Chapter 11: Evaluation

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Chapter 11



I didn't go to Battle class or Battle club that day. Vulpix needed to rest after what Tracey did. I hate that insensitive monster so much. Just because of a stupid battle, she decided to gang up on Vulpix. I didn't care what would happen if I skipped them.

Abbie and I walked to our dorm room. We sat on our beds and faced each other.

"I just don't get why Tracey would go and do something so terrible like that," Abbie said rubbing her arms.

"She did it because she's an ass," I answered. Abbie was about to say something but stopped. She obviously sensed I was angry.

"Well, how about we work on our Evolution homework?" She asked. I nodded and we pulled out our textbook. We finished it in about fifteen minutes. I set the Pokemon egg on my bed. Vulpix, Abbie, and I talked and watched it. We saw it move once. We went downstairs for supper. I didn't see Tracey there. Good for her because if I saw her, she would be breathing threw a tube the rest of her life.

We went to bed and I fell asleep quickly. We woke up and got in our uniforms. Vulpix and I were half asleep the entire time. Battle class was not fun that day. Mr. Curt yelled at me because I skipped class and battle club. If I did one more time I would be kicked out of battle club and would be punished.

The day went on. I got some assignments and got my work done. After school, I went to battle club. I entered as Mr. Curt was gathering kids for an announcement.

"Listen up," he barked,"the upcoming tournament in Rustboro city will only allow four kids to enter. So I will be evaluating you all and pick the best. Bree you battle with Preston." He named off other pairs to battle.

We went over to one of the smaller battle fields. I gripped Vulpix's Pokeball. Preston threw a Pokeball in the air.

"Go, Blaziken!" He called out.

"Come on out, Vulpix!" I hope Vulpix is ready for this.

"Vulpix, Fire blast!" Vulpix successfully hit Blaziken with the strong move.

"Blaziken, Slash!" Blaziken charged towards Vulpix and hit her across her chest with the attack.

"Vulpix, use Flamethrower." Vulpix shot a long stream of fire at Blaziken.

"Blaziken, dodge then use Blaze Kick!" Shouted Preston. The fire pokemon jumped in the air to dodge the attack. He then brought a blazing foot down on Vulpix. She was down and fainted.

"You did great," I said as I returned her.

"That was a good battle, Bree." Preston said after he returned his Blaziken.

"Thanks," I replied, "in all honesty I could care less about this tournament. It's just a local one so, I guess it isn't a big deal if I don't qualify." Preston grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.

"Professor Ryker has located an orb. See him after class for the details tomorrow." He whispered in my ear. He let go and I nodded. I almost smiled. It was about time for some real Protector action.


Author note: I have returned! Sorry for latish updates. This chapter is one of my shortest but yeah. I was camping for like 5 days so I'm all disoriented. I'm going to be leaving for the boundary waters in Canada in about 2 weeks. It's going to suck because I'm really tech savvy. Comment on anything you see wrong. Please VOTE, COMMENT, READ ON. I just got my 3DS and pokemon y so I'm super pumped to play that.

See ya later!

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