Chapter 12: Who are you good or bad...

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Hey, guys! Chapter 12 has been updated!
Hope you like the new chapter and what you think about?...

Pikachu woke up a bit early in the morning and Nuzleaf wasn't here. She eats breaksfast and go to school as usual.
She head to school to her friend neighbor, Cupcake and they learn everything from school.

After school...

*Ding-dong-dong-ding.* *Ding-ding-dong-ding.*

"Phew! I though today would never end!" Said Goomy, he was glad school was over.
"It's a real drag lately, huh? And it's been cozy hot all the time." Said Pancham feeling the heat.
"Yeah! When it gets this hot, I feel feverish and my brain gets flunky!" Said Cupcake.
"Your brain gets "flunky," huh? More like you're kind of flaky, Cupcake!" Said Shelment.
"Cupcake, I don't think that's the word of choice your were going for." Said Espurr.
"Whatever. I'll keep it short. you beg me. Stay at least one space away from me at all times! Or more! Haha!" Laugh Pancham. Shelment and Pancham walk there way home.
"Well... Let's all do our best to survive the heat anyway..." Said Deerling.
"It's be summer vacation pretty soon!" Said Goomy.
"Shall we be heading home?" Espurr ask. 
Everyone nod.
"Yeah! See ya tomorrow." Said Deerling with a smile.
"Sure. Bye-bye." Said Cupcake saying good bye to Goomy, Deerling, and Espurr leaving school.
"About time we head out, too, huh? Another big day as Junior Expedition Society members!" Cheer Cupcake who's talking to Pickachu. she nod and go with Cupcake.
They went to the plaza's gate and go into a dungeon to do there Expedition Society work. Getting new connections, rewards, power up, and working hard. It took hours but they finish they're Expedition Society work and head home.
"Ok, Pickachu, see you later!"
"ok, see ya later."
They both went to their own house where they live.
"Hm? Ah! It's Nuzleaf!" Tough Pikachu seeing Nuzleaf.
"Oh! And you're back as well! Sorry again for leavin' you in the lurch like that, friend. i know it ain't no compensation, but I did bring back good eats from my trip. Why don't we share'em for dinner tonight?" Said Nuzleaf brought good food to eat.
"Hehehehe!.... Hm hmm..." Pikachu hummed yes.
Nuzleaf and Pikachu eats dinner and have a good time enjoying their company. They finish eating and went to bed.

The Next Morning...

Pickachu and Cupcake went to school as usual. And after school...

*Ding-dong-dong-ding.* *Ding-ding-ding-dong.*

"...And so the school will be close for the summer vacation, beginning of today. I hope you'll all enjoy your summer vacation. But try to keep it without reason. Class dismissed!" Said Farfetch'd dismissing the class.
Everyone cheered it's finally summer vacation!
"All ri-i-i-i-i-ght!" Pancham cheered.
"Finally!" Shelment cheered too.
"This summer's going to be so much fun!" Deerling cheered also.
"I know, right!? It's thrilling... It's exciting... It's..." Goomy was to excited to spit out the words he wanted to say. Luckily Cupcake help him.
"SUMMER VACATION-N-N-N-N!!!!" Cupcake shouted with excitement and cheered.
Everybody left school to enjoy their summer vacation. Cupcake and Pikachu was walk their way home.
"Pikachu! It's summer vacation! We won't have to go to school for a while, and we'll have tons of time to play... But we've still got our tasks as Junior Expedition Society members to do! So we've got to be sure to keep carrying out our expeditions!" Said Cupcake with a pose.
Pikachu just sweat drop with an awkward slime.
"So, in short, Pikachu... I can count on your help on expeditions during the summer break, too, right?"
"Will of course!..." Said Pikachu.
"But the truth is, I got nothing else to do...." Pikachu said that last part in her thoughts.
"All right! Thanks, pal! Then let's get started right now!"
Pikachu and Cupcake ran there way to the plaza.
As they got there, they notice something.
"Huh? Isn't that Ampharos over there?"
They're seeing Ampharos going to the right side of the gates.
"Hey! Ampharo-o-os! " Cupcake shout to get his attention. Ampharos heard and turn around.
Pikachu and Cupcake run up to him.
"I wondered who could it be yelling at me... Well, if it isn't the village children again. How did things end up going? Have your expeditions been successful?" Ampharos ask.
"Yeah! We've really giving it our all! And we're making new connections all the time, little by little!" Cupcake replied to his question.
"Indeed! Well, that's what I like to hear!" Ampharos gave a smile.
"Are you head out somewhere, Ampharos?" Question Pikachu.
"Quite so. I'm thinking it's about time I say farewell to this little village."
Cupcake and Pikachu got their shocking news.
"What?! Y-you're...leaving?" Said Cupcake with a shocking look on her face.
"Yes, I am. This is a very lovely place, and while I hate to say it good bye so soon...after all, I am...the Dashing Wanderer! Ampharos did a pose.
"And so, wander I must."
"Right..." Cupcake was disappointed.
"But I trust the two of you to keep working hard on behalf of the Expedition Society. It maybe tough at times, since your are still just children... But if you keep on working at it, I think that you'll discover something wonderful!" Explain Ampharos.
"We'll sure try! Thanks, Ampharos! You take care out there, too! Said Cupcake.
"I will. Best of luck to you both. Until we meet again!" Ampharos walks away but in the wrong direction.

