Chapter 36: The battle to anticipate

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"Well! You did great, Septile. Now go Impelion." She brought out her Pokemon as the crowd tensed.

"You ready Dragonite." Ash asked as it nodded .

"Good! Use dragon dance." Ash said as dragonite increased its powers.

"Impelion! Use metal claw." Stella commanded.

"Dragonite! Use dragon claw." Ash said . Both attacks clashed against each other . Water against dragon. Soon dragonite caught hold of Impelion and threw it away .

"Impelion! Use hydropump." She said as waves of water shoot out towards Dragonite.

"This is nothing for us , is it dragonite? Let's end this. Dragonite! Fly away with Impelion and use seismic toss." Ash commanded as crowd watched dragonite carrying Impelion and moving rapidly in circle and throwing it into ground knocking it out.

"And Ash Ketchum will be moving on ." Judge announced.

"You were awesome. I knew using Impelion was a long shot at defeating a dragonite. " Stella sighed shaking his hands as they parted ways. By evening everyone was back from their battle. Paul had ,to no surprise of Ash , won Battle between him and Barry.

All were quite enjoying their stay at the Pokemon center. Plus the facility of free food during whole competition was a cherry on top for Ash and Pikachu.

"Ash! So are you gonna use any if your old Pokemon since now there will be six on six Pokemon battle watched by all over TV too?" Serena facepalmed herself looking at Ash .

"As far as I know him , he won't . " A familiar voice intruded. Ash and others looked to see that it was Bianca.

"Hey ! You came." Ash high fived her.

"Well! How could I miss your league match !" She chuckled.

"And yes! I won't be using any of my old Pokemon. I will win either by my Pokemon or won't." Ash declared.

"Well then you will lose since all will know what Pokemon you are gonna use even before the match." Paul smirked as he passed by.

"You know! He is not exactly wrong. " Dawn said after he had gone.

"Dawn! I am not changing my decision." Ash declared as all sighed on his stubbornness.

"Fine! Have it your way." Serena sighed.

"Hey ! Listings are out. Come on man." A guy passing by told them as all rushed to the board.

Ash's eyes stopped seeing his name and found himself facing Paul as he looked back fixatingly.

"Good luck because you would need lots of it ." Paul smirked as he walked away.

"That guy..well I will show him tomorrow in match." Ash sighed.

"Yes you will , Ash . And trust me that is one battle to anticipate." Stephan told him.

"Thanks guy. I should probably go to my room now." Ash sighed as Pikachu followed him.

"Paul is good. We have to be very careful . We can't just defeat him by power. So listen up guys, everybody." Ash brought out all of his Pokemon.

Next morning

Ash felt a strange sensation as he walked up the stairs this time. He hadn't felt this much excitement in any of his battles as he was feeling today.

A final rematch to see who is better. Both Ash and Pikachu looked at each other knowing this was it as they briskly walked the stairs.

"And Please welcome Ash Ketchum from Pallet town , a trainer with fiery spirit, winner of Hoenn league and here to win it all."

"And facing him will be Paul of Velistone city, a trainer with ambition and power."

Ash and Paul looked at each other as they scoffed as they looked at the grass field on which they were going to fight today.

"This will be one hell of a battle to see." Bianca jumped excitedly.

"I am cheering for Ash all the way." Serena gushed.

"So am I !" Dawn stared.

"Now! Now! Girls you know Ash will resolve this long standoff soon so just chilkax." Barry remarked.

"What standoff?" Bianca asked having no clue.

"Oh! Here." Barry filled her in as her eyes widened.

"You two finally confessed and he finally knows who to choose. Wow! I want details . When and how did you confess?" She said excitedly as both nervously chuckled.

"Why are we selling snacks again?"  Jessie groaned.

"At least we are back in story again." Meowth replied as all sighed.

"Well then we better not do something to get blasted off again so let's sell all snacks and make lot of money." She said determined as all nodded with wobbuffet coming out .

"Hey! You blue blob! Get to work too." James handed him tray as it started to walk fastly.

"Go Ursaring." Paul brought out his Pokemon.

"Go Dragonite." Ash brought out his Pokemon.

"So it is power. Ursaring! Use hammer arm." Paul commanded.

"Dragonite! Use dragon claw." Ash commanded as dragonite hit Ursaring with critical hit as it howled in pain.

"Return Ursaring. Go Hydreigon." Paul switched his Pokemon as Ash looked up surprised. Paul had Hydreigon. That was not listed.

"Did you really think that I would start with a Pokemon like Ursaring for my match ? I was just seeing how good is your dragonite. Pity! It is not that fast." He snickered.

"Why you ? Dragonite! Use dragon claw." Ash said.

"Use tri attack." Paul said as from all of its three head, fire, ice beam and paralysis started to direct towards Dragonite countering it's dragon claw smashing it to ground.

"Dragonite!" Ash yelled as it struggled to stand.

"Good. Now use hyper beam." Ash commanded as it stood up .

"Dodge it and use dragon pulse." Paul commanded as it emitted a purple ray of light towards Dragonite.

Dragonite flew away quickly barely escaping the attack.

"He is good." Ash sighed.

"Dragonite! Use dragon rage." Ash said.

"Hydreigon! Prepare for tri-attack." Paul commanded.

Both dragon type Pokemon struggled to intensify their attacks ad they clashed against each other creating a powerful explosion shaking the whole stadium itself as all waited for explosion to clear to see who will stand up.

As the journey continues

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