Chapter One

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Alisha walked through Kalos, her eyes wide on amazement. "Where are they..."Alisha wondered looking around for her friends who agreed to come with her on her journey. "ALISHA!" She beamed, turning around spotting Lillie carrying Snowy in her arms. "Hey Alisha!"Zoey waved Sorrel following her. Cross followed not far behind them, his arms crossed over his chest. "You're still tiny"Cross smirked. "NO I'M NOT!"Alisha whined waving her arms. "You are"Cross teased. "STOP IT!"Alisha whined tears threatening to fall. Cross flinched, then gently patted her head. "You did grow a little bit though"Cross says. "I did..."Alisha sniffed. "Y-Yeah, way taller than the last time I saw you"Cross nodded. "YAY!"Alisha beamed her eyes sparkling. Cross sighed in relief, looking pleased. Sorrel took a picture of Alisha, a small smile on his face. "Cross is right, you did grow, you were smaller then me, now we're the same size"Lillie smiled. "Yeah"Zoey agreed letting out a chuckle.

"Where's your partner?"Cross asked. "Here!"Alisha beamed. She tossed a pokeball up, a bright glow appearing next. Sneasel landed, glaring at them all as he crossed his arms. "Meet Sneasel!"Alisha beamed. She hugged the Sneasel, causing the Pokémon to struggle. "We may not be close now, but we'll become best friends soon I just know it!"Alisha beamed. "Hey we're in Lumiose City, lets go check the buildings out!"Lillie smiled. "Yeah!"Alisha beamed hurrying away. She ran in the lead, Sneasel reluctantly chasing after her knowing how much trouble this girl can get into. "Hey What's going on over there!"Zoey asked pointing to a crowd of people. Alisha pushed through the crowd, her eyes widening at the sight of a beat up Eevee on the ground. "Now Elekid use another spark!" She ran forward, and grabbed the Eevee. "STOP IT!"Alisha yelled protecting the Eevee with her body. "LYCANROC PROTECT HER!"Cross yelled throwing his pokeball forward. Lycanroc landed and used protect, an explosion going off. 

"ALI!"Cross yelled running over to her, his eyes wide. "I-I'm fine Cross but the Eevee isn't..."Alisha says her eyes starting to water. "Hey that's my catch!" Cross helped Alisha up, carrying the hurt Eevee, and ran away to a Pokémon center, Alisha behind him. "You're mean"Lillie says looking at the trainer who beat up the poor Eevee. Zoey and Lillie ran after Cross and Alisha with Sorrel following behind them. "Oh my what happened"Nurse Joy asked. "A mean trainer continued to hurt this poor Eevee even after it fainted!"Alisha says. Cross set the poor Pokémon down, watching Nurse Joy take it to the back. The sound of protesting commotion filled their ears, Alisha going outside finding Sneasel in a battle with the trainer and their Elekid. "Use Quick Shock!" Sneasel stared his eyes wide. "A mix attack of Shock wave and Quick attack"Sorrel says recording the fight. "Sneasel dodge!"Alisha yelled. Sneasel glared at her, making her flinch at how intense it looked.

He turned, using icy wind but Elekid blew right through it going for the Pokémon. "SNEASEL!"Alisha yelled running forward. She leaped forward, shoving Sneasel out of the way. Elekid collided with Alisha, sending her rolling backwards to a stop. "Sne..."Sneasel stared shocked. He ran over to her, Alisha laying still on her side. "Sel..."Sneasel mumbled. He gritted his teeth, and looked sharply at the Elekid. "Lycanroc, put a stop to this fight"Cross ordered. Sneasel dashed at Elekid, and leaped forward scowling. He released a blue beam, then released a black beam. An explosion went off, Elekid sliding backwards. Lycanroc used stone edge, large pillar like stones rising from the ground, stopping Sneasel from attacking any further. "Sneasel, Alisha is Fine!"Zoey says. Alisha stared, a stunned look on her face. " got upset over that why you started the battle...cause I was upset"Alisha mumbled. Sneasel stared at her, then started to cry hugging her.

"Your Sneasel is Sorry." She looked up, hugging her Sneasel tight as a stranger walked over to them, a small smile on his face. "He's apologizing for being so mean to you...he realizes you're willing to go as far as to sacrifice yourself for your Pokémon." She stared at him, looking him over silently. "Forgive me, I am N Harmonia..." She stood up, Sneasel still in her arms. "I'm Alisha Justice these are my friends Lillie, Zoey, Cross, and Sorrel...this is my partner Sneasel, I've had him for three years now"Alisha says. "No wonder Sneasel broke down into tears, being mean for three years is hard isn't it my friend"N smiled. Sneasel nodded, staring at N. "Sne, Sel, Sneasel!"Sneasel says. "She even took a hit for a wild Pokémon, that's surprising..."N says. "Sel, Sne!"Sneasel smiled. "I see, she's really something"N nodded. "I saw what happened, are you alright"N adds looking at the forming bruise on Alisha's arm. "Yeah...I-I'm Fine"Alisha nodded. He stared at her, making her feel more uncomfortable. "Do you mind if I join you all?"

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