"Th-that's not the way out, you know!" Said Pikachu correcting Ampharos' pass.
"Oh... Oh hohoho! Silly me. My, my, my. I am just hopeless..." Ampharos walks away to the right direction he is heading.
"Then farewell!" Ampharos left.
"I think I'll miss him, but I guess everyone has to move on sometime... For now, we should just do what we can! So let's go tackle another expedition!"
Said Cupcake ready for their adventure.
Pikachu nod and went to do they're expeditions work.
As they work their expeditions work and getting connections by Pokémon and leveling up. Pikachu and Cupcake were having fun doing their jobs.
It was almost getting night time and they have to go home. Pikachu went to bed and went to sleep.

In Pikachu's Dream...

*Splash* *water sounds*

"Hmmm........huh?" Pikachu heard something dripping and liquidly. She got up and stay the floor of water above her.
"Ahh!" Pikachu got up but she didn't fall into the water.
"'s about time you wake up..."
"Ah! That voice?..." Pikachu turn around.
"Nightmare?!" Pikachu shout her name.
"It's been awhile, hasn't it?" Nightmare smirk.
"Hmm!..." Pikachu put her guard up.
"Relax, I'm not doing something bad... Will not yet, in the future I will...."
"Why are you here in my head again?" Question Pikachu.
"Oh, nothing.... ~" Nightmare smirk evilly.
"Nightmare!?" Pikachu was getting annoyed.
"What? I didn't even do anything yet...." Nightmare complains.
"Ask me why are we here again?" Question Pikachu.
"Isn't it obvious?..... I'm here to talk to you...."
"Talk?.......Talk about what?....." Pikachu raise an eyebrow.
"It's summer right? That's means its also June..." Nightmare explain.
"Yeah, but how do you-"
"I'm also you remember, I can see or hear what you do any time I want..." Nightmare smirk.
"Ok, but why do I have you?...."
"Hm? It actually quite obvious..... We're both good and bad.... And your seeing the bad side.
"And that's make me the good side, am I right?"
"Is actually, but sometime you can't tell if you are good or bad..."
"Will is that a obvious question for me I will definitely choose the good side. That a obvious choice for my pasted self if I do so myself..." Pikachu pose and smile.
"Actually that what I said to you and I was wrong."
"Really?!" Pikachu was curious what her old pasted self said to Nightmare?...
"You can't decide because you want to make a reason?....." Nightmare point a finger from her explanation.
"Reason? Reason of what?" Pikachu ask and question what was her reason from her pasted self.
"You want to choose the bad side want to make something bad to be good...."
"Oh, like you?" Pikachu's ears were up.
"What?! No, not in a million years!!!!" Nightmare argued and complained.
"I was just asking.....Drama Queen...." Pikachu put her ears down and mumble that last part.
"I heard that!!"
"Anyway, what did you say about June?" Pikachu back what was Nightmare talking about in the first place.
"Ok, I'm just going to do this one nice thing for. June seventeen it's your- will we, because I'm your bad side and still you...."
"Yeah, you do have a good point. But anyway what were you saying?"
"Right! On June seventeen it's our b-" Nightmare couldn't finish her sentence.
The water floor started shaking and wobbling.
"What's happening?"
"I don't know?!" Nightmare doesn't know what's happening.
Chains pop out of the floor of water and was high speed going up out of the floor. It grabs Pikachu and Nightmare and force them to the ground.
Nightmare and Pikachu struggled to get out of the chain's grip. The symbol from Pikachu's last dream came back.

