Chapter 33:Clash of dragons

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Me: Hey! Creative title.
Inner mind: Ya ! In dreams
Me:Well at least I thought it was. Meanie

Ash has won brain badges :-
Soul badge from Alana
Castello badge from Liona
Belief badge from Senko
Sephile badge from Hiron

Gym badges :-
Affirm badge from Carolina
Wallow badge from Christopher
Zap badge from Jim
Torrent badge from Charlie
Shard badge from Karen
Grovel badge from Charles
Lush badge from Diana
_____badge from _______

Pikachu-electric type
Draceon-Dragon type
Dragonair-Dragon type
Zorua-Dark type
Growlithe-Fire type
Emolga-Flying electric type

Travelling companions- None

Rivals- Paul and Stephan yet

Couple of weeks later after parting ways with Serena and Dawn

Today Ash is on his way to the last gym. It wasn't easy beating Charles and Diana , rock type and grass type gym leaders but he came out victorious because of his Pokemon. With Arkanine , Zorua , Draceon, Dragonair, Emolga and Pikachu , Ash is quite in hurry to get to Ling city to have his final gym battle in a dragon type gym and then set out for Pokemon league. There wasn't much time left for league so he had to finish as quickly as he can to get more time for training. Plus! He was also dying to see one of them (Dawn and Serena) more again. Yes! It was a hard time but Ash finally figured it out who does he want . But he certainly can't get lost in that thought while passing through these thick forest.

Walking along side him was himself. Oh yeah! It was a remarkable sight to see Zorua transformed into Ash walking with him.

People looked at them in surprise as they finally arrived at Ling City.

"Welcome to Ling city. I assume you are here for your gym battle." A man approached him.

"Yes! Yes! I am . But how did you know?" Ash asked.

"We know trainers come to Ling city to earn their last badge from far and wide . After all it is one of the best Dragon type gym." The man replied.

"Oh! A dragon type. That is gonna be cool. " Ash chuckled.

"Yeah! Good luck." He said walking away.

"My name is Ariel and I am the gym leader of Ling city. I have heard great things about you from my sister Clare. I expect a great battle." A girl announced to Ash as he came to thr field.

"I am glad to know that you have heard great things about me . And yes today I am here to win my final badge to enter the Clevan league." Ash said smiling.

"We will see ." She chuckled.

"This will be 3 on 3 battle. Only the Challenger is allowed to substitute Pokemon during battle. The gym leader will refrain from doing so . When all three of the Pokemon of either side are unable to battle, the match will be over. Began." The judge announced.

"Go Noivern." She brought out her Pokemon.

"Noivern. A flying dragon bat Pokemon. This Pokemon uses its ultrasonic powers to hunt for its opponent even in darkest of weather." Pokédex stated as Ash checked it out.

"Alright! Go Draceon." Ash brought out his Pokemon.

"Oh! A clash of dragons. I love it . Noivern! Use dragon claw." She commanded.

"Draceon! Use dragon claw too." Ash said as both attacks collided against each other having no effect.

"They are even. In that case Draceon! Use extreme speed." Ash said.

"Fly away!" She commanded as Noivern dodged the attack as Draceon stopped in its track.

"Noivern! Use sonic boom." She said as waves started to came out agonizing Draceon.

"Draceon! Return." Ash returned Draceon.

"Go Arkanine!" Ash brought out his second Pokemon.

"Noivern! Use Dragon pulse." She commanded as large boost of purple energy started to burst out from him .

"Arkanine! Use extreme speed and then flamethrower " Ash said quickly as Arkanine barely escaped the attack and hit Noivern making it crashing off to ground.

"Noivern is unable to battle." Judge announced.

"Impressive, Ash . Impressive indeed. Go Salamans !" She brought out her Pokemon.

"Oh! That is gonna be tough one . She has a really tough pack of Pokemon." Ash thought.

"Arkanine! Use flamethrower!" He said

"Salamans! Dodge it and then show them what real fire looks like." She chuckled. Salamans flew away and then used hyperbeam attack sending Arkanine to wall knocking it out.

"Arkanine!.Return." Ash sighed.

"Go Draceon!" Ash brought it back.

"Oh! Back again. Good! Salamans! Use hyperbeam." She said.

"Dodge it , Draceon." Ash said as Draceon quickly moved to other side.

"No! No dodging . Sorry. Fly up and then use hyperbeam randomly." She laughed as Salamans started to hit the ground with Draceon barely escaping.

"If I don't do something quick, Draceon will lose." Ash pondered.

"Draceon! Jump and use extreme speed then to land an attack with dragon claw." Ash commanded as Draceon moved like cutting through the air itself hitting Salamans.

"Ah! Clever trick. In that case , Salamans! Use dragon rage ." She commanded.

"Draceon! Use dragon rush ." Ash said as both attacks collided creating a huge explosion as both fell down.

"Both Pokemon are unable to battle." Judge announced.

"Well! Well! Looks like I am not the only one with surprises. And now for my final Pokemon." She looked up.

"Go Dragonite." She brought out her Pokemon.

"Go Dragonair." Ash brought out his Pokemon.

"You should have chosen someone else. Dragonite is evolved form of dragonair. You can't expect yourself to defeat me like that." She advised..

"Yet I do. Dragonair! Use hyperbeam." Hé said .

"Use flamethrower." She said.

Both attacks collided to cancel each other out .

"Dragonite! Use ice beam." She commanded.

"That reminds me of Drake's dragonite . Dragonair! Counter that with breaking swipe." Ash said as dragonair dodged the attack hitting dragonite .

"Alright! Dragonite! Use Dragon claw." She said as before Ash could respond, dragonair was thrown against wall.

"Come on. Dragonair! Please get up ." Ash pleaded. Dragonair withered and then a bright light came of evolution and Ash waited with anticipation as it evolved into dragonite.

"Yes! I knew you wee close to evolving and now ! We are back. Dragonite! Use hyperbeam." Ash said excitedly.

"Dragonite! Use hyperbeam too." She commanded as both powerful beams clashed against each other. Both struggle to stand . The battle of pride and might driving their spirits but at last Ariel's dragonite fell.

"And the match is over which means Ash Ketchum is the winner of this match. " Judge announced.

"Yes! I did it . I won my final badge." Ash jumped excitedly.

"You are great, Ash . Here is your dragon badge from my gym. Good luck in league." She handed him a badge.

"Thanks. Now I can't wait to get there." Ash said as newly evolved dragonite looked eager too.

As the journey continues.

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