Chapter 11: Showdown at Battle Club

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Vague title! Well I tried. So well let's get this started.

"Hey Cilan! Why is levior city so well decorated with all these shops and all?" Ash asked as he walked with him though the streets.

"Oh! You don't know. Once a month, Levior city holds a fest . It is in Pokemon Battle Club managed by Don George. Trainers compete there too because there are tournaments held there. So from different regions, trainers arrive specially to fight and win the championship in Battle Club tournament. It is held in most of the cities in Clevan and Unova région. " Cilan explained.

"Wow! This sounds like fun. I think I should participate in this. It could really work out for me for my next brain battle ." Ash waved his fist in the air .

"Pikachu" Pikachu said.

"See! Pikachu is excited too . " Ash grinned.

"As you see fit , Ash. But I must warn you . The challenge is just as tough as a league match there , Ash . And you have only well three Pokemon." Cilan sighed.

"Is there a 6 on 6 battle at finale or something?" Ash asked .

"No! Of course not . But you know there are gonna be lots of round so i think you better keep your options more." Cilan advised.

"Well ! Thank Cilan. Maybe I will hopefully catch new Pokemon. Maybe I will not .  But I am entering there and I am gonna win it ." Ash chuckled.

"I bet you will." Cilan laughed. Two carried on their way chatting and looking at different shops. But Ash and Cilan weren't only one.

"You know when I thought about idea of is going together sightseeing , I wasn't sure it was good idea. But really hanging out is fun except when it comes to with Ash." Serena giggled.

"No opposing from my side." Dawn reverted back.

"I bet he is gonna enter tournament." Serena bit her lips.

"Oh yeah! Pokemon and battles are the only thing I have seen him taking notice of yet." Dawn chuckled.

"Well someday he will become less dense and notice me." Serena teased.

"Not if I can help it ." Dawn laughed as  both continued on their way .

Ash and Cilan had arrived at Pokemon center while other trainers were already there to have their Pokemon checked up before battle .

"Your all Pokemon looks fine, Ash. Now enter your pokédex here so that you can be registered for tournament today ." Nurse Joy told him pointing towards  (well you see in the picture)

"Good ! You are all set ." She told him returning his pokédex.

"Great! I can't wait to beat my first opponent." Ash said thrilled as Pikachu agreed.

"Hmm" Someone scoffed.

Ash turned back to see a red haired girl with attire like Misty but in a better fashioned way .  Oh ! It is great she doesn't know it . He thought.

"Something amusing?" Ash asked.

"Well! I am just astonished by your overconfidence. I am pretty sure I can beat you with my eyes closed . There are lots of other trainer here and you are here already claiming that you are gonna beat your first opponent when you don't even know him or her." She asserted.

"I smell a sour air with flavour of lightning between you ." Cilan stated.

"Oh! There is a lightning, all right. And she is gonna feel it when I will knock her out with my skills." Ash glared at her  as she looked back.

"Hey! Ash! Why are you having staring competetion with this girl?" Dawn asked.

"Oh! They are just building the fire in their eyes to beat each other." Cilan clarified.

"Did I ask you ?" Dawn leaned over him.

"Well! I was just...Cilan trailed off. I will just go." He nervously chuckled before going away .

"We will see each other in battle." Both said at the time as she walked away .

"Oh ! I can feel the heat in atmosphere already." Stephan grinned.

"Yeah! That was pretty intense . But now I think I better catch one more Pokemon. Just in case ." Ash sighed.

"Don't you worry. You will beat her , Ash . Just trust your instincts." Serena told him.

"Yeah!" Dawn nodded her head.

"Well thanks guy . Are you participating too, Stephen?" Ash asked him.

"It is Stephan. I keep telling you. But whatever. Yeah ! I am." He confirmed.

"Good ! I wonder who else is participating from our school?" Ash drifted off.

"Well Paul is not gonna participate in it . He is off to his brother Reggie's place for two days." Stephan stated.

"Yeah ! " Ash sighed in relief.

"You really don't like Paul, do you ?" Cilan said.

