm pretty sure Ash was born there, and that's only one of all the other reasons people have to bully him. He just keeps worrying about how much trouble other people are going to for him because his mom was too busy messing around in rehab to teach her son to care about himself. She drove her husband away with abuse, and now she's doing the same to her child, who can't even face a doctor now"

Silence filled the room as they looked down in shame. At least now they knew much more about the boy and what to be careful with. As soon as Ash came to, he couldn't stop apologising.

"Ashy, it's okay. Me and the Professor love having you here and we'd never think otherwise"

Alain cringed a little at that sentence. It would be so perfect coming out of his own mouth instead. But he could make some contribution.

"You didn't ruin anything. I had fun tonight", he added.

Lies. Out of love.

"Y-yeah, me, too. We should definitely do this again sometime", stammered Paul.

It hurt to say it. But how much more would it hurt to see him in pain?

"Maybe next time I can get lots more pictures for us to keep"

For once, Alain had to resist the menacing stare.

" guys...are really the best...", Ash breathed as they leaned in for a group hug.

Or whatever it was considering he was really the only one being hugged by the others.

Just then, a doorbell echoed through the lab.

"I'll get that", Ash offered as he limped out of bed.

Not long after, following the creak of an opening door, there was a light thump. The four immediately bolted down the stairs, pounding their feet against the floor.

"If that woman comes asking for him back, I swear..."

To their surprise, it was another woman hated amongst them all.

"...I just came to ask why I wasn't invited. Don't know why he fainted"

As Gary did his duty and carefully placed Ash against the wall, the others reunited to react to the honey-blonde.

"Oh, so she is annoying..."

"And crazy..."

"How did you know he was here if you weren't invited? Stalker"

"Well, at first I went to Ash's house, and some woman there told me he'd probably be here. She wants him to come back, by the way"

There was another pause before the army of lovers stormed towards the house in a pack, more than ready to confront the selfish best awaiting their arrival at her doorstep.

I mean, I get that they wanted to protect Ash, but they didn't do a good job considering they left him alone with Serena.

Hope you guys enjoyed and I'm sorry it took so long to produce a story.

Credits for the idea of trans Ash goes to @NUMBERXIV_ , they have their own great book on Pokemon Oneshots.

I apologise for the hiatus every now and then guys, but if ever a long period of time where I don't post happens I will probably let you know.

Feel free to request and have a good day :)

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