Chapter 25: Taking a new form

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Ash has won brain badges :-
Soul badge from Alana
Castello badge from Liona
Belief badge from Senko
Sephile badge from Hiron

Gym badges :-
Affirm badge from Carolina
Wallow badge from Christopher


Travelling companions- Dawn and Serena

Rivals- Paul and Stephan yet.                 

Ash and his friends carried on their way to next city Mill city . On the way they have stopped in for a little break .

"Hey Growlithe! Why don't you go and say hi to your new friends?" Ash told him as growlithe looked keenly at Dragonair, Pikachu, Zorua and Eevee who sat still waiting.

At end , Growlithe scoffed and looked away which made Eevee angry who ran around him but growlithe ignored her.

"Eevee!" Eevee grunted.

"Grow..Grow" Growlithe shook her away .

"Hey ! That wasn't nice . Eevee was just trying to be your friend but if that is the way you want to be , then fine." Ash huffed carrying Eevee as it squirmed happily.

"Come on Ash! Today it is your turn to cook . You are not dodging it again." Dawn shouted as Ash sighed.

"Fine! I am coming." He answered .

In the nearby bush , three people were sitting looking at everything Ash and his friends were doing.

"Looks like twerp has got himself a growlithe." James said.

"Well ! We will capture it too when we take Pikachu and then present to boss as bonus." Jessie said.

"That is an awesome idea." Meowth shouted as others quickly stopped him for Ash might have heard it .

"Hey guys! Did you hear anything?" Ash asked.

"Not really." Both girls replied as Ash shook it off thinking he was just imagining.

Two men suddenly came in sight.

"Come here , young man . Are you on a Pokemon journey?" They asked.

"Yes! "Ash answered coming with his Pokemon as Dawn and Serena looked at them curiously.

"Then you must know the secret of Clevan region." One said.

"What is it ? Tell me." Ash asked excited.

"I am afraid we can only do that if we look at your Pokemon first." They stated.

"Sure!" Ash sighed.

Both of them giggled.

"The twerp is completely unaware . Let's grab them." Meowth said as he was hiding behind James. James nodded

All of sudden, a cage fell on Pokemon and steel balloon started to lift them up .

"What is happening?" Ash yelled.

""Did Someone wonder about this trouble?" A familiar voice came as clothes flew away revealing Jessie

"Then I suggest you make it double because we are back." James revealed himself

"Back with a new thrill now and new enthusiasm to steal your Pokemon now."

"We will steal and steal till we have it all."

"So hand over willingly or not."

"We are gonna take them "

"Coz we are team rocket "

"That is right, Meowth." A Meowth said coming in as wobbuffet came out from pokeball raising him.

"So they are going with new modified motto . Whatever! Just give me my  pôkemons back. You know that you are never gonna catch it ." Ash grunted.

"Never say Never. Try and try but don't quit . Isn't that what you all goodies say ?" James snickered.

"That certainly is not said in relationship to indespicable Pokemon thiefs like you ." Dawn shouted.

"Yeah ! Go fennekin. Use flamethrower on that balloon." Serena commanded as fennekin released burst of energy heating steel but it didn't do anything.

"This time we are prepared. We have gotten stronger since writer decided to give us more funds." Meowth laughed.

"Well! In that case , Piplup! Use bubble beam on that spot where fennekin heated the steel." Dawn commanded as bubbles started to hit the spot .

"That is a great idea, Dawn . Rapid heat and cooldown will make it weak." Ash complimented as she blushed.

"Thanks Ash ." She replied.

"They are getting in the way . Let's go." Jessie shouted as they started to pull up but couldn't.

"Alright! What is the matter?" She growled.

"For some reason, we are not able to budge an inch ." Meowth looked down wondering.

"James! You were the one to buy it . Now why it is not moving?" Jessie glared.

"I think the dealer was right. He did say that he would give me 50% discount if I buy it without some parts like high engine thruster and I did do that." He sighed as both gnashed their teeth.

"You fool . Now how do you suppose we steal these Pokemon?" Meworh scratched his face .

"Wobbuffet." Wobbuffet came out.

"We don't need another disaster. Return wobbuffet." Jessie sighed returning him to pokeball.

Soon the work done by fennekin and Piplup paid off as steel creaked.

"Now all run towards it together." Ash said as gates broke out .

"I am so glad you are all safe." Ash hugged them except growlithe.

"Come on ! Growlithe! Can you at least try ?" Ash asked as growlithe reluctantly sighed and shook hands with Ash as Eevee glared.

"Time for a proper sendoff guys . Everyone! Use your best attacks." Ash chuckled as all ran together blasting them off into sky .

"You know what. I am done." James sighed.

"Done with what exactly?" Jessie asked.

"Done with appearing in this fanfiction. I am tired of never catching those Pokemon . I am not going to come for at least 10 chapters. That is for sure." He sighed.

"That is not your decision but writer's Jimmy boy." Meowth stated.

"Well he better not then." As all blasted off with "wobbufet" ringing in background.

"Well! Glad that is over ." Ash sighed.

"Ash ! Look at Eevee . It is covered in bright light " Serena drew his attention .

"It is evolving." Ash 's eyes widened with other Pôkemons and Dawn and Serena too all anticipating what will Eevee evolve to .

As the journey continues

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