Chapter 13: Confrontation

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Hello everybody! Storm Knight here!
And here's the new chapter of PSMD! Hope you all enjoy!
And don't play the music till I say so. Ok, ok!...

The Next Morning...

Cupcake woke up and ready to do some expeditions work with Pikachu. She got up, eat breakfast and go to Pikachu.
"Good mo-...." Cupcake stop and didn't see Pikachu outside.
"Pikachu?... That's odd she always comes out first?.." Question Cupcake.
*Knock knock*
Cupcake knock on Nuzleaf's door. Nuzleaf open the door and saw Cupcake.
"Oh, hello Cupcake! If you're looking for Pikachu she at Audino's hut." Said Nuzleaf.
"Audino? Why is she there?" Cupcake question and ask.
"Well... Let just say, she got herself some rashes yesterday...." Nuzleaf sweat drop, scratch the back of his head, and gave an awkward smile.
"Ooooohhhhh....... Is it really that bad?..." Cupcake wants to know and doesn't want to know.
"Will it's.... Ok image there-"
"Ok, ok! I got, got! I don't want to get that stuck in my head..." Cupcake put her pawns on her head.
"I go see her, bye Nuzleaf!" Cupcake wave and go see Pikachu.
"Bye, Cupcake! Check if Pikachu alright for me ok?"
Nuzleaf ask.
"Alright!" Cupcake walks up to the plaza till she notice something odd.
"What could of happen? Question Lombre. He was talking to Raticate.
"I don't really know... I suppose it was just the lack of sleep. Don't you think?" Raticate replied.
Cupcake walk up to the conversion. Lombre and Raticate notice Cupcake.
"Oh! Here's Cupcake! What timing... Have you heard about Watchog?" Lombre ask.
Cupcake question and replied.
"You mean, the Vice Principal? What about him?" Cupcake tilt her head.
"Apparently he was found unconscious at the school this morning." Said Raticate.
"Wha-?" Cupcake's eyes widened.
"He say he was doing rounds of the school last night and doesn't remember a thing. Apparently he saw something so frightful that he fainted..." Said Lombre.
"Huh? Fr-fr-frighting?!" Question Cupcake.
"You think so? I don't know? It is Watchog we're talking about... Maybe he's just embarrassed to admit that he fell asleep on the job?" Said Raticate making her good point.
"Well I guess it doesn't really matter that much anyway..." Said Lombre.
Cupcake nod and left. She went to the school to check on Pikachu and also Vice Principal Watchog.

