Chapter 32: Streching arms alone

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Ash has won brain badges :-
Soul badge from Alana
Castello badge from Liona
Belief badge from Senko
Sephile badge from Hiron

Gym badges :-
Affirm badge from Carolina
Wallow badge from Christopher
Zap badge from Jim
Torrent badge from Charlie

Pikachu-electric type
Draceon-Dragon type
Dragonair-Dragon type
Zorua-Dark type
Growlithe-Fire type
?-yet to be caught

Travelling companions- None

Rivals- Paul and Stephan yet

Ash had been alone in his Hoenn journey but this. This was different. He had really began to like the company of Serena and Dawn very much . And then they confessed that they liked him more than a friend. And Ash was pretty sure that he felt something more for them too but for whom the more. How could he possibly know?

These questions haunted Ash's mind as he reached Chantter city , the home of next gym battle. Ash was currently proceeding towards gym.

"Going somewhere, Ash ?" A familiar voice called as Ash turned back

"Anabel! What are you doing here?" Ash was surprised.

"Well! It depends actually. Are you busy ?" She asked.

"I always have time for old friend." Ash chuckled as she beamed.

Now they were sitting in a cafe swarming with people for latte and cappuccino and what not. (I only know these two for coffee)

"So what is going in your life?" She asked drinking her cup.

"The usual. Just catching Pokemon and moving on to win more badges and then compete in Pokemon league and training them..." He stopped seeing her chuckle.

"I meant Ash ! What is going on with you beside that. I can see that you have something on your mind." She said.

"Oh! Well it is kinda secret." Ash said softly.

"Ash Ketchum keeping secrets. That is something new . Come on .Tell me ." She raised her eyes.

"Fine! So what happened is basically..." Ash explained all of his journey from the Pokemon school through Clevan region and now .

"Wow! You really have quite a journey here , don't you ?" She chuckled.

"I know and now I am so messed up in my brain." He groaned as Pikachu patted him.

"Ash! What are you so worried about? There are two girls who like you more than a friend . I am pretty sure they would understand if you choose one ." She put her hand on his hand .

"No! I mean Anabel, you see that is not the problem. I don't know how to choose. I mean what if I decide and then pick one and then layer I realise that it was a decision taken in haste and I actually wanted to be with other. I just can't think that whom do I see that way more." Ash ruffled his hair.

"Oh ! I see your dilemma . Well Ash! Basis on what you are telling me , why not instead of thinking so far and consequences that might not even happen why not think deeply about whom do you like to spend your time with ? Just imagine that with whom you can imagine doing most of your activities. And just not think of yourself, Ash . Think that for whom you are willing to compensate in certain situations. Because when you are in a relationship with someone , you can't just decide that I want to do this and won't negotiate or understand. Both partners have to be equally willing to put each other's need before someone else. I probably rambling. " She facepalmed herself.

"No! Your actually pretty brilliant. I mean I am sure if I start to think that way , I would soon be able to make right decision for me and her ." Ash sighed.

"I am glad to help , Ash ." Anabel smiled as they hugged each other . Anabel thought" if only I could ever tell you how I felt but I won't let our friendship break"

Both withdrew from each other.

"Well ! Good luck for your gym battle, Ash." Anabel shook his hand .

"Leaving so soon?" Ash asked.

"Yeah! Unfortunately we Frontier brain don't get much leave. I was just here to meet my friend who is also gym leader of this city. She is tough one . It won't be easy for you to beat Karen. " She sighed.

"I will be . Thanks Anabel..for your advice again." Ash said as both departed their ways.

They were hardly out of the cafe when they saw a Pokemon sitting on tree branch.

"Who is that Pokemon?" Ash took out his pokedex.

"Emolga. The flying electric squirrel Pokemon. This cute little Pokemon uses electric shocks while flying to knock out its opponents."

"Well ! Electric moves won't work against it . Dragonair! Come on out . " Ash brought out his Pokemon.