"Yeah! He just gets on my nerves. " Ash replied.

Soon everyone gathered in the Battle Club. There was already huge crowd of people there sitting.

"Wow! That is pretty huge crowd." Ash exclaimed .

"Pika" Pikachu agreed.

"Hey Ash ! Do you want to take a picture together here?" Serena asked.

"Another time maybe . I am too psyched to do something else but watch this." Ash said as he went back to the proceedings that were ongoing.

Serena pouted at his reaction.

"Now everyone please welcome Me Freddie O' Martian who will be co-hosting this event with me today." Don George announced.

"Oh boy ! Ash really is pretty dense, isn't he ? Look at poor Serena pouting ." Bianca chuckled.

"Well! He is Ash after all." Ken replied as both laughed.

"Now gentlemen! Today's Contestants are :

"Ash , Stephen , Cilan, Bianca , Casy, Liona, Fresa , Mike , Sam , Donny , Flannery ,Greta , Gustavo , Marina , Mark and last but not the least Roxane.

So let's hit them up and get ready for exciting battles to come.

Round 1
Ash Vs Casy
Fresa Vs Sam
Donny Vs Stephen
Roxane Vs Marina
Mark Vs Cilan
Greta Vs Gustavo
Bianca Vs Liona
Mike Vs Flannery

8 participants will move on from Round 1 to Round 2 from which 4 will move on to Finale from which 2 will move to  Grand Finale . So let's get this started." Don George announced as the crowd cheered.

"Good luck! Ash ! You are first." Bianca told him.

"Thanks Bianca . I look forward to battle with that girl Liona too if both of us move on." Ash said with determined eyes.

"Ash and  Casy proceed to the field for first battle of the tournament." Freddie  announced.

"Go Frogadier!" She released her Pokemon.

"A Frogadier. Huh!" Ash brought out his pokédex to check it.

"Frogadier, the Bubble Frog Pokémon, and the evolved form of FroakieFrogadier's speed is unmatched. It can climb a tower over 2,000 feet tall in one minute." Pokédex stated.

"Well ! That is one fast Pokemon. But so are we , aren't we , Pikachu?" Ash chose Pikachu.

"So it is a battle between Froagadier and Pikachu.  Start ." The judge announced.

"Wow ! I am so excited to see this battle ." Serena beamed.

"Ya! Ash has the advantage in this battle since electric attacks are super effective against water Pokemon." Stephan announced.

"Yeah! But Pokemon battle is more than just types. You gotta be ready for anything." Cilan remarked.

"Well! Ash will be ready." Dawn folded her arms .

"Frogadier ! Close combat ." As the Frogadier approached towards Pikachu with incredible speed.

"Pikachu ! Dodge them." Ash told Pikachu but Frogadier's attacks were faster than Pikachu could see and dodge.

"Oh ! It seems like Pikachu is taking lot of damage . If Ash doesn't do something quick, I think he is in real trouble." Freddie commented.

"Ah! Pikachu use thunderbolt." Ash hastily said.

"Frogadier ! Jump away before lightning can hit you ." Casy said and Frogadier stepped back.

Pikachu stopped getting a bit exhausted .

"Wow ! That Frogadier is amazing. He had already landed several attacks and Ash hadn't even one." Bianca was surprised.

Ash rattled his brain. Frogadier is weak to lightning but it will do nothing if it can't hut him. It is so fast . How could he possibly attack? Unless.. unless..

"Pikachu ! Use quick attack." Ash said.

"Frogadier! Use cut." She scoffed .

"I thought you would slip up . " Ash smiled.

"Now Pikachu! Use volt tackle." Ash quickly said as Pikachu's volt tackle increased with quick attack hitting Frogadier with immense force.

"Don't give it time to stand up . Now use thunderbolt." Ash said as Frogadier fell on ground. Pikachu shot bolts of lightning shocking Frogadier .

Frogadier fell as Pikachu landed on ground exhausted.

"Frogadier is unable to battle. This means Ash is the winner and will move to second round ." Judge announced as the crowd cheered.

