Chapter 26: Testing new powers

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Hi! Excited to see what will Eevee evolve to . I hope so . Well me too so without further ado

Ash has won brain badges :-
Soul badge from Alana
Castello badge from Liona
Belief badge from Senko
Sephile badge from Hiron

Gym badges :-
Affirm badge from Carolina
Wallow badge from Christopher


Travelling companions- Dawn and Serena

Rivals- Paul and Stephan yet

"It is evolving." Ash 's eyes widened with other Pôkemons and Dawn and Serena too all anticipating what will Eevee evolve to .

"What is that form ? I have never seen it ." Ash took out his pokédex to check it.

Draceon -A dragon type Pokemon. This form of Eevee is rarest of all forms believed to be a pseudo legendary in Pokemon world found only in Clevan region and only possible when trainers have strong bond with their Pokemon.

"Wow ! It is so beautiful." Serena exclaimed.

"So you evolved into Draceon. We are gonna be great friends, won't we?" Ash smiled stroking her as she squirmed happily.

"Looks like Eevee evolved but is still same personality." Dawn smirked.

"What can you expect ? After all , Eevee only evolves into that when it had close bond so how could it not be same." Serena remarked.

"Since when did you get so wise?" Dawn mocked her as Serena glared.

Soon other Pokemon also started to say hi to Draceon.

"Come on ! Draceon! Let' s test your new powers. Do an attack at that rock." Ash said as Draceon leaned it's head down and before anyone could precieve was on other side of rock as it broke into dust.

"Whoa! Extreme speed." Ash raised his eyes.

"Pika!" Pikachu pointed his attention towards Draceon who fell down.

"What happened, Draceon?" Ash asked lifting her up .

"Eon..dra..ceon." It squeaked.

"Looks like it has new powers but doesn't yet know how to control it . I think you should start small , Ash ." Serena said.

"Right! Come on ! Draceon, we still have lunch to eat . It is not like those team rocket guys care whether we are hungry or not." Ash said as it followed him.

Few minutes later

"Alright everyone return except dragonair." Ash said returning Zorua and Growlithe.

"Now since dragonair is dragon type , I think Draceon can learn seeing you use your attacks. So why don't you try your hyperbeam attack?" Ash said to dragonair.

"Ash ! Small attacks." Dawn shouted.

"Oh! Almost forgot. Dragonair! Tiny hyperbeam ." He modified his command as all fell down anime style.

"I mean other moves." Serena glared.

"Fine! Dragonair! Use dragon claw." Ash sighed after thinking quite a while.

Dragonair use dragon claw hitting the ground causing a tremor as Pikachu and Draceon struggled to stand .

"Now you try it , Draceon. Use dragon claw " Ash said as Draceon jumped up in the air hitting ground but nothing happened.

"It is no problem. Try again, Draceon." Ash encouraged as it ran fast and jumped on the ground with its leg but no claw came out and it rolled away .

"Draceon! Are you ok?" Ash went to it quickly as it nodded.

"Well ! It could be that you can't learn dragon claw. That could be it . Why don't you try some other attack if you can ?" Ash said standing up .

Draceon gazed it's eyes and started to concentrate. Ash felt like something was happening but he couldn't see it.

All of sudden , green water started to flow at incredible speed covering the ground . Ash , Pikachu and dragonair jumped away to a side to see the water go and just as it hit the tree , the whole tree crumbled and then the water evaporated leaving Draceon exhausted.

"What was that move?" Ash took out his pokedex to check it .

"Move -Unknown"

Ash sighed deeply.

"Well in that case , I will call this move Dragon force.", Ash chuckled carrying Draceon who fell asleep exhausted .

"Come on guys! I think we had enough training for today " Ash returned dragonair to its pokeball as Pikachu jumped on it shoulders.

"Hey Ash! I just recieved news on poke watch ." Dawn announced.

"Oh ! What is it about?" Ash asked.

"It is about Clevan league." Serena said.

"What? About league? Is the league getting cancelled ? It really shouldn't . Is it getting postponed." Ash started to chitter.

"Relax Ash! Nothing is getting cancelled. It is just that now instead of 15 gym badges, you have to earn only 8 like other regions. You see this time many trainers who started late are still on their brain badges and they do want enough trainers at league match so they have reduced it to 8 gyms only . So now you have to earn 6 more badges to get in Clevan league." Dawn smirked.

"Well! That is a relief. I was thinking that I wouldn't get much time to train with 15 gyms but now I think I can go a bit more relaxed and do lots more training and catch more Pokemon." Ash grinned waving his hands off as he knocked out Pikachu to ground who sighed.

"That is great, Ash . But don't forget that you have to set up camp now." Serena smirked as he groaned.

"Come on ! Pikachu! We got some work to do." Ash said as both walked to collect firewood .

As the journey continues.

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