Chapter 4: Helping A Pokémon

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Hey guys! Here chapter 4. Sorry it took so long, I was busy...I hope you enjoy reading this chapter.

Pikachu walks around the mystery dungeon and some Pokémon fights along the way.
"This dungeon feel like a maze, I can't find the stairs!!?" Said Pikachu.
"I wonder which floors Goomy is?" Question Pikachu. She walk to the fifth floor.
"I feel like I've be come pretty far, but...
Oh! That must be him!" Question Pikachu seeing someone up ahead.
"Ughhh....Why did I come here...I'm so scared..." Said Goomy.
He heard someone coming, he jump up and saw who was coming. It was that same Pikachu that he saw with his friends at Audino's hut.
"Is this the big piece of paper that Goomy was arguing with Panchum and Shelment about?
It's got writing on it...foot writing? The letters are oddly squiggly and sorta hard to read, but...
somehow I think I can read them. G-O-O-M-Y...
That's what it looks like.
I see! Which definitely makes this kid the Goomy that I saw in my vision. Goomy made it all the way here and even wrote his name like they told him.
That take real courage." Though Pikachu.
"Uh...It okay I'm not gotta hurt ya, I'm here to help you." Said Pikachu.
"Huh? You-you're here to help me?" Question Goomy.
"Oh...Oooh...Waaaahhh! I was so scared!" Cried Goomy.
"There...there it ok everything alright let go back to the village." Said Pikachu.

At The Village...

"What?! Goomy did?!" Deerling was shocked and speechless.
"Yeah, well he insisted on going..." Said Shelment.
"No more excuses, Shelment! Tell me the truth!
You and Panchum pushed him into this didn't you?
Question and yelled Deerling.
Th-that's...not fair, Deerling! He's the one who wanted to go! How can you stand there and blame us?" Question Shelment.
"Quite easily. You're the one who are always teasing poor Goomy, after all! Someday you're going to got too far, and it'll be too late for sorries then!" Said angry Deerling.
"I-I know that! No need to fuss so much." Said Shelment.
"You're going to show me the way there. Right now!" Yelled Deerling.
Shelment show the way where Goomy is to Deerling.

"What? He still hasn't come back out?" Question Deerling.
"Yeah, that's right. It's been a pretty long time, too.
I knew he was a total wimp." Said Panchum.
"No surprise there. He shoulda just admitted what a total wimp he is and kept his mouth shut." Said Shelment.
"But he had to go and talk big like he could handle this kind of place. He was boasting saying "I'll show you!" That's what got him into this mess." Said Panchum.
"He's probably huddle up somewhere in the forest petrified and sniffing back form his tears!" Said Shelment.
"HAHAHAHA" Laugh Panchum and Shelment.
Deerling argue with Panchum and Shelment.
And one of them has to go to the mystery dungeon.
Deerling wanted to save Goomy but the boys didn't want Deerling to get hurt in that mystery dungeon, because she they're idol. Then they argue.

Pikachu and Goomy walk out of the Foreboding  Forest but they saw something ahead.
"Oh Deerling, Shelment, and Panchum." Said Goomy.
"You know them?" Ask Pikachu.
"Yeah! They're my friends at school and also the village too." Said Goomy.
"What are they all arguing about?" Question Pikachu.
"Will I think Deerling arguing that they made me go to the Foreboding Forest alone. If Panchum and Shelment see me with you-."
"They will think you have to be save by a Pikachu."
Said Pikachu interrupted Goomy.
"Yeah!......." Said Goomy.
"But...What if they don't know..." Said Pikachu.
Goomy question about that answer. Pikachu whisper the plan to Goomy.
"Do you think it will work?" Question Goomy.
Pikachu nod about the plan.
"Okay...if you think it will work..." Said Goomy.

Pikachu try to sneak past Panchum, Shelment, and Deerling. They were still arguing that they though the plan will fail bad. Pikachu give a sign that I'm just gotta go.
Pikachu left and got back to the village. She can finally try the café. And after that she'll go home to Nuzleaf's home.

With Goomy...

Panchum, Shelment, and Deerling never believed their eyes, Goomy got out of the Foreboding Forest.
As Goomy tell everything what happen.
They all walk back to the village. But Panchum and Shelment still thinks Goomy is still a wimp to him.
Deerling stop Goomy  from walking back the village.
"What wrong Deerling?" Question Goomy.
"Okay Goomy....tell me the truth?..." Ask Deerling.
"Tell you...what?" Question Goomy. She was on to him.
"Goomy...." He stay silents. "Goomy!"
"Hmmmmm..." He can't hold it. "Goomy!!" Yelled Deerling.
"Ok! Ok! I'll tell you what really happen." Said Goomy. He told Deerling what really happen.
"What! The Pikachu we saw yesterday!?" Said Deerling.
"Yeah! She help me get out of the mystery dungeon." Said Goomy.
"But how does she/he know you needed help? Question Deerling.
"You did ask?"
"No..I was so scared, that I didn't even ask..." Said Goomy.
"It okay Goomy let just go home now." Said Deerling.

At Nuzleaf's House...

"Hey Pikachu! How was your day?" Ask Nuzleaf.
"Well I look around, saw a nice café, help a kid name Goomy out of a mystery dungeon, hang around at the café-"
"Wait go back, what you said?"
"Hang around the café?" Question Pikachu.
"No! Before that..." Ask Nuzleaf.
"Help a kid name Goomy out of a mystery dungeon."
"You what!!" Yelled Nuzleaf.
"..........Ahhhhhh........night Nuzleaf!" Quickly said Pikachu.
"Pikachu!!! Don't you dare fake fast asleep me right now!!?!?" Question Nuzleaf.
"...............So I help someone, that a good thing right?...Right??" Question Pikachu.
"Yeah! You did. But the mystery dungeon are dangerous with tough wild Pokémon." Said Nuzleaf.
"But I'm okay...nothing bad happen to me." Said Pikachu.
*sign*"I guessing your right about that. You better go to sleep, tomorrow I'll show you to school." Said Nuzleaf.
"Kk! Night Nuzleaf." Said Pikachu.
"Good night Pikachu." Said Nuzleaf.
As Nuzleaf and Pikachu fast asleep....Pikachu's necklace started to glow once at time.
But changing into different colors?
What could this means?..............

To Be Continued...

Yeah! What could this means for Pikachu and her weird necklace?
Comments down what you think what will happen next?

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