"Now use dragon claw at Emolga." Ash said but Emolga quickly dodged it laughing.

"Try again." Ash said as Emolga kept dodging each attack.

"Very well. Dragonair! Use your pearl to blind Emolga." Ash said as bright light flashed from its pearl as Emolga closed its eyes.

"Good! Use dragon rage." Ash said as Dragonair used a powerful swipe against it smashing it to ground.

"Go pokeball." Ash threw his pokeball against Emolga. The light turned green as Ash jumped.

"Yay! I finally caught my sixth Pokemon. Chantter city gym here I come." Ash smiled and returned dragonair back to its pokeball.

"So here you are . Well Ash ! My rules are simple. 2 on 2 battle. Plus you are allowed substitutions. So let's get started, shall we ?" A raven haired girl with pixel yellow eyes named Karen gazed at him.

"Sure." Ash chittered as he felt the cold temperature of ice field.

"Go Abomasnow!" She brought out her Pokemon.

"Go Growlithe." Ash sent his Pokemon.

"Ah! A fire type. How predictable." She chuckled.

"Growlithe! Use flamethrower."Ash said as bursts of flame were directed towards Abomasnow.

"Use Icy wind and blow it away." She said as fire had no effect.

"Blowing us away. How predictable?" Ash smiled as she raised her eyes Just as growlithe hit Abomasnow by extreme speed.

"Oh! Clever. Abomasnow! Recover." She laughed. Ash was surprised. It can heal itself too.

"Now use Icy shard." She commanded as shards of ice started to fall on Growlithe as it struggle to dodge them.

"Growlithe return." Ash withdrew his Pokemon. She is quite good.

"Go Draceon." Ash brought out his second Pokemon.

"Oh! You got yourself a rare Pokemon but it won't be enough. Abomasnow! Use razor leaf." She said as shards of leaf like steel started to hit Draceon.

"Draceon! Use extreme speed." Ash said.

"We won't fall for it again. Abomasnow! Use Icy share to stop it." She quickly commanded as Just as Draceon came, it was hit by icy shard.

"Oh no! Draceon! Use Dragon claw." Ash said. Yes! Training paid off but it still lacked dragon force ability.

"Abomasnow! Use swagger." She said as it raised its body to crush Draceon but both hit together at same time and knocked out themselves.

"Ah! Now we are down to last one . Go Beartic." She brought out a bear type Pokemon.

"Go growlithe." Ash brought him back. Ash knew that growlithe had taken some damage so he had to end this quick.

"Beartic! Use hammer arm." She said as it started to beat growlithe before Ash could attack.

"Growlithe! Use your agility." Ash said as growlithe tried to escape but Beartic caught it .

"Use flamethrower" Ash said and Beartic backed away .

"Use ice punch." She said as growlithe got smashed into wall .

"Looks like it is over , Ash. It was a good battle." Karen sighed.

"No! Growlithe. Do you want to quit ? Right before we are so close to winning this badge. I won't force you if you don't want to but should we quit? Or do you wanna continue like I believe you can." Ash looked at it as growlithe groaned. All of sudden, a bright light started to flash as Karen's eyes widened.

"It is evolving. " Ash's eyes gleamed as it evolved into Arkanine.

"Arkanine! Let's get back into battle. Use extreme speed." Ash said and Beartic got major damage before it could think to dodge.

"We are no giving up that easy. Use ice punch again." She said.

"Use flamethrower at full power." Ash said as both attacks collided creating a explosion to reveal Arkanine standing still and Beartic knocked out .

"Yes! You did it , Arkanine " Ash jumped in the air  as it growled happily.

"You are great trainer and you have great Pokemon. This is shard badge the proof that you have defeated the Chantter gym." She handed him a badge.

"Thanks Karen." Ash shook her hand.

And now with new Pokemon and newly evolved Arkanine, Ash and Pikachu procceed to next city.

As the journey continues.

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