Chapter 31: Declaration

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Hey! So this is just very necessary and integral to timeline shipping chapter .

Today Ash and his friends are on their way to Chantter city. But right now they are passing through some thick woods and have decided to take a rest for a while.

"Ah ! You damnit." Dawn groaned.

"To whom are you talking ?" Serena asked her.

"Oh! My pokewatch is not working. I don't know what is wrong with it ." She told the group as all sighed.

"Of course! You are only one capable of yelling at a watch ." Serena chuckled.

"Guys! Don't start fight." Ash warned them as they looked away for each other as Ash and Pikachu sighed.

"Serena ! Can you go and fetch some firewood." Ash said.

"Sure Ash." She smiled as she left to collect woods. Dawn smiled. Oh! He was quite alone.

"Ash ! Can you help me braid my hair?" Dawn asked.

"Umm.. can't you do that yourself?" He asked confused.

"Come on , Ash . It is what friends do . They do things that they can do themselves." She raised her eyes.

"Alright if you say so ." As Ash bent on his knees braiding her hair but struggled to keep his balance.

"Oh Ash ! You are sitting too far . You might just use a mechanical hand to do that lol." She chuckled.

"Oh!" Ash leaned closer .

Serena returned with firewood and gnashed her teeth at Ash braiding Dawn's hair. You little titbit. She mentally grunted in her brain.

"Ash ! I have brought firewood. Let's go . We have to alight the fire soon" Serena interrupted them as Ash quickly stood up.

"Yeah." He nodded. Dawn scowled back at Serena.

As they set the table , Serena quickly took a chair near him as all started eating.

"So Ash ! Do you know which type of gym is next city?" Serena asked.

"I think it is ice type gym. I am probably gonna some special training to Growlithe to be ready for it . Plus I gotta catch a new Pokemon soon. I only have five Pokemon and I need six at least for Pokemon league battle..m" He began .

"I am sure you are gonna catch one soon . You don't need to worry." Serena comforted him by holding his hand .

"Thanks Serena." Ash smiled as Dawn started to cough.

"Oh Dawn ! Are you okay ?" Ash asked.

"Yeah! Probably choked on something." Dawn sighed.

"Probably that something is called "envy" Serena chuckled.

"Huh!" Ash looked between them . They seemed pretty good with each other , making jokes. He was so glad that they all were just acting like friends again.

Ash went to his training with Pokemon as Dawn and Serena were left alone.

"You know Dawn , you should give up .It is pretty clear that he is more comfortable around me than you." Serena crossed her arms.

"Oh really! Because before you came with firewood and tried that desperation move , we were having pretty good time ." Dawn scoffed.

"Do you wanna bet that at end Ash will choose me or you?" Serena asked.

"Sure. Why not? I would as much as enjoy the satisfaction of you discovering that how you deluded you were and also have Ash to myself only." Dawn smiled.

"Good!" Serena said.

"Hey Ash ! You want to train with me ." Dawn asked coming to him..

"Sure! That could be lots of fun." Ash smiled.

"Go growlithe!" Ash brought out his Pokemon.

"Go Piplup!" Dawn brought out her Pokemon.

"Alright! Growlithe use extreme speed." Ash said .

"Piplup! Use whirlpool." Dawn commanded as Just before growlithe was about to hit Piplup, It was swept in the whirlpool of water .

"Oh! No . Growlithe! Use flamethrower." Ash said.

"Piplup! Use bubble beam." Dawn said as both attacks cancelled each other.

"She is good . So that is how growlithe loses its attack . It doesn't have enough speed." Ash mentally sighed.

"Growlithe! Use agility." Ash said as growlithe quickly started to move in water and it allowed him a vantage point to jump out .

"Piplup! Use pointed beak." Dawn stated but Ash was ready this time.

"Jump and use flamethrower." Ash said and growlithe dodged the attack and hit Piplup knocking it out.

"Great work growlithe . We will just work on your speed and you will get lots better." Ash said as growlithe nodded.

"Thanks for the training, Dawn ."Ash shook her hand giving her goosebumps.

"Of course unlike Serena , I actually like to help in beneficial manner ." Dawn proudly stated.

"Well Serena helps too. " Ash said as they proceeded to see Serena holding a tree branch with river flowing down.

"Serena ! How did you get here ?" Ash asked with widened eyes.

"Why ? That mean little Dawn did it ." Serena groaned.

"Dawn ! You did this..." Ash looked at her shocked.

"Of course not . She is just a mean little liar ." Dawn scoffed.

"I will deal with this soon . Come on Serena ! I will catch you ." Ash said as Serena hesitatingly dropped her hand and was caught by Ash .

"Oh ! Thanks Ash." Serena blushed as he put her down.

"So all this time when I asked you two to give me some time , you have been trying to draw my attention in that way and even hurting each other. I am sorry. I can't allow this.." Ash shook his head. Pikachu agreed.

"Of course. It will never happen again." Both stated and glared looking at each other.

"No ! You are right. Because I am continuing rest of my journey alone." Ash rose up .

"What?" They both asked startled.

"That is right. I am not saying that I don't like either of you that way but I need some time to make a clear headed decision. But apparently that cannot be done of both of you are drawing attention randomly and I can't think about it at all clearly. So you two would go on your own seperate journeys , complete your contests and I will complete my league match. After that , we will meet at that very spot and you can certainly expect that I will know that who I want ." Ash declared as Pikachu ran up his shoulders.

"Alright Ash! If that is what you want.." They began.

"It is. I need it." Ash told them.

"Ok! I will wait for you until then. And I hope it is me." Both agreed as trio parted their ways.

As the journey continues

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