Chapter 35: Get along with league

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"You see Ash. During our last battle, when you used Imprison on Sawk and defeated us skillfully, I got an amazing idea . That I will stop you and throw you off your game by using that very same tactic. Now Pikachu can't use its best move volt tackle. It is already slower than Liepard whereas it's speed increases each time it uses agility. So you see Ash , I am quite prepared for you this time ." Stephan revealed as Dawn and Serena's eyes widened.

Ash inhaled deeply thinking what he was gonna do.

"And I expected that." Ash looked up smiling as Stephan's grin faded.

"Pikachu ! Time for your new move. Use electro ball." Ash said as Pikachu spin around with a bolt of electricity forming at its tail as it quickly sped towards Liepard hitting it ..

"Liepard! Use shadow claw." Stephan said .

"Dodge it Pikachu and use your best attack... which is not volt tackle bit thunderbolt." Ash said as Pikachu jumped up in the air and sent wave of lightning coursing and crackling through air deafening the crowd as Liepard widened it's eyes before falling down.

"And Ash Ketchum is the winner of this match." Judge announced as people cheered.

"Congratulations Ash! I will be cheering you on all the way ." Stephan told him as he thanked him.

"Thanks Stephan. I will do my best." Ash said.

"You said my name right!" He was shocked as Ash chuckled.

Soon other trainers started to battle intensely each with passion to win this match of matches.

"Hey Ash! So you are now gonna proceed to second round right?" Dawn asked.

"Yes! Only 64 participants will go to second round from them 16 and then 8 and then 4 and then 2." He said.

"Well good luck Ash ." Serena said sweetly.

"Thanks Serena." Ash said as he went away.

Soon everyone's match were over and Barry and Paul were both moving too to second round as all waited with anticipation at crossing on board.

Ash found himself facing a girl called Stella. While Paul and Barry were facing each other.

"So you are the one whom I am facing tomorrow. Well you better provide a good challenge or it won't be fun to beat you." She snickered as Ash fumed.

"Hey Ash! Come on! You got to sleep." Serena yawned as Ash was busy on computer.

"Just one minute more. I am checking out her Pokemon." Ash said.

Next day Ash woke up early eager to face Stella in match.

"Now please welcome Ash from Pallet town and Stella from Cortwivk city." There was announcement as both entered the stadium.

Stella's dark hair was flowing smoothly by the breeze but as she took a defensive stance , it seemed like even the wind had stopped.

"Go Rhyhorn." She brought out her Pokemon.

"Go Arkanine!" Ash brought out his Pokemon.

"Arkanine! I thought you would use him. Rhyhorn! Use rock slide." She commanded as rocks started to fall from the sky .

"Use your agility to climb them." Ash said as crowd watched fixatingly at Arkanine jumping from one rock to another.

"Oh you! Rhyhorn! Use stone edge ." She commanded as stones from sides of Rhyhorn sped towards Arkanine disbalancing it to ground.

"Arkanine return." Ash was about to return it when Stella commanded  Rhyhorn to stand in front of ray blocking it .

"You are not getting away . Rhyhorn! Use horn drill." She smirked .

"Fine! Arkanine! Use flamethrower." Ash said as both attacks clashed against each other and both backed away .

"Arkanine! Let's show them that type doesn't matter. Use your extreme speed." Ash commanded as Arkanine hit Rhyhorn.

"Rhyhorn!" She yelled but it was knocked out .

"Return! Go Septile" She brought out her Pokemon.

"Return Arkanine." Ash returned him and brought out his Zorua.

"An interesting choice. Septile! Use leaf blade." She said as before Zorua could respond, it got hit.

"Zorua! Just stay put and use shadow claw." Ash commanded.

"Septile! Dodge it and then use bullet seed." Septile jumped out of the way hitting Zorua.

"Ah! Zorua! Use illusion." Ash commanded as whole field was covered in a dark abyss with creepers coming out of nowhere locking feet of Septile.

"Your feets are stuck but still you can attack. Use bullet seeds everywhere." She commanded as Ash's eyes widened and Zorua got hit.

"Zorua! Just use imprison and we will have our chance." Ash said as dark rays emitted from its eyes hitting Septile.

"No use. Septile! The power of stone and by the power of bond, mega evolve." She touched her stone as it started to mega evolve.

"Oh no! Now Septile! Use overgrowth and then use pound attack." She smiled as Zorua was hit knocking it out.

"Zorua! Return. Go Arkanine!" Ash brought it back.

"Septile! Use leaf blade." She said but it didn't do anything.

"You see. Even after Zorua is not in battle, the effect of imprison stays until the Pokemon on which it is done is not knocked out . So Arkanine! This is our chance. Use extreme speed." Ash commanded excitedly hitting Septile.

"Septile! Use pound attack." She said.

"Use flamethrower." Ash said as septile started to get major damage.

"Alright! Time for our secret weapon. Use  sweet fragrance." She said as Arkanine stopped .

"Now use pound ." She smiled as Arkanine was hit back to wall knocked out .

"Arkanine! Return. " Ash sighed. This mega Evolution is Pretty powerful and he would need power to defeat it.

"Go Dragonite." Ash brought out his final Pokemon.

"Oh! Septile! Use pound." She said.

"Dragonite! Catch it and smash it to ground." Ash said as dragonite threw it with force to ground knocking it out.

"Well! You did great, Septile. Now go Impelion." She brought out her Pokemon as the crowd tensed.

What will happen next ? Stay tuned. Will Ash beat her or let her get the best of him?

As the journey continues

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