Chapter 3: The Necklace

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Hey poke-fans! Here's chapter 3 of PSMD.
Hope you enjoy reading this!✌
*Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

"Gaaahhhh.....w-what? Where am I? And where is that sound coming form?" Question Pikachu.
"Woah! Who are they? And are they're fighting that pinkish orb? Question Pikachu.
"Okay Mew!! Time to end this darkness!!"
"Right! Here we go!" Yelled Mew.
That final attack defeated Dark Matter and everything went to a flash of white for Pikachu.

"Ahhh!!!!" Pikachu woke up and slap someone.
Pikachu turn around and realize that she just slap a Poké the face.
"Ah..........ah.........ah...ah......" Pikachu started to run.
"I'M SORRY!!!" Yelled Pikachu in a panic.
"No wait!! It's okay, come back!!" Nuzleaf run out of his house to find Pikachu. He look outside and found her on top of his house
"How did you got up there?" Question Nuzleaf.
"I have know idea!!??" Response Pikachu.
"How about you come down here? I reckon you don't want to hurt yourself?" Ask Nuzleaf.
"I can't....." Said Pikachu.
"What to you mean you can't??" Question Nuzleaf as he was getting mad.
"I........don't know how to get down!" Said Pikachu.
"..............Oh! Let me help you get down their." Said Nuzleaf.
Nuzleaf help Pikachu get down from Nuzleaf's roof.
"Thank you........ahhh........????"
"Oh! Nuzleaf...My name is Nuzleaf." Said Nuzleaf.
"Nice to meet you Nuzleaf." Said Pikachu.

"!! You already know me. Will you save me from that Seviper.." Said Nuzleaf.
"Se....viper???" Question Pikachu confuse what his talking about.
"I think you lost your memories when you hit your head on that tree?" Said Nuzleaf.
"That explain the band aids." Said Pikachu.
"Oh! That remind me. What your name?" Ask Nuzleaf.
"My name? M-m-m-m-m-my n-n-name m-m-my n-n-name ahhh!"
"Are you okay!?! Question Nuzleaf as he was getting worry.
" Y-yeah I'm fine. I remember my name but when I got hit by that tree I can't remember my name now... " Said Pikachu.
"Maybe your memories will someday come back?" Said Nuzleaf.
"Thanks Nuzleaf. Maybe I will get my memories back some day." Said Pikachu.
"Yeah, that the spirit! Let go to Audino to check your health." Said Nuzleaf.
"Okay! Became I don't know how long I'm gotta wears  these band aids?" Ask Pikachu.


"Now say ahhhh? Ask Audino.
"Will how is she Audino?" Ask Nuzleaf.
"She doing fine. She also fresh and healthy from her injury.
"Woo hoo!!" Cheer Pikachu happy that she recover from her injury.
"I'm gotta look at the plaza!" Said Pikachu.
"Hold on right there! You recover from your injury
but do you know where you gotta live tonight?" Ask Audino.
Oh!....I never thought of that??" Question Pikachu.
"Maybe you should live with me?" Question Nuzleaf.
"Really! Thank you Nuzleaf!" Said Pikachu as she hugging Nuzleaf.

"I see you later." Said Pikachu as she walk out of Audino's hut.
As Pikachu was walking to the plaza she saw something shining behind the bushes.
"Huh? What this?" Question Pikachu.
She walk closer and staying by a tree. And found a
"Cool! A necklace!" She pick up the necklace and put it on. And it fits perfectly, the necklace has a pinkish orb charm.
"It fits perfectly." Said Pikachu as she leave and walk to the plaza.
"There a lot of Pokémon here! Woah, is that a café?
I'm starting to like this part of the village." Said Pikachu.
She also saw a gate from the right side of the plaza.
"Hmm? What over there?" Question Pikachu.
She took one step of the gate.
Then she saw a vision, a future vision!

Pikachu's vision...

"Come on Goomy! Don't be such a whimp!!!" Said Panchum
"Yeah! Don't be a whimp!" Said Shelment.
"I'm not a whimp! And I'll show you show you!
And write my name on the ol' big piece of paper of the Foreboding  Forest!" Yelled Goomy going into the dungeon of the Foreboding Forest.
"His gotta cry like a baby when he set feet in that dungeon! Said Panchum.
"Or run to his mommy!" Said Shelment.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!" They both laugh at Goomy.

End Vision...

"Gahhh! W-woah! Poor Goomy....I think his in danger, the Foreboding Forest sound bad and good for a haunted house or...forest.
I better help Goomy there, no time to waste!" Said
Pikachu as she went to the mystery dungeon to help Goomy.

To be continued...

Why does Pikachu has future vision like a psychic type?
And who leave a perfectly nice necklace out of a forest?
Comments down what you think what will happen next?

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