Chapter 28: Electrical Showdown

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Hi! You are still here which means you are quite eager to see Ash achieve all what he wants. Good. Let's beign.

All were quite surprised to see Draceon use a move they never had even heard of. What is dragon force? The questions murmured inside their brains as Announcer raised Ash's hand declaring him the winner.

"Your Draceon is truly.. something else." Lola shook his hand.

"Thanks. Ash smiled as he stroked Draceon's soft fur .

"As winner of this competition, Ash recieves a fire stone." He presented to him as Ash showed it to all.

"Wow Ash! Looks like Draceon is your best shot at ending match quick. That could certainly come in handy at your gym battle." Serena remarked.

"Yeah ! But Mill City gym is electric type gym. I would have to be quite careful as only weakness of electric type is ground type which I don't have. So I would have to rely on skills rather than type in my battle." Ash said.

"Well looks like you have given it some thought. What are you gonna do with fire stone? Are you gonna evolve your Growlithe to Arkanine?" Dawn asked.

"No! Growlithe had just began to get along with me and if I evolve it when it doesn't want to , that would certainly not make things better. Serena , why don't you keep the sun stone and evolve Fennekin if it wants to !" Ash offered her as she gleamed .

"Wow Ash! Thank you." Serena took the stone and brought out her fennekin. Dawn pouted as Ash gave her a kind of present even though it was quite natural choice since Dawn didn't have any fire type Pokemon.

"Fennekin! This is fire stone. Do you want to evolve?" Serena asked as Fennekin looked at and then forwarded it's paws to touch it . There was a bright light as Fennekin's body started to transform and it evolved into Braixen.

"Cool! Now you got a Braixen ." Ash smirked.

Soon the trio carried on their way to Mill City gym .

"Hey guys! The door is already open." Ash said looking at gym.

"Well! I guess they are always expecting trainers so..." Dawn suggested.

"Yeah ! It is quite possible." Ash chuckled.

"My name is Jim . And I will be battling with two of my Pokemon. What is your name ?" A man in his late 30s asked probably a gym leader

"My name is Ash Ketchum and these are my friends Dawn and Serena. " He replied. Dawn and Serena went to audience seat and sat there eagerly waiting for battle.

"Let's start the match . You know the rules." Jim chuckled as judge stopped him.

"There is a decorum. Don't be so hasty, Jim. This will be two on two battle. Only challenger is allowed to substitute . Thr gym leader will not . When either of the side's both Pokemon are unable to battle , the match will be over. Began." Judge finished.

"I am going to end this quick. Go Draceon." Ash brought out his Pokemon.

"Ah ! Not a bad choice. Go Luxray." He brought out a cat like Pokemon.

"Draceon! Use extreme speed.." Ash commanded.

"Dodge it." Jim commanded and Luxray moved to left before Draceon could hit it.

"I work both on speed and power in my gym so as not to leave any hole for enemy. Now Luxray! Use wild charge." He said as Luxray's body started to sparkle with jolts of electricity and hit Draceon.

"Draceon! Well this move will end it. Use dragon force." Ash said as Draceon started to concentrate but nothing happened.

"I don't think that is a move, kid unless you are trying to get your Draceon to meditate during battle." Jim chuckled.

"What is wrong, Draceon?" Ash asked but before he could think of anything, Luxray hit Draceon smashing it into wall as it was knocked out .

"Draceon." Ash rushed to it as it whined sadly.

"Don't worry about it , Draceon. You are still trying to control your powers.  Now take a good rest." Ash commanded.

"So which Pokemon are you going to send next?" Jim smirked.

"I can't believe Draceon wasn't able to use its best move." Dawn sighed.

"Well! We all have bad days." Serena chuckled.

"I choose you Dragonair." Ash brought out his Pokemon.

"Ah! Another dragon type Let's win this one too, Luxray." Jim crossed his arms.

"Don't be so sure. Dragonair! Hyperbeam." Ash commanded as before Luxray could anticipate , a bright beam of light hit it knocking him out.

"Luxray! Return. I didn't expect you to start with such a powerful attack but alright! Here is my powerhouse. Go Raichu." He brought out his Pokemon.

Pikachu amd Raichu looked at each other and scoffed.

"Don't worry, Pikachu. I will defeat Raichu with Dragonair for you." Ash chuckled.

"Raichu! Use thunderbolt." Jim said as thunderbolt started to hit Dragonair.

"Dragonair! Use dragon claw to counter." Ash said as Raichu dodged it.

"Raichu! Use iron tail on dragonair." And Raichu landed a very strong iron tail attack on Dragonair's back.

"No ! We are not gonna lose this battle. It is ours. Dragonair ! Use Dragon rage." Ash commanded and Dragonair hit back ferociously at Raichu.

"Now use your jewel to change weather." Ash said as there were stormy clouds over the field.

"Nice but we will just make use of it . Raichu! Concentrate and release biggest thunderbolt." Jim said.

"That is exactly what I expected. Dragonair! Use hyperbeam now while Raichu is focusing it's energy." Ash said. Both trainers's eyes were dead set at the attacks were released .

Raichu was hit by a powerful hyperbeam while Dragonair was hit by biggest thunderbolt.

Both Pokemon fell down.

"Both Pokemon are unable to battle. This match is over." The judge announced.

"I know it is a tie but you displayed real skills here . That is why this Zap Badge is yours." He handed him a triangle shaped badge and Ash thanked him after returning dragonair back to pokeball.

"So you  have three gym badges now." Dawn smirked.

"Yeah but you know it wasn't a real victory. I am gonna train even harder so that I can beat the next gym leader fair and square." Ash said determined.

"If course you will . And we all will be there." Serena put her hands around him as he chuckled while Dawn wondered how she was going to tell him . Tell him that how she really feels.

As the journey continues.

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