Chapter 27: Mill City's gala

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Ash has won brain badges :-
Soul badge from Alana
Castello badge from Liona
Belief badge from Senko
Sephile badge from Hiron

Gym badges :-
Affirm badge from Carolina
Wallow badge from Christopher

Pikachu-electric type
Draceon-Dragon type
Dragonair-Dragon type
Zorua-Dark type
Growlithe-Fire type
?-yet to be caught

Travelling companions- Dawn and Serena

Rivals- Paul and Stephan

Today Ash and his friends are moving through the city where there lies the next gym and gym badge to win to move one step ahead in competing in the Clevan league.

"Ash ! Wait tp for us, will ya ? You are walking too fast." Serena called as Ash stopped turning back to let them catch up .

"Come on guys ! There is a fish catching contest held here.  I think it will be quite good warm up for me if I enter here and then proceed to my gym battle." He said.

"Fish catching contest ? I think I can do it too ." Serena crossed her arms.

"Well then so can I !" Dawn said defiantly.

"Great! More the participants, more the fun . Let's go ." As they registered themselves at the counter.

"I would like to sign up for fishing contest going to be held and I am going to enter with my buddy Pikachu." Ash said as two people at the counter nodded.

"And me and Piplup are gonna catch the biggest fish here ." Dawn said proudly.

"That is nice confidence at what is your name ?" The lady at counter chuckled.

Soon everyone got settled in their own boats in the water .

"I think I am getting something, Pikachu." Ash said as Pikachu got excited

"Let's pull harder..." Ash supported himself by applying force on boat as the creature stuck to hook squirmed inside the water trying to pull him down.

"Alright! Pikachu! Use thunderbolt in water ." Ash said as Pikachu jumped up rolling itself and just as its tail touched water , electricity sparkled shocking the creature in water.

Ash pulled up his hook to see that it was a very small magikarp.

"Oh! It cannot help us win ." Ash released it as both sighed.

Ash and Pikachu were one of the many participants looking forward to winning the fishing competetion. After all the prize was a pretty good incentive in itself . The fire stone capable of evolving fire types.

Serena had entered with her fennekin which was pretty risky move since it was a fire type and water type have advantage over them but then again Serena doubted that few water Pokemon like magikarp could cause that much trouble. Well ! We can only hope that her doubt is right.

"Come on ! Fennekin! Use amber." She said as a magikarp jumped out of water.

Magikarp hit fennekin with tackle before it could attack and then went back inside the water.

"Oh no! Fennekin, are you okay ?" Serena looked at it as it was wet .

Dawn and Piplup were very eager when they took the boat and picked a spot. But even after a long wait , there was nothing stuck to hook as both brooded.

"This is just so elementary. These people don't know how to do it right." A lilac haired girl smirked at them and soon caught a big magikarp. After careful measurement, she debated whether to keep it or not. After few minutes, she thought to try again and threw it back into the water.

People looked at her as she caught more and more fish and threw it back.

"Wow! She is good." They started to murmur.

"Of course I am . Finally they know at least to appreciate real fisher girl." She chuckled inside.

Ash though was more than ever determined to catch too . So people look with excitement as he rowed his boat quickly moving to a spot.

"Now for my special lure." Ash brought out a Pikachu like looking lure as Pikachu started to look at it interestingly .

"Pika" Pikachu complained as Ash threw it suddenly inside the water. The girl looked at him curiously.

"Yes! I got something.", Ash felt a tug in his hook and pull up the hook as huge feebass landed on the boat.

"Pikachu ! Quick use iron tail ." Ash said as Pikachu hit it and Ash threw his pokeball at it capturing feebass.

Many people now started to cheer him up .

"Oh really! I will catch bigger than your feebass." She muttered under her breath as she waited .

Soon the competetion's bell rang and boats started to return with trainers coming out .

"And now for the winning prize . Let's see weight comparison of Ash 's feebass and Lola's magikarp ." Announcer looked at everybody as all awaited results.

"And it is a tie. Oh ! Looks like these two will have to battle to claim for prize." He said as both Ash and Lola looked at each other fiercely.

"I choose Pikafros " She brought out her Pokemon .

"What is that? How is Pikachu like that...?" Ash was confused.As Pikachu looked intently at Pikafros

"Oh !  Don't tell me you know of alternate forms of Pikachu special to Clevan region." She chuckled.

"Well! It is ice type clearly so I choose Draceon." Ash brought out his Pokemon as all gasped since Draceon was rarest of all Eevee évolution.

"Let the battle began ."

"Draceon! Use extreme speed." Words were barely out of Ash that Draceon was to other side as Pikafros bent on it's legs.

"Oh! So it is fast but it is still a dragon type and ice type Pokemon won't lose to a dragon type. Pikafros! Use icy wind." She said as Draceon started to take damage from the falling ice.

"Don't worry, Draceon. Use dragon force." Ash said as all eyes fell on him. What..dragon force. That is not a move.

Before anyone could anticipate what was happening, green water started to pour down on Pikafros as it yelped and fell down unconscious.

"And that is the dragon force for you ." Ash smiled as the crowd fell silent..

As the journey continues

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