Chapter 13: Soar through the Semi finals

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This tournament is covering quite a long , isn't it . Aw! I know. But I just don't wanna rush it up and jam the plotline. Do you guys have problem with way things are going. I hope not . I have already written many chapters in advance and then you are like"then why ask me man" to be honest, I don't know. Courtesy. Views , comments I guess. Well ! One thing I can tell you here . In this chapter, no matter what , we are gonna reach semi finals . Not like Round 1 which took two chapters. We got a brain to beat after all. So sit tight and enjoy the ride. Metaphorically of course.

Ugh! For god's sake , just start with Pokemon. No one wants to hear your rant .
"Rude much "

Alright! Unlike games, some Pokemon. Mind it . Some Pokemon are able to know more than 4 attacks at same time. It is easily possible. Remember Drake 's dragonite which had 8 moves , Ash 's snorlax which had 6 moves and other exceptions. So that proves that it is not impossible to do so.


Ash VS Stephen-You will see
Roxane Vs Fresa- Roxane
Cilan Vs Liona-You will definitely see
Mike Vs Greta- Mike
Ash was going against one of his friend. He was fine. Stephan was fine. And yet their friends were not . Just a tad worried about what result of battle will be and how will it affect their relation.

"Oh my god ! I am just freaking out . I am pretty sure that both will not be able to..." Dawn began .

"Just relax , Dawn. I am sure they can handle it very maturely ." Bianca remarked eating hotdog.

"Really! Do you remember how they acted when they accidentally took each other's Pokéball." Serena crossed her arms.

"A freaking accident. I rest my case." Bianca sighed.

While the girls deliberated on trivial matters , Ash and Stephen were busy training their Pokemon.

Ash was thinking of giving Zorua a chance. But before doing that , he needed to learn about its moves just a bit more.

"So Zorua ! We are gonna work on your moves today and see how that works out ." Ash said as Zorua quickly transformed into a girl and smiled at him.

"That is nice shapeshift . Hey! You can transform perfectly when copying a girl but not boy . I take that you are a girl then." Ash asked and it nodded.

"So two girl Pokemon and two boy Pokemon." Ash thought. Yes ! I just revealed dragonair is he . What? Not all can be female . Guy gotta catch a break.

"Pikachu ! Use thunderbolt but not at full power towards Zorua ." Ash said.

"Now Zorua! Try one of your attacks ." Ash said. Zorua dodged the attack and chuckled.

"You can't dodge everything,Zorua . For ex . Pikachu ! Use volt tackle." Ash said as Pikachu burst into ( just see this video . You will finally known all of Pikachu's top moves. Yeah! I am completely ignoring electro web attack introduced in Sun and moon anime of Pokemon)

But Zorua dodged it with fast agility and then started to emit dark ray from eyes.

"Wait ? Is that what I think it is..." Ash hung his mouth open.

Scene Change
(Can't tell you that move now . Gotta wait for battle .)

"And now we are back , gentlemen and folks . It is time for first quarter finals battle. Please welcome Ash ,a young trainer, champion of Hoenn league and Stephen, the mighty with his Sawk apparently."

"Who told them I am champion?" Ash wondered.

"I did." Misy shouted.

"Of course you did." He groaned. Great! Now he can't lose or his champion title will be on the line.

"I choose you Zorua ! Come on out ." Ash let out his pokeball.

"Wait! He just caught that Zorua today. Why is he going with that ?" Misty groaned.

"Yeah ! That is so not a good idea " Dawn bit her lips.

"You like him a lot , don't you ?" Misty crossed her arms.

"Well! She may like him a lot and me too but he probably likes me back more ." Serena jumped in.

"Wanna know my guess. He doesn't even think of you two more than friends currently. So stop this antics of yours and just try to be friend . Just for a short while like until he starts on a journey by defeating brains. Then you can do what you want." Misty told them.

"Who told you that you are in charge ?" Dawn sassed.

"She has got a good point. Ash do get a little uncomfortable sometimes when we do that . Fine ! I will do it because I put his interest at equal level to mine unlike.." Serena began..

"Alright! Fine! I will do it too. Now let's not miss the battle." Dawn sighed .

And so the peace was established in audience stand thanks to Misty the scrawny .

"Sawk! Superpower. And then use close combat ." Stephan said.

"Going with same combination. Huh!" Ash remarked.

"Always works. Zorua is no exception." He chuckled.

"I won't be too sure. Zorua! You know what to do." Ash smiled as Zorua dodged all of attacks by Sawk.

"What? Wow ! It is fast . Well ! It cannot keep dodging forever. Keep using close combat." Stephan said .

"Zorua! Just keep dodging all of attacks. You are doing great." Ash said.

If I can't land any attack , then Sawk would get exhausted soon. I have to use another attack but which . Stephan thought.

"Sawk ! Use earthquake. There is no way they can dodge that attack." Stephan said as Sawk focused it's energy and kicked the ground shattering ground .

'I was waiting for this." Ash shouted as all in the audience were surprised.

"Stand your ground, Zorua. Be tough." Ash said as rocks started to hurl towards it.

"It looks like Ash knew Zorua would take damage and yet it wanted Sawk to use earthquake . Looks like Ash is got something up his sleeve." Cilan said.

"I wonder what?" Serena replied.

"Now is the perfect time . Use imprison on Sawk." Ash quickly commanded as the dark pulse emitted from Zorua hitting Sawk covering it in dark cage and then disappiated.

"What was that? Why did it not do anything?" Dawn asked.

"I have never heard of this move ." Cilan wondered.

"Looks like your attack failed, Ash . Tough luck . Sawk ! Superpower." Stephan commanded as the ground became still again.

But Sawk couldn't use attack.

