Chapter 10: Revenge

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Chapter 10



"That did not happen!" Abbie said in disbelief.

"Oh it happened," Jase said.

"Yeah I was there too. I kid you not. It happened." Cress said, taking a bite of his sandwich. The weekend was over and my fellow Protectors decided to join us for lunch. Luckily, they didn't bring up anything about the orbs or the Order of Darkness. I hate to keep things from Abbie but its best she doesn't know.

"Yeah, whatever," I said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Seriously, the jacked biker-guy sent out a Clefa!" Cress insisted.

"I believe you guys, alright." I left my friends and went into the school building. I walked down the halls until I found the bathroom. No one else was in there. After I was done, I took a drink from the water fountain outside the restroom.

I started down the halls back to the court yard. I was just about to open the double doors when a pair hands grabbed my arms and pulled me away. I kicked and flailed.

"Arceus, stay still!" My captor said in my ear. I couldn't see his face. He sound like an older boy.

"Never, you creep!"

I tried squirming free. I swore at him and elbowed him. He took me down the hall that lead to the Gymnasium. He kicked the doors open and threw me to the ground. I looked up to see Tracey and her gang of popular kids.

She looked over me to the boy who dragged me he. "Thank you, Drew." She said, sweetly. I turned to him. His face was red and he looked pissed. What can I say? I like to put up a fight.

"Why the hell did you bring me here?" I said. I was not in the mood for this crap.

"You ruined my image," Tracey said,"my undefeated streak ended by some girl on her first day. You think your all that don't you?" I got up and brushed myself off.

"Tracey, I truly am sorry that I beat you in a Pokemon battle," I said sarcastically,"I give you my deepest sympathy."

"Shut up!" She threw out a Pokeball out of the sphere came a Lopunny. She must've evolved it. I sent out Vulpix. So it's a battle she wants.

"Vulpix, Flamethrower!" Lopunny was hit from the attack.

"Lopunny, use Hi Jump Kick!" The rabbit Pokemon jumped in the air and put her right back leg in the kicking position.

"Dodge!" Vulpix darted away and Lopunny hurt herself when she missed and hit the Gym floor.

"Flame Burst!" I cried out. Vulpix shot the speedy fire attack at Lopunny. Lopunny was still hurt from the fall and had no time to dodge. Tracey was angry. I was beating her again! She glanced at her friends. They nodded and threw out their Pokemon.

"Go, Marill and Vileplume!" A girl said.

"Get ready to fight, Machamp! Drew said.

"Let's go, Liepard!" Another boy called out.

"You got this, Gothita, you too, Beautifly!" A girl who I recognized from Evolution class said. A small army of Pokemon stood before me. Vulpix could get really hurt. I looked back towards the door. A tall boy was guarding it.

"You're ruining your image even further," I said, "Tracey, the girl who had to get six other Pokemon to win a battle. How would ganging up on me accomplish anything? What do what from me?"

"I want you to feel pain." She said.

"Because of a freaking Pokemon battle!" I yelled. This was ridiculous. She was going to gang up on Vulpix and I just because I beat her.

"Vileplume, use Bullet Seed! Marill use Water gun!"

"Vulpix, avoid those attacks!" Vulpix successfully dodged the attacks. "Now use, Flamethrower on Vileplume!" Vileplume fainted from the attack and its trainer returned it.

"Machamp, Karate Chop!" Drew ordered. The fighting type flatten one of its four hands and struck Vulpix with it. I gritted my teeth. This was so unfair.

"Liepard, use Swift."

"Gothita, Double Slap. Beautifly, Gust."

"Lopunny, Dig!" Vulpix was hit by the oncoming attacks.

"Vulpix, Flame Burst on Gothita and Beautifly!" Beautifly fainted but Gothita was still ready to fight. We weren't going to win this. I had to hang on for Vulpix. We continued to fight. If you could call it that. Vulpix could barely stand.

"Stop this," I yelled, "leave Vulpix out of this!" They ignored me.

"Vulpix, Faint Attack!" Vulpix collapsed. "Stop! She could really be injured!"

"We don't care." Tracey said. They kept on attacking Vulpix. I had enough.

"Stop!" I yelled. I ran towards Tracey and punched her square in the face. She stumbled backwards and felt her nose. There was blood. Drew restrained me and pulled me away from her. Tracey stared at me.

"Let's go," she said, "before people start to wonder." All her minions returned their Pokemon. Drew threw me to the ground and left with the others. The boy with the Liepard gave me an apologetic look. I scrambled to Vulpix and held her in my arms.

"I'm so sorry." I said that over and over again. A tear trickled down my face. It was terrible seeing my best friend like this. The doors burst open. Abbie ran to my side and hugged me. Preston, Jase, and Cress came in as well. Preston put his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Tracey and her friends thought it would be a good idea to kidnap me and force Vulpix to battle. They all ganged up on us."

Cress swore. "Arceus. Can't those idiots leave people alone. Was Drew there?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'm sorry. I have no idea why they did that," Jase said.

"It's because I beat Tracey in a battle." I said. I pulled Vulpix closer to my chest.

"Guys," Cress said,"I think I might get expelled."

"Why?" Jase questioned.

"Because I'm going to beat the carp out of Drew." He made a break for the door. Jase held him back.

"Don't do this," Jase tried talking sense to his friend.

"They think they can mess with people and get away with it. First they start jumping Preston and us. And now they attacked Bree. No teacher is going to believe us. So I might as well do something about it."

"More violence isn't the answer," Abbie said standing up. She looked to me. "We should get your Vulpix healed. You'll probably miss class though."

"I don't care." I said.

"We'll come with you," Preston said.

"Meh, I skip class anyway." Cress shrugged. Jase looked at him. "What? I've only done it about three times." Jase rolled his eyes. We walked to the infirmary and I handed over my Vulpix to the nurse. She didn't ask any questions. She came back in less than a second with a Pokeball. She handed it to Cress.

"Thanks," he said. He took a seat next to us in the Lobby.

"Why did she give you a Pokeball?" Preston asked.

"I rescued a Flygon in Petalburg forest. It was pretty injured. And it likes me, so I'm keeping him." He answered. In a few minutes, the nurse returned with Vulpix. I sent her out. She gleefully yipped. I picked her up. Abbie had grabbed my bag when they found me. I left it at our lunch spot when I went to the bathroom. I checked on the egg. Vulpix jumped on my lap to see it. She put her paws on the glass. She was as curious as I was when it came to figuring out what was inside this egg.

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