"S-Pikachu! You have to wake up, now!!!" Nightmare yelled.
"But what about you?!!"
"I'll be fine! UP!!!!"
"Ah!!!" Pikachu woke up and it's already morning.
"Ahhh......" Pikachu groan and fell back to bed.
"This is not my day with dreams in my head......"
Pikachu said to herself.
"Huh? What did she mean something on June seventeen?....." Though Pikachu thinking what Nightmare was about to say but couldn't finish.
Pikachu didn't have time for thinking right now, she has to do her expeditions work with Cupcake today.

Pikachu walk outside saying good bye to Nuzleaf and had her breakfast. She was outside and heard Cupcake calling her.
"Good morning, Pikachu! Let's do our best out there today!"
"Alright! Let's go on our adventure!" Pikachu nod and punch her fist in the air.
They run up to the plaza ready for another expeditions work. As they walk passed the plaza's gate they stop and notice Pancham and Shelment.
Pancham and Shelment notice them and stop walking.
"Gah!" Said Pancham seeing both of them.
"Hey! Pancham and Shelment!" Said Cupcake.
"Sup!" Pikachu made a peace sign.
Cupcake was getting close to them.
"Ugh! Keep back!" Said Pancham with disgusted.
"Oh, come on. Don't be like that! You two enjoying the summer break so far?" Cupcake ask.
"Of course! We're living it up!" Said Puncham.
"Man, summer vacation really is the best!" Said Shelment.
They all were having a fun conversion with each other.
"Oh, by the way... Cupcake, you guys heard the rumors about the school at night, right." Shelment ask.
"The school? At night?" Question Cupcake. She look at Pikachu if she knows. Pikachu way no.
"Huh? I haven't heard anything. What kind of rumors?" Cupcake ask.
"Well, they say...that ghosts appear at the school at night!" Said Shelment.
"Wha-a-at?!" Cupcake and Pikachu were shock.
"Gh-gh-gh-ghosts?!" Cupcake strutted.
"Yeah, I don't know where it all started from, but that's the rumor that's going around now. They say a voice comes from somewhere in the classroom, with a wail of "It's so hot..." And when you turn around...
there are these eerie blue flames and..."
"Boo!" Pancham shout boo surprisedly.
"Ahhh!" Cupcake got startled.
"Ahhh!!!!" Pikachu punch Pancham in the guts.
"Oooffff!!!!!" Pancham whine in pain.
"PANCHAM!!!!!" Shelment and Cupcake panicked.
"Oh, my- Pancham I am sooo sorry!!!" Pikachu panicked what she has done.
"What the heck was that for?!!!" Yelled Pancham.
"I don't know!!!!????" Pikachu still panicking.
"What do you mean you don't know?!?" Yelled Shelment.
"I mean I don't know!!!!?????" Pikachu took out her hands on her head and shakes her head.
"Cupcake, help me take Pancham to Audino please."
Said Shelment trying to carry Pancham.
Cupcake nod and help carry Pancham.
"I'll help too....." Pikachu tries helping but was stop.
"No! That's enough out of you! Let us help Pancham!" Shout Shelment.
Pikachu back away. Cupcake and Shelment helps walk Pancham to Audino.
"Sorry, Pikachu.... Maybe we can do our expeditions work tomorrow? How does that sound?..."
Pikachu nod.
"Y-yeah, that ok with me....." Pikachu shiver a little.
She just saw Shelment and Cupcake carrying Pancham to Audino to where ever she could be.
*Sign* Pikachu sign and walk away and saw Deerling, Goomy, and Espurr.
"Oh! Hey, Pikachu!" Said Goomy.
"Hm? Oh, hey Goomy.... Hey, Deerling and Espurr.." Pikachu greets them.
"Pikachu are you okay? You look pale?...." Deerling ask.
"Huh? What are talking about, Deerling?" Pikachu title her head.
"Your not sick or tried?" Espurr ask.
"Are you sure your okay, Pikachu?" Question Goomy.
"Yeah, I said I'm fine....."
"If you said so?....." Said Espurr.
Want to help us making flower crowns?..." Deerling ask.
"Sure...." Pikachu nod.
They all were making flower crowns.
"Oh, Goomy your flower crown looks pretty..." Said Deerling.
Espurr and Pikachu agreed.
"Thanks, Deerling. I been working on this very hard." Goomy feels proud.
"Yeah, it's's looks....ah...ah....ah...ACHOO!!!"
Pikachu sneezes and used Thunderbolt.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Everyone dodge from Pikachu's attack. Pikachu accidentally destroyed some of the flower crowns.
*sniff* "My bad...." *sniff* Pikachu sniff her nose.
Goomy walk up and saw his flower crown was destroyed.
"M-m-my flower crown.... It's destroyed....." Goomy was tearing up.
"Goomy! I....I.... I am so so sorry! Ah.... I know! We can fix it!" Pikachu tries to fix the flower crowns but make it worst.
"Okay! Ah..... We can still fix it! Hehehe, we can still fix it!...." Pikachu still tries fixing it.
"Ok, Pikachu that enough! Your making it worst!" Said Deerling making her stop.
Pikachu stopped and look at them.
"....That can't fix something you did..." Said Espurr.
"B-but was accident. I...I didn't mea-"
"Pikachu, stop. Just....stop ok." Said Deerling not being happy.
Pikachu stop and look at them.
"We better leave.... See ya Pikachu...." Said Deerling walking away with Goomy and Espurr.
Pikachu pout of guilt and feels hurt.
"Why do I feel this before?....."

