Chapter 24: New Pokemon

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Ash has won brain badges :-
Soul badge from Alana
Castello badge from Liona
Belief badge from Senko
Sephile badge from Hiron

Gym badges :-
Affirm badge from Carolina


Travelling companions- Dawn and Serena

Rivals- Paul and Stephan yet
After training so hard , Ash was quite ready to face anything coming his way . Well not quite . But what he did know was that he was ready to battle with Christopher again.

"So you are back. Let's see how good you are ?" Christopher said as Ash came inside the gym.

"The rules are the same as before. Start the match." Judge announced.

"I choose you Alakazam." He brought out his Pokemon.

"I choose you Eevee." Ash took battle stance.

"Alakazam! Use psychic on Eevee." He said as Eevee started to life in the air .

"Eevee! Use attract." Ash commanded as attract hit Alakazam but it did nothing.

"It was a clever thought to use attract while Alakazam is managing Eevee with psychic so it can't avoid it but it only works on opposite gender. " Christopher said and Eevee started to get lifted up and down hit by rocks.

Oh no ! Well he can't lose his cool now.

"Eevee ! Use shadow ball."Ash commanded as it hit Alakazam breaking his psychic.

"Alakazam ! Use confusion after teleporting." He said.

"Eevee! Dig." Ash retailated as Alakazam struggled to find where it was.

"Don't worry, Alakazam. Use confusion on ground." He said.

"Just what I expected. Evee ! Use shadow ball." Ash said . Just as ground broke , Eevee hit Alakazam with shadow ball.

"Now use your quick attack." Ash said before Alakazam could recover and Eevee smashed Alakazam into the wall knocking him out.

"This match is over. Ash Ketchum is the winner of this battle. " Judge announced.

"Yes! We did it ,Eevee. " Ash laughed carrying Eevee .

"You obviously trained hard and learned. That is sign of a great trainer, Ash . Here is your Wallow badge as mark of victory at my badge." Christopher told him.

"Thanks Christopher!" Ash said.

After winning the wallow badge , Ash and his friends continued on their way towards the next city which was Mill town.

"Hey Ash ! You have only two badges now right?" Dawn asked.

"That is right. Two gym badges and four brain badges. I wonder how far Paul is?" Ash streched back his arms almost pushing Pikachu off the shoulder who quite surprised produced a shock.

"I feel electrified." Ash chuckled .

All of sudden , they saw a Pokemon running into the bush.

"Hey ! It is a Pokemon. I have to catch it . After all I have only four Pokemon yet ." Ash said.

"Well! It won't be caught if you stay here." Serena looked at him as he widened his eyes.

"Yeah ! You are right. Come on ! Pikachu." Ash quickly ran after it followed by Serena and Dawn .

"Hey !that is a...growlithe." Ash exclaimed after getting a closer look at the Pokemon.

"Alright! Pikachu go and use your thunderbolt." Ash said but growlithe dodged it .

"Alright! Then use volt tackle. Won't fail." Ash said as Pikachu ran with great speed smoldering with lightning hitting growlithe.

"Go Pokeball." Ash threw pokeball at it as growlithe transformed into light and then went into ball.

All waited and then the light turned green marking it as caught.

"Yes! I just got a growlithe." Ash sighed happily.

"Come on out, growlithe." Growlithe scoffed at Ash and looked away .

"Come on ! I just want to be your friend. Can't we do that?" He asked but growlithe paid no attention.

"Pika pika Pikka !" Pikachu tried to convince it to be more open but it remained adamant.

"Hmm! Well I guess it will take time." Ash sighed.

"Don't worry, Ash . It is quite natural at first for Pokemon not to interact with trainers bit gradually they become good friends." Serena comforted him.

"Thanks Serena ! It is getting quite late . I think we should set up a camp."Ash suggested and both Dawn and Serena agreed.

"You know Serena ! You may be patient but I am not that quite. I think I am gonna try my moves on Ash to fall for me." Dawn told her.

"Yeah like that is gonna do anything." Serena chuckled.

"You believe that it won't but it will. You just wait." Dawn whispered in her ear .

"Hey Ash! Can you help me up ? I need to pick a fruit." Dawn said.

"Sure! Why not?" Ash left the plates as he helped Dawn up . Dawn deliberately lost her balance falling on him.

"Thanks Ash ! " Dawn said leaning on him.

"For what?" He nervously chuckled.

"For saving me ." She leaned closer.

"I think we should get back to table then. We still haven't set the plates quite yet ." Ash rose up tidying himself.

"You do that . " She winked as Ash wondered what was up with Dawn while Serena realised that she had to move on too and fast.

As the journey continues.

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