"Frogadier ! Return. You were great." Casy returned him to its pokeball.

"You are a great trainer , Ash. I will be rooting for you from this point." Casy shook his hand .

"Thanks Casy!"Ash smiled.

"Yes! I knew he would win." Serena said relieved like she was the one battling.

"Lucky break. But I will break it for sure." Liona smirked at his winning.

"Now the next battle is between Fresa Vs Sam"
Time skip
"And gengar is out. Which means Fresa is the winner ."

"Next battle will be between Donny and Stephen"

"My name is Stephan." Stephan sighed as he proceeded to the battlefield.

"This will be my first time watching Stephen battle . I am very interested to see how he battles." Ash said as Pikachu dismounted from his shoulder and sat on railing to watch the battle.

"Ya! Me too." Dawn leaned close to him stealthily.

"Stephen has chosen Sawk as his Pokemon while Donny has chosen his Makuhita . This is gonna be one exciting battle , folks . A fighting type vs fighting type." Freddie announced.

"I am very excited to see what approach will trainers take !" Don George remarked.

"They still can't get my name right. But never mind . Sawk ! Are you ready?" Stephan looked at Sawk who high kicked as a yes.

"Start the battle."

Donny VS Stephan

"Sawk! Use superpower." Stephan

"Wow! So what does that superpower do ?" Ash asked.

"Duh! It is in the name , Ash . It increases power ." Bianca smirked.

"You can increase your power all you want . You won't beat my Makuhita. Go Makuhita! Use multiple force palm." Donny said.

"Sawk! Use close combat ." The words were hardly out that Sawk with lightning speed started to hit Makuhita with punches.

"Ah! You . Makuhita! Use Focus blast ." Donny yelled and Makuhita released a burst of energy hitting Sawk .

"Looks like both Pokemon have taken some damage but yet neither side is going down so easy ." The commentator carried on.

"Sawk! Use Earthquake." Stephan said.

"Wow! That is a pretty powerful move . How will Makuhita counter that ?" As the crowd went wild.

"Makuhita! Use body slam on Sawk while it is using its energy to cause earthquake." Donny said as Makuhita Jumped in the air falling towards Sawk.

The whole crowd was eager to see who lands attack first but what happened was much more thrilling for the ground shook and rocks started to crumble with Makuhita crushing Sawk to ground as the dust covered the field.

"No one can see through the storm of dust that had covered the entire field but keep your eyes focused, folks for when the dust settles! We will see who is standing. The last one and only one standing." The commentator said.

The scene became clear to see Makuhita standing.

"Yes." Donny jumped in excitement. But Makuhita fell down the very second and Sawk managed to get up.

"A pre assumed victory by Donny turns out to be nothing but a misconception as Sawk defeats Makuhita in one of the intense battles. Which means Stephen will be moving to Round 2." Commentator said..

"Even the commentator can't get my name right. Ah ! But who cares? We won , Sawk." Stephan laughed.

"He was great. His Sawk knows pretty powerful moves and can respond very quickly. I would say he has trained it very well. " Ash exclaimed.

"Yeah! Both of you won. I am pretty excited and I hope Cilan and me make it too." Bianca said.

"Oh sure you will. Just do your best ." Ash said.

"Yeah! Exactly." Dawn leaned even closer to Ash .

"Hey Dawn ! Why do you get nearer and nearer Ash every time you agree with him?" Serena asked her as she mouthed "what did you do that for"

"Oh nothing! I didn't even notice." Dawn smirked.

"Yeah! Neither did I . Huh! What are the odds I missed something that obvious?" Ash laughed with Pikachu.

"Oh boy ! If only you knew ." Bianca giggled internally eyeing Dawn and Serena .

As the journey continues

I thought it was a pretty good chapter. It took more time than normally I take to write but really it was worth it . I mean I actually had Ash have conversation with so lot of characters without making it forced. I think so . What did you think of this chapter? Getting real Pokemon vibe?

Just to tell I like comments. So write anything at all. Well gotta go.


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