Chapter 12: Always bit of a risk taker

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Hi! We are still carrying on Battle Club. Oh yeah! It is a pretty long event and I don't wanna rush it . But trust me after this ! We will quickly move on to brain and then finally start his journey at least by chapter 21. Yeah! That should do it . I least.

Round 1
Ash Vs Casy-Ash
Fresa Vs Sam- Fresa
Donny Vs Stephen-Stephen
Roxane Vs Marina-Roxane
Mark Vs Cilan-You are gonna see that battle
Greta Vs Gustavo-Greta
Bianca Vs Liona-Oh! This one is also going to be seen.
Mike Vs Flannery-Mike

So let's get started , shall we. Yeah ! I am totally serious this time.

"Ash ! Match between Mark and Cilan is gonna start soon. So you better hurry because if you are not on time, well I just hope that ice-cream is worth it." Bianca laughed.

"Sure Bianca. I will be back. Hey just a favour. Can you try to keep Dawn and Serena a bit distracted? I mean for some strange reason, they are always with me ." Ash said as Bianca giggled.

"Sure! Go." She smirked .

And our hero Ash continued on his way with Pikachu through the streets looking for an ice-cream shop he had seen few hours ago.

All of sudden,a guy jumped out with tail sticking out.

"What the?" Ash was surprised.

"Pika! Pika!" Pikachu questioned.

The guy chuckled and then turned to a fox like Pokemon.

"Who is that Pokemon?" Ash quickly took out his pokédex .

"Zorua. The Bonds between these Pokémon are very strong. It protects the safety of its pack by tricking its opponents. Also known as Master of Illusions." The pokédex stated.

"Wow! Sounds like a cool Pokemon. Well! It must be someone's Pokemon or how else would it be wandering off in the street?" Ash remarked .

"Let's go Pikachu" Ash carried on his way with Zorua fading into distance unaware that Zorua was following him.

"Hey Ash! What took you so long . Come on!" Bianca dragged him to the audience stand .

Cilan was already on the field with his Pansage , the monkey pôkemon of grass type.

While the opponent Mark had chosen Hitmonlee , the kicking Pokemon of fighting type.

"Beign" Judge announced.

"Pansage and I will let you have first move ."Cilan said.

"Why is he giving him a heads up ?" Ash said to himself.

"Alright! Hitmonlee ! High jump kick." Mark said.

Hitmonlee approached towards Pansage with a kick in the air while Pansage waited till last second and dodged it .

"Pansage ! Now use  bullet seed on Hitmonlee." Cilan said as the arrays of seed started to hit Hitmonlee damaging him.

"We are not gonna let that stop us. Hitmonlee ! Rolling kick ." Mark said as Hitmonlee dived into bullet seeds gaining damage but landed rolling kick on Pansage.

"Wow! I am impressed. So I think it is Evaluation time ." Cilan folded his hands .

"The what?" All in audience and Mark were confused.

"Your Hitmonlee is well raised by its firm kicks and it is able to endure attacks of great strength from the way it landed attack after getting hit. " Cilan said.

"Thanks!" Mark trailed off not understanding what was happening.

"What is Cilan doing?" Ash groaned.

"Pansage ! Now fire solar beam at Hitmonlee ." Cilan said as the flash of light hit Hitmonlee knocking him out .

"And Cilan has won with his Pansage in surprising way of evaluation time." The commentator said.

"Wow! That was some battle."Ash laughed.

Time skip

"Now we approach to second last battle of first round . Bianca , a young enthusiast against Liona , one of the brain of Levior school." Commentator said.

"A brain? She is one of the four brain I have to defeat to start my journey! No wonder she was offended by my remark." Ash chuckled.

"Pika ! Pika!" Pikachu said.

"What is the matter , Pikachu?" Ash asked as Pikachu pointed to left.

"It is just Serena , Pikachu." Ash said not understanding .

"Hey Ash! I finally found you . Is Bianca up now?" Serena came from other side.

"What the ? What is happening? Who is real Serena?" Ash shook his brain.

Serena looked at Fake Serena glaring. Fake Serena giggled and turned back to Zorua.

"Wait ! Are you the same zorua from..." Ash asked to which it nodded.

"Oh ! So it was a Pokemon looking like me . Wow ! I didn't know there were Pokemon who could transform into humans too ." Serena sighed.

"Really! I first met Ditto but it was not perfect copy of human . Then when I met Latias and Latios, I saw Latias who was generally in form of girl around me ." Ash told her.

"Wait ! Are you saying ? Ash , you have seen two legendary pokemons ." Stephan , Cilan , Serena and Dawn all said at once.

"Well they weren't the only one guys . I have also seen Zapdos , Celebi , Articuno, Moltres , Lugia , Sweecon, Entei,Rakyuza Mew and Mewto , well that was created scientifically but still. Did I not tell you guys I defeated Articuno in my Battle Frontier journeys?" Ash said.

"Wow ! You are like legendary attracter . I mean defeated Articuno. Wow ! You just became hell more cool to all of us ." Stephan exclaimed.

"Well in that case , does being kissed by a legendary Pokemon make him cooler ?" A familiar girl said .

"Misty! What are you doing here ?" Ash asked surprised.

"Oh nothing! Just thought to visit you and then I find you here telling your tales to your new friends." She laughed.

"Yeah !" Ash said as Pikachu walked around Misty greeting her.

"Wait ! It is nice to meet old friend of Ash . But could someone explain me "the kiss by legendary Pokemon", part ?" Dawn chimed.

"Oh ! Yeah. Actually Latias had crush on Ash and when we are going away from Altomore , she transformed into Bianca , a girl we knew and kissed him .oh ! Brock was so jealous at that time ." Misty laughed.