"Zzzz...... Zzzzz........ Zzzzz......." Pikachu was asleep on Audino's nursing bed. She was wrap in bandages and turning white pale.
Audino touches Pikachu's forehead.
"Ah! You're burning up!..." Audino got a wet cloth and put it on Pikachu's forehead. She took of Pikachu's scarf out of her forehead first.
"Hmm......" Pikachu's cheeks starting spark a bit.
"Hey, Audino...." Cupcake response.
"Oh, Cupcake! Here to see your friend I presumed?..." Audino turns around to see Cupcake.
"Yep! Is she feeling okay?..." Cupcake ask looking at her poor friend.
"She's doing fine, just a bit feverish but fine..." Audino was finding the right medicine.
Pikachu breath and feels so numb. Audino gives Pikachu the medicine and berries helping her get her strength and health back up.
"Is she going to be okay?..." Cupcake ask.
"I don't know? We have to let nurture takes it course and wait what happen next." Said Audino with a sweet kind smile.
"Alright!.... Hey, is Vice Principal Watchog okay?" Cupcake ask remembering what happen to Vice Principal Watchog.
"Oh, his doing just fine. Blah blah blah blah..."
Pikachu slowly open her eyes and turn her head. She see to blurry thing in her vision.
"Blah blah blah?...."
"Blah blah blah blah!!"
".........." Pikachu close her eyes again and her purple cheeks growing black cracks on them.
So Cupcake have to go on this expeditions work by herself this time because Pikachu's horrible rash.
"Annndd.......done! That took longer then I thought..." Cupcake finish her expeditions work and got new connections. She walk back to the village and notice Deerling, Goomy, and Espurr.
"Hey, guys!" Cupcake walk up to them.
"Oh, hi Cupcake! Good timing, have you seen Pikachu?" Deerling ask.
"Yes, why do you ask?..." Cupcake ask.
"Will we wanted to say sorry for her... Because we were acted like jerks and wanted to give her our apology flower crowns...." Said Espurr.
"It was accident... Pikachu will never do it on purpose...." Goomy say in shame.
"What did she do is actually?..." Cupcake was confuse.
"Will.... We were making flower crowns and Pikachu came and ask her if you want to make flower crowns with us and she said yes. And later Goomy made a pretty flower crown and Pikachu sneezes and used Thunderbolt and destroyed Goomy's flower crown. And Pikachu tries fixing it and made it worst. Then we said some harsh thing and left....." Deerling explain everything.
Cupcake cross her arm an look at them seriously.
"You guys should be ashamed of yourselves...."
"We know....." All of them lower their head with guilt.
"And anyway.... Have you seen where she went?..." Espurr ask.
"Will......" Cupcake scratch her head and explain everything where Pikachu is.
"WHAT!!!!" They took the news with shocking faces.
"That's terrible!...." Said Deerling.
"Poor Pikachu...." Said Goomy feeling bad for her.
"Is she going to be okay?..." Espurr ask.
"Don't know for sure?... Just let nurture takes it courses and wait what happens next.... Come on, I'll show you where she is resting...." Cupcake lead them where Pikachu was resting.

They were here and see Pikachu resting and looking feverish. Deerling, Goomy, and Espurr gives their apology gifts to Pikachu and also a get better soon gift too.
".......It's...........Not.............." Pikachu mumbles in her sleep.
"You heard that?" Question Goomy.
"Was that Pikachu?!" Question Deerling.
"Is she waking up?!!!" Question Espurr.
"Shhhh! Wait, just listen for a bit...." Cupcake make them stop talking and listen.
"F-fair...........To..........Be............A-alone.........After........ What you...................." Pikachu took small breath.
"You've..............B-been........through........S-s-so let me...........Just ease...............Your..........Pain....................
P-please let me...............Stay..........With.........Y-You......
I-I' reach......out......
I........Won't............I...........Won't............ I won't.............. Zzzzzz.......... Zzzzz........" Pikachu stop mumbling.
"What happen "I won't"? What happens?..." Goomy was curious.
"Was she talking to someone?...." Espurr question and look at Cupcake.
"More like singing....... I heard a little rhythm from her mumbling. But can't get the rhythm together." Cupcake tries to get the rhythms together in her head.
"What was she sing?..." Question Goomy.
"I well find that out after I find which rhythm it goes....." Said Cupcake still trying to find the rhythm.
All of them went home and it was already getting dark.

At Night...

It was Audino and Farfetch'd turn doing night patrol. And Pikachu still resting in Audino's hut.
"Hmmm....... Pika!........Pika Pi!!...... Pika!!....." Pikachu twist and turn in her sleep.

In Pikachu's Dream...

*pant pant* *pant pant* *pant pant* *pant pant*
Pikachu was running away by a Pokémon monster house in a mystery dungeon.
Pikachu turn and it was an die end, she turn and saw the group of the party monster again.
Pikachu walks back and the floor started to crack.
"Huh?....WOOOOW!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Pikachu was falling down through a hole from a mystery dungeon.
Pikachu was falling, rolling, and hitting down where she is going.
"OW!!!!............" Pikachu landed face first on the ground. She got up but badly injury from the fall.
"Well...... There's no way out?.... And I can't get up there either?...." Pikachu look up to see a hole of light above her. She looked around and there were three or four tunnels here. And then whispering came...
"No! Not again!!!" Pikachu cover her ears and run into a random tunnel.
"I'm good!!!........... Aren't I?.........." Pikachu question and thought about it. She kept on walk further and further were the tunnel leads her...
(Play the music)

