Chapter 37: Battle of mights

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Both dragon type Pokemon struggled to intensify their attacks ad they clashed against each other creating a powerful explosion shaking the whole stadium itself as all waited for explosion to clear to see who will stand up.

The smoke cleared to reveal both knocked out.

"And in intense battle, both Pokemon are out." It was revealed.

"Return Hydreigon. Go Electabuzz." Paul brought out his Pokemon.

"Go Emolga." Ash brought out his second Pokemon.

"Only one round has happened and I am already so psyched." Dawn revealed.

"Me too." Serena sighed.

"Electabuzz! Use thunder punch." Paul commanded.

"Emolga! Use attract." Ash commanded.

Attract hitting Electabuzz as it became confused.

"Now use thundershock." Ash said as Electabuzz started to take major damage falling down.

"What a pretty move! Just like you . " Paul returned back his Pokemon.

"And Electabuzz is out." Announcer stated.

"Go Ursaring!" He brought back his Pokemon.

"So it is Ursaring again. Emolga! Use attract." Ash said.

"Use hammer arm before it can do any of its trick." Paul growled as Ursaring threw Emolga smashing to wall.

"Emolga! Use volt switch." Ash commanded as it nodded producing a crackle and went back into its pokeball as Arkanine came out.

Ash knew that Emolga was pretty injured so it won't be wise to use it .

"Go Ursaring! Use hammer arm." Paul commanded.

"Arkanine! Use extreme speed." Ash commanded.

Ursaring caught Arkanine in its arms and threw it away like a rag doll.

"Arkanine! Use flamethrower." Ash commanded.

"Return Ursaring! Come on out Beartic." Ash switched his Pokemon as Beartic came out growling and ran enraged carrying Arkanine and threw it away.

"Arkanine" Ash called but it was knocked out .

"Arkanine is knocked out . " Announcer stated.

"Paul! Go Pikachu !" Ash brought out his Pokemon.

"Beartic! Use icy wind" Paul commanded as Pikachu struggled to stand.

"You don't need to go too close to hit , Pikachu. Use electro ball." Ash said as a wave of electricity spiralled around its tail hitting Beartic and it started to growl.

"Beartic! Use dagger to get it." Paul said.

"Pikachu ! Use your quick speed to dodge it ." Ash said.

Both looked at each other fiercely as Pikachu dodged Beartic's attack and hit it with thunderbolt knocking it out.

"And Beartic is lot. With this , we will take a short break and there will be a field change for rest of match." Commentator announced.

Ash sighed in relief as sweat trickled down his face. He knew currently he was ahead but many of his Pokemon were tired and Paul still had two more Pokemon to show.

"Ash! You worry too much. You will be fine." Serena told him smiling.

"Thanks Serena." Ash smiled back.

"And now we are back again fighting on water type field. Oh ! This is gonna be exciting." Commentator said. There was water all around save two little areas for standing.

"Go Emolga." Ash brought out his Pokemon.

"Go Ursaring." Ash brought out his Pokemon.

"Again! Emolga! Use thundershock."Ash said.

"Ursaring! Use hyperbeam attack."Paul said as hyperbeam clashed against electricity overpowering it and knocking out Emolga.

"And Emolga is out." Announcer stated. Ash widened his eyes.

"Go Zorua!" Ash brought out his Pokemon breathing deeply.

"I have got just the Pokemon for it . Ursaring return. Go Seadra." Ash brought out his Pokemon.

"Zorua! Um..use illusion." Ash hesitated as Seadra rushed at incredible speed through water.

Soon the whole field was in a dark abyss with shadows crawling out.

"Seadra! Use hyperbeam." Paul commanded not bothered as hyperbeam hit the water creating an expansion breaking Zorua's concentration and the illusion disappeared.

"Now Seadra! Use  dragon rage." Paul said before Ash could retaliate as Zorua was thrown into water struggling to reach its spot.

"Use that to your advantage. And use dragon claw." Paul said as it hit Zorua knocking it out.

"Zorua! Zorua.." Ash was startled as he called back Zorua.

"It looks like the tide has turned towards Paul." Announcer stated.

"Go Pikachu!" Ash commanded as he moved his cap getting all worked up .

"Use thunderbolt in water." Ash said as water conducted electricity shocking Seadra which fell down splashing out water.

"And Seadra is out." Announcer stated.

"I expected that. Go Ursaring! Time to defeat this little mouse."  Paul scoffed.

"Pikachu ! Use quick speed and then volt tackle to run over water." Ash commanded as all in the audience were startled. Run over water. What!

Pikachu nodded as it smoldered with electricity wading through water at incredible speed hitting Ursaring.

"Ursaring! Use hyperbeam on the water." Paul commanded as all the water from the field splashed out with Pikachu.

"Good! Now use hammer arm on Pikachu!" He said.

"Use thunderbolt." Ash shouted. Both held their ground as explosion shook the sky and cleared to reveal both knocked out .

"Both Pokemon are out." Judge announced .

"And now the trainers are down to their last Pokemon. The final battle to decide who will move on to semi finals." Announcer stated.

"Go Draceon." Ash took out his Pokemon.

"Go Charizard." Paul brought out his last Pokemon.

"Draceon! Use dragon claw." Ash commanded.

"Charizard! Use dragon tail." Paul commanded as both attacks collided pushing each other away .

"Charizard! Use flamethrower." Paul growled.

"Draceon! Use extreme speed to cut through it and hit Charizard."Ash said. Draceon ran extremely fast cutting throughout the fire as it hit Charizard .

"Charizard! Use overheat." Paul said.

"Draceon! Dodge it and then use extreme speed again." Ash said as Draceon moved away hitting Charizard.

"Ah.. Charizard! Use seismic toss." Paul said as Charizard got hold of Draceon and started to circle around in sky .

"Try to get away , Draceon." Ash said anxious. But Charizard got hold of it as it threw it down to ground (water was already gone). Draceon closed its eyes writhing.

"Looks like this is it for Ash Ketchum..." Announcer was about to state.

"No! This can't be it . Draceon! Do you really want to let someone defeat you . Defeat us after we have come so far , after so much training. I know how hard it is for you to do that. I know. That you have never been able to use it since Mill city and yet I am asking you to use it . Because I know you can. I believe in you and I would never ask you to do something you can't do but I truly believe that you can do it so Draceon! Stand up and use dragon force." Ash shouted as Draceon opened its eyes with green aura rising around it as all looked at it.

The green water started to fall from the sky with lightning crackling as all of sudden, a wave of sea green water came with Draceon riding over it and Charizard widened it's eyes before being smashed by the wave knocked out.

"And there you have it , folks. A move called dragon force that has never been heard of performed by a team of legendary Pokemon and a legendary trainer nontheless." Announcer said as all people started to cheer.

"He won." Paul couldn't believe it as he walked away with Ash watching him go.

"We will meet again, Paul. Thank you for being the best rival that anyone could ask for..." Ash sighed in his mind as Pikachu ran up his shoulder and Draceon nuzzling him.

"Hey Draceon! You were just awesome." Ash patted it as she squealed in delight.

As the journey continues.

Hey! How was the battle? I tried to make it good as I could.

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