"Come on! I am pretty sure it was just a goodbye ritual between friends." Ash waved it off as all shook their head inside 'So dense ! So dense"

"Hey guys ! I am liking this conversation but I think if we don't watch the match , Bianca would be pretty angry." Cilan chimed.

All quickly realised and went back to see Bianca 's pignite fighting Liona's
Sycther .

"Why would she fight with Sycther ? She knows it is weak against fire type since it is a bug type." Ash groaned.

"Where is bug? I hate bugs." Misty scowled.

"Hey Ash ! Why is this Liona getting to you so much ? It is just like Paul and you except she is girl ." Cilan asked.

"I ..umm don't know. I just don't know" Ash trailed off.

"But what is this ? Sycther has completely blown away the flamethrower charged by Pignite and now is approaching so fast and agile towards it , my eyes can barely catch it's movements. How will Bianca handle this ?" The commentator stated.

"No worries. Pignite ! Use Fire Pledge ." Bianca said.

"Child's play ! Scyther ! Fly away ." Liona said.

"Now use double team and then brick break ." She sighed.

Sycther quickly became three Sycthers confusing Pignite and Bianca while the real one appeared behind Pignite and started to chop down hits on it making it fall.

"Pignite! Are you okay ? Can you still battle?" Bianca asked.

"Good." She remarked as he got up .

All of sudden , a burn mark appeared on Sycther and it took some damage .

"Why did that happen?" Stephan asked.

"It is flame skin. Ability of Pignite. If any Pokemon makes direct contact with it , then  it gets burnt up a bit and takes some damage." Ash explained.

"Wow! You know this stuff." Misty was surprised.

"Ya! I started to study a bit too ." Ash smiled.

"Let's end this with one critical hit . Flamecharge again." Bianca said as pignite covered itself in fire heading towards Sycther.

"This is it or nothing. Sycther! Use razor sword by running into that fire on Pignite." Liona sighed.

All were surprised at this.

"Is she crazy ? She knows Sycther will take major damage if it makes contact with fire .." Serena widened her eyes.

"No! She is brilliant." Ash remarked as all looked at him.

Soon the smoke cleared and Pignite fell unconscious while Sycther managed to stand up.

"She knew that if she tried to blow it away , it won't do much but sap away Sycther's energy and pignite would have advantage. So she took a bet. She risked Sycther taking some damage from fire by running with its agility and hitting it with razor sword to end this in one go." Ash pumped up his fists in air .

"Now I am even more psyched to have battle her ." Ash jumped with Pikachu.

"Wow! I guess that was clever and pretty risky move. " Misty sighed.

Bianca came back to stadium.

"Hey tough luck ! " Ash said.

"No worries. It was a great battle." She smiled.

"Yeah!" He replied.

"Hey guys ! Umm..I gotta go . I will be back . Come on , Pikachu." Ash told them as all looked at him go with Zorua following him.

"He is acting surprisingly.." Misty trailed off.

"Mature and Calm. I know. It is bit odd." Cilan replied as all chuckled.

Scene Change

"Hey Zorua ! I gotta ask . Do you wanna travel with me and Pikachu since now I know you have no trainer?" Ash asked Zorua to which it nodded it's head .

"Well! That is great. Go pokeball." Ash threw his pokeball at Zorua catching it .

"Welcome to the team , Zorua." Ash looked at the pokeball after picking it up .

"Yes! I just caught a Zorua." Ash jumped with Pikachu saying "pi Pikachu"

"Jumping up in the air for catching some Pokemon. Oh ! Why am I not surprised it is you ?" A familiar voice drew his attention.

"I was actually looking for you . You know." Ash told her.

"Oh really! Why ?" She folded her arms .

"Well! Since now I know you are one of the brain too, I am just thrilled by the idea I can get two chances to beat you." He chuckled with Pikachu.

"Confident much . Tell you what. If we don't get chance to battle with each other here , then we will have a battle definitely at tower , right?" She said.

"Obviously!" Ash replied.

"Yes! So if you defeat there , well you get a new badge but if you don't, you would have to go out with me ?" She bluntly stated.

"First of all, I am not gonna lose . Secondly , what does "going out with you " mean ? You mean sightseeing." Ash said not understanding.

"Why don't you ask two doe eyes girls who are always hanging out with you ?" She smiled.

"Sure ! You know you took a pretty big risk back there." He said as she started to walk away.

"I know. I guess I have always been a bit of a risk taker. Are you?" She winked and went away.

" I ?" Ash asked Pikachu who was just as confused.

"Hey Ash ! So round 1 is complete. Soon Round 2 is gonna be here . So where were you ?" Cilan asked him.

"Oh! I caught Zorua. I met Liona and she made agree to some bet based on Pokemon battle with some condition I don't particularly understand and referred to ask from you two ?" Ash looked at Serena and Dawn.

"Really! What is it ?" Both questioned. Ash explained.

"You better not lost that battle, Ash ." Serena glared.

"Oh yeah ! You gotta win it ." Dawn leaned over him.

"You girls are so weird." Ash shook his head as Bianca giggled.

"You will grow up. Someday. Oh ! How I wait for that fateful day ." Misty thought.

"Now quarter finals is here folks . And this is battle for quarter finals" Don George pointed towards Board.

Ash VS Stephen
Roxane Vs Fresa
Cilan Vs Liona
Mike Vs Greta

Good luck out there folks coz things are gonna get more heated now.

Ash and Stephan sighed looking at each other.
"Let's just give it all." Both shook hands.

"You are up against Liona. Be careful.' Bianca warned.

"Yeah sure." He replied looking at Liona who looked back like she would devour him any second.

As the journey continues

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