"It's over now, I know inside, no one will never know, the sorry tale of Nightmare and those who died, no one must ever know...."
(Pikachu lower her head more)

"They'd only see the tragedy, they'd not see my intent, the shadow of night's evil......... Will forever kill the good...that I had meant......"
(Pikachu continued walking and her shadow was smiling evilly. And Pikachu walk up to a waterfall and look at her reflection)

"Am I a good girl?...... Am I a bad girl?...... It's such a fine line between a good girl and a.........................."
(Pikachu lay herself down on the ground being sad)

"Do you even think, that I would ever let you go?~"
(Pikachu got up and heard a voice and got startled)

"Do you even think that I would set you free?~ If you do, I'm sad to say it's simply isn't so.....~"
(Pikachu walk up to the waterfall again and saw her reflection in surprise and shock)

"You will never get away from me.....~"
(Nightmare smile evilly in the water reflection)

"All that you are is a face in the mirror! I close my eyes and you disappear!"
(Pikachu shut her eyes and turn her head away angrily)

"I'm what you face when you face in the mirror, long as you live I will be here!"
(Nightmare grin evilly with full glowing bloody eyes)

"All that you are is the end of a nightmare, all that you are is a dying scream! After tonight I shall end this demon's dream!~"
(Pikachu walk away from the waterfall and stomp her foot hard on the ground)

"This is not a dream my dear, and this will never end! This one is the nightmare that goes on!~ I am here to stay no matter what you may pretend! And I'll flourish long after you're gone!~"
(Nightmare came up out of the reflection of the waterfall and smirk)

"Soon you will died and my-"*strutted* "s- silence will hide you! You cannot choose but to loose control!"
(Pikachu walk up to Nightmare with an anger face point at her. And Nightmare was just smile evilly)

"You can't control me I live deep inside you! Each day you feel me decor your soul!"
(Nightmare smile bigger like a crazy yandere)

"I don't need you to survive, as you need me I'll become whole as you dance with death! And I'll rejoices as you breath your final breath!!!!!~"
(Pikachu scream that last note)

"I live inside you forever! ~"
(Nightmare smile and grin evilly)

(Pikachu's argued)

"With the darkness, itself by my side!~"
(Nightmare smile insanely and evilly)


"And I'll know that now and forever you'll never be able to sperate darkness from light!~"
(Nightmare jump and went through Pikachu's body and was inside of her)

"Can't you see it's......over now! It's time to die!~"
(Pikachu bent down and her eyes glow)

"No not I, only you!~"
(Nightmare was controlling her body and point to herself)

"If I die, you'll die too!"
(Pikachu point at Nightmare in her body)

"You'll die in me, I'll be you!"
(Nightmare smile insanely)

"Damn you Night! Set me free!"
(Pikachu shut her eyes and shout)

"Can't you see? You are me!"
(Nightmare smile evilly and insanely)

"No! Deep inside...."
(Pikachu lower her head down)

"I am you! You are Night!"
(Nightmare smile)

"No! Never!"
(Pikachu was fighting Nightmare in her body)

"Yes! Forever!"

"God damn you Nightmare! Take all your evil deeds and run to tartarus!"
(Pikachu's eyes glowing a bit red)

"I'll see you there, Pikachu!"


"Mahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!"
(Please stop at 4:33... Please)

Pikachu just kept on twisting and turning and her cheeks were block and turning into spikes?...
Pikachu breath slowly and sweating, her cheeks slowly comes back to her normal...normalish purple cheeks. Pikachu breath calmly and peaceful.
Like someone took away Pikachu's horrible nightmare.
But somehow Farfetch'd scream and magical disappeared.
"Hmmm........." Pikachu slowly open her eyes and saw a blue floating flames.
"Hm................." Pikachu close her eyes and was unconscious.
One of the blue floating flame pats Pikachu's head and left.

To be continued...

Storm: Is Pikachu going to be okay?
What happen to Farfetch'd?
Comment what you think what happen next?
Hope you all enjoy this chapter bye!

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