Pikachu walks up to the tree where the hill is.
She sits down look at the scene of the village.
"......" Pikachu didn't say anything and look at the view in front of her. She feels eyes dripping liquid down her cheeks.
"Huh?........" Pikachu look down seeing her hands seeing tears on her hands.
"I'm......crying?.........Ah!!??" Pikachu say a little flash image in her head. Her tears were blood.
Pikachu flinch and shiver.
" this?....... Blood....
And a bloody whole through her chest.

"Ahhh!!!!" Pikachu heart started hurting.
"I......I..........I.........can't...." *cough* "b-breath......" *cough cough* *cough cough* *pant pant* *pant*
"Why, can't I breath?......" Pikachu can't say anything just saying it in her head.
"My heart won't starts beating.... It's getting so slow....." Pikachu cough and had small breathing. Something black was making a symbol on her back.
A demon symbol.....
"I......I can't hold on..... I just c-can't hold on....." Pikachu slowly close her eyes, her tear drop on her necklace changing into a dark red and black color.
Horrible words comes back from her in her old dreams.
"No!..... I'm not bad! I'm good!!!! I'm good!!! Bad! Good! Bad!! Good!! Bad!!! Good!!!!! Bad!!!! Good!!!!
Her necklace turn into a white color.
The black symbol had a new symbol with it and it was white.
Angel symbol.....
Pikachu use Elector ball....
Elector ball flew up into the air and fell back down.
"Pik.......Pika......pi......" Pikachu shiver and feel so much power coursing through her vines and body.
Her Elector ball fall on her and was damage on her  own attack.
Pikachu fell to the ground and fainted.

At Night...

Vice Principal Watchog was doing night patrol at school ground.
He was walking back and forth doing his patrol till he heard something outside. Vice Principal Watchog look around but no one was there?.....
The sound came closer and closer. Vice Principal Watchog turn around and was frighten. And he screamed.

To be continued...

What happen to Watchog?!
But what really happen to Pikachu?!
And what was Nightmare going to say to her on June 17?!?
Comment what you think what will happen?
That's all I got for the day bye bye!...

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