Chapter 4: Field trip

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This was it . There was no problem in entering the Levior school. But following ahead in it . That was a problem. Ash remembered how much Diviana was worried about training chikorita.

Because if she had to beat the four brains of school, she needed more practice and there was not much point in staying in school and thinking of training then because that would give her less time each day to actually train with her Pokemon after exhaustion from classes.

Also anyone who wants to compete in league generally has to beat brains quickly in 1 month only because after that , the registration for league is switched off till next year.

Anyway, it has been few days in school and Ash still hasn't seen Diviana. So he assumed that she probably decided to train more now.

Ash had made quite a bunch of friends. May , Bianca, Serena, Stephan and Cameron.

(Note : Dawn, Serena and May all still like him in this story but there was no point of time in class that they went to Ash yet. Well May and Serena did. But Dawn didn't.)

Serena was sure that Ash would recognise him and was a little daunted when he didn't but all the same was happy to see him here.

"Hey Ash! When are you planning to challenge a brain of school?" A blue haired girl asked him.

"Oh! I haven't thought about it yet . But soon. How do you know my name?" Ash asked surprised.

"Duh! We are in same class. Hey! I am Dawn." She introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you ." Ash replied.

All of sudden, teacher came and they went back to their desk. Ash had brought Pikachu with him because that was his only Pokemon.

In the past few days, there hasn't been any work involving both trainer and Pokemon so this was first tine Pikachu attended a class with Ash.

"Until I announce the activity, keep your pôkemon in pokeballs. " He told them. Ash looked at Pikachu who looked back "pika"

"Sir! But my Pikachu doesn't like to go into pokeball." Ash asked him.

"It probably feels that without him , you would look even more pathetic." Paul snickered.

"Why you ? .." Ash looked at him angrily as Pikachu glared too.

"Now cut it out , you two . Alright! Pikachu can stay outside his Pokéball." Hé sighed.

" Now today! We are going on a field trip to forest. Each trainer has to catch one Pokemon or at least try to and come back by 8pm. Your time starts now. You are allowed to take only one Pokemon with you ." He continued as almost everyone groaned.

Ash wasn't much bothered since he had only Pikachu.

"Hey Ash!" Someone poked him as he walked down the stairs.

"Yes" He looked sideways to see Dawn .

"Can I come along with you ? I have never catch a Pokemon before." She looked at him.

"Ya sure! Why not?" And as she went with Ash , both Serena and May internally looked at Dawn with fire.

The forest was quite dense and thick. And yet there was no sigh of any Pokemon yet .

"When will a Pokemon come?" Dawn groaned.

"Don't be quick, Dawn. It takes quite a time."  Ash told her.

"Ya! I guess. Piplup! Are you ready to catch a Pokemon?" Dawn asked her penguin Pokemon.

"Pip-piplup" It nodded affirmitavely.

All of sudden , a stanthler appeared.

"Hey! It is a stanthler. Can I catch it ? Please say yes. " Dawn asked excitedly.

"Sure! I don't wanna catch a stanthler anyway. " Ash chuckled at her excitement.

"Go Piplup! Use water gun." She told him as Piplup threw water at immense speed but stanthler quickly dodged it .

All of sudden, another Pokemon appeared. Ash couldn't see who it was expect a tail.

"Hey Dawn! I am going to catch that Pokemon. Ok! You catch your stanthler." Ash told her as she nodded.

Ash went to the bush from where tail was sighted and saw it was an Evee.

"Alright Pikachu! You are up." Ash told him.

Evee looked at Pikachu defiantly.

"Now Pikachu! Use quick speed." Ash said but Evee quickly used shadow ball on Pikachu stopping him.

"In that case, thunderbolt." Pika Pikachu striked thunderbolt towards Evee but it dodged it .

"Man! This Evee is so fast. I know. Pikachu! Use iron tail on the ground." Ash said and just as the iron tail hit the ground, it break and Evee fell into newly formed pit.

"Now this is our chance. Use quick speed." Ash told him.

"And use volt tackle now." Ash told him as Pikachu continued running.

"Pika pika pika Pikachu." It hit Evee with immense force .

"Now go pokeball." Ash threw Pokéball ar Evee and waited. There was a green light after a while and both Ash and Pikachu jumped in excitement.

"Yes! I just caught an Evee." Ash said in his victory stance as Pikachu jumped "pi Pikachu"

Ash couldn't find Dawn when he went back the way so ge went towards the school.

All trainers were gathered now. Dawn was already there when Ash arrived.

"Hey Dawn! Did you catch that stanthler?" Ash asked her.

"No! I messed up." She said sadly.

"Oh! Don't worry. You will catch a Pokemon next time. I am sure you will ." Ash comforted her on shoulders as Dawn blushed.

"Hey! Why is your face so red? Did you catch fever there or something?" Ash asked her removing his hand

"No! It is nothing." Dawn smiled at his densness and looked to see Serena glaring at her . She mouthed too late to her.

"Now all trainers! Please Present your pôkemon." There was an announcement as each trainer came and showed his Pokemon.

May had Skitty. Serena had panchum. Stephan had Treeko. Paul had Arsering .and so on.

"So what did you catch today?" The announcer asked Ash as he came up.

Ash brought his pokeball and threw it in the air showing Evee.

"Evee." It squeaked looking at people.

"Wow !it is so cute" Serena said looking at her.

(Yes! Ash caught a female Evee)

"Pretty cute. I agree. Pretty cute for a pathetic trainer." Paul scoffed.

"What is your problem, Paul ? I haven't even talked to you or battled here that you can say that." Ash growled .

"Battling you would be a waste of time. The way your Pikachu don't go into pokeball like all other Pokemon and you catch a baby Pokemon like Evee shows how you are." Paul spat.

Ash, Pikachu and Evee looked at him angrily.  As the tension between them rose , all students were in fix.

"Then how about a battle, Paul?" Ash asked him.

"Sounds good to me . Tomorrow 5pm. One on one battle." Paul walked away .

What will happen tomorrow? Will Paul crush Ash or Ash will beat Paul proving him wrong?"

As the journey continues

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