"What is wrong, Sawk?" Stephan asked.

"It looks like Sawk is not able to use superpower. Zorua's imprison has prevented Sawk from using any attack that it has already used." The commentator stated.

"And now for the big finish . Zorua ! Use payback on Sawk ." Ash said as Zorua Started to attack with double the power the Sawk used in its attack against Zorua knocking it out .

"Sawk is unable to battle. Which means Zorua is the winner making Ash the victor of this match ." Judge announced.

"That was one of the best strategy and combination attack I saw ." Don George commented at battle .

"Ash is amazing. Wow!" Serena hung her mouth open.

"He is good. A worthy opponent." Liona shook her head at the battle.

Ash and Stephan shook hands acknowledging each other and taking comfort in the fact that they did their best . Soon match between Cilan and Liona was gonna start . But before that , Ash had to send his Zorua to Pokemon center for check up.

"You are not half bad as I presumed." Liona smirked.

"Great to know. I wish you good luck in your next match." Ash said.

"Oh!I won't need luck. But your friend might when I am there." She smiled and walked away.

"Uh-huh!" Ash sighed..

"Zorua is fine . It just needs a bit of rest ." Nurse Joy said.

"Alright! Zorua . You take rest .  I will be back " He patted her head and went away .

"Come on out guys." Ash said as all Pokemon came out . Dragonair, Eeevee and Pikachu who was already there.

"Now for semi - finals! I am thinking of going with you Eevee. So I think we should train a bit . But since there is one battle already going on right now , Dragonair and Pikachu , you two go and watch it . Maybe you will learn some battle style that might help . Stick with Bianca , Serena and others . Alright!" Ash told them as they nodded.

" Hey ! What are you doing here alone with Dragonair, Pikachu?" Serena asked.

"Pika! Pika! Pikachu." Pikachu pointed towards battle.

"You mean Ash sent you to watch battle so this dragonair must be the same one as Ash 's dragonair." Serena interpreted to which Pikachu nodded.

"Alright!" Serena smiled watching battle while Dawn's Piplup looked at dragonair with curiousity.

"Hey Ash ! So when are you gonna evolve your Eevee," a voice came out and Eevee hid behind Ash .

"It is alright, Eevee " Ash picked her up stroking her.

"Umm..I don't know. I think I am gonna just wait for it to evolve on its own if it wants to." Ash smiled.

"So your Eevee can either stay Eevee or evolve naturally into Ambrion , Silvion and Espeon. Coz you know for others , it requires stones." Lillie stated.

"I guess so . " Ash said.

"You know you have very strong team currently. With electric type Pikachu, dark and psychic move Zorua , Normal type Eevee with potential to become any type , And dragonair , a dragon type ." Lillie told him.

"Yeah ! But not enough.  I mean until I beat Paul , I will not get that confident to think I am powerful." He said.

"Oh! You never should. No matter Paul or who . You always gotta think that there is someone better or .. whoops." Lillie laughed.

"Now gentlemen, Cilan and Liona 's battle will beign." Announcement came .

"Oh! I gotta hurry." Ash remembered ." Let's go Eevee." Ash ran inside the audience stadium.

"Hey! I thought you weren't gonna make it for once ." Dawn said

"Ya ! Me too . Can't wait to see this battle ." Ash sighed as Eevee jumped out from its arms and started to watch battle excitedly.

"I choose Dwebble ." Cilan brought out his Pokemon.

"Go Lycanrock!" She said as a red white striped dog with fierce eyes Pokemon came out .

"Who is that Pokemon?" Ash took out his pokédex to check it .

"Lycanrock Midnight Form

It goads its enemies into attacking, withstands the hits, and in return, delivers a headbutt, crushing their bones with its rocky mane."

"Well! Sounds cool." Ash remarked.

"Lycanrock! Use stone edge" Liona said and huge boulders appeared from the ground hurling Dwebble .

"Dwebble! Withdraw ." Cilan said as Dwebble concealed itself inside it's shell.

"Now Dwebble ! Use rock slide ." Cilan said as volleys of boulders appeared from sky targeted towards Lycanrock.

"Lycanrock! Counter." She said. Boulders were hurled back at Dwebble by the counter.

"Wow! I have never seen such a strong counter attack . But it is Evaluation time . Your Lycanrock is well brushed , coat is shiny and it can maintain control . " Cilan stated as Ash , Serena and all groaned.

"Thanks! Now use accelrock." She told Lycanrock who approached with high speed.

"Dwebble ! Use X- Sicssor." Cilan said. Both moves clashed against each other but Lycanrock smashed Dwebble to ground knocking him out

"And Dwebble is out . Liona will move to semi finals. " Judge announced.

"Cilan lost. Well! It was a great battle though." Dawn sighed.

"Yeah! Sure." Ash sighed.

Soon the quarterfinals were over with Ash , Liona, Roxane and Mike moving on to semi finals.

"Now for our semi finals matchup, folks , it is Ash Vs Roxane and Liona vs Mike. Good luck to all of you . Semi finals and finals will be held next day now . So take a good rest , folks. I think we all had enough battles in all Round 1 and quarter finals today ." Don George announced.

"Wow! This had been an exhausting day . I mean it felt like so long. Misty came , I made a rival , I caught a Zorua , two incredibly long battle. Can't wait for tomorrow." Ash sighed.

"I agree with you , Ash ." Cilan said.

"So Stephan! What are you other pokemons that you have ?" Misty asked.

"It is  Stephan . Wait ! You actually pronounced it correctly. !" Stephan widened his eyes.

"Yeah ! Don't all of they call you that?" She looked at him.

"Oh! You won't believe how wrong they can get with my name." Stephan began and all started to charter.

As the journey continues.

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