Chapter 5: Ash vs Paul

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It is time and we are going to see the first battle between Ash and Paul in this story.

So without further ado , let's beign.

Ash was pretty eager and nervous at same time. Eager because this was his first Pokemon battle in school. Nervous because he had it with Paul who seemed to catch only strongest of Pokemon and no matter how much Paul got on his nerves, he had to admit that he seemed pretty good.

But still Ash was planning to stick with only Eevee and Pikachu. He had started a new journey and no matter what , he was not gonna take help from Pokemon caught from his previous journeys to establish his worth and show his skill here.

Ash checked out moves of Eevee quick.

He found that his Eevee could use shadow ball and quick attack .But facing Paul , he needed more. It wasn't gonna be enough. But how to make Eevee learn a brand new move in just one night. Ash did know by now that Evee was around level 33 since she knew shadow ball and tackle. So there were bunch of possible moves he could make her learn but all demanded time.

But there was no time, he could back down now. He would never give up without a fight.

"Eevee! Come on out." Ash went out with Pikachu and carrying Eevee's pokeball .

"Eevee" She sighed happily .

"Listen! We have got a battle tomorrow. So tonight we are gonna work on your Copycat by training with Pikachu. Pikachu , you ready"  Ash looked at Pikachu as he nodded "pika"

"Now ! Pikachu ! Use thunderbolt." Ash told Pikachu as volts of lightning sparkled with golden colour striking towards Eevee as the flash blinded Ash almost to extent that he couldn't see what was happening .

The bolt hit Evee and she took some damage but wasn't able to copy the move.

"Eevee! Are you okay ?" Ash asked her . Eevee struggled to stand up but shook it off saying it was ok.

"Alright! Let's try again. Pikachu! Use tiniest spark of thunderbolt. I figure we can start with small." Ash smiled at eevee.

Eevee waited for lightning to shock her but it did nothing as she opened her eyes in amazement.

"Don't worry. You will get it sooner or later." Ash told her as both continued training.

The lightning flashing in the dark braids of night soon merged into dawn of sunlight showing our hero( too much; fine! Let's say protagonist. Ok! Still does not work. Fine ! Final offer. Friend.) Ash Ketchum lying fast asleep tired from last night's training with half of the blanket on ground and Pikachu lying asleep not very much far.

"Ash! Wake up ." A familiar voice ringed in the drowsy Ash as he moved to other side.

"One more minute. I am gonna win."Ash muttered in his sleep. All of sudden, there was heavy downpour of water on him as he woke up drenched .

"Finally." Serena laughed.

"You shouldn't have done that. There was a better way to wake me up." Ash grumbled.

"Well! I thought about Pikachu shocking you ..but ok if you prefer that..."She began.

"Never mind." He quickly went out from his room.

Today was Sunday so there was no school. Most of the students were pretty excited about the upcoming battle so they had already settled themselves in the Battle factory.

Cilan offered to be the judge of the match which was accepted without any question.

"The match between Ash and Paul will now began. It will be one on one battle with no substitutions allowed. When either of the sides Pokemon is deemed unable to battle , the match will be over. This match has no time limit. Now began." Cilan announced.

"Ursaring! Standby for battle." Paul threw pokeball in the air as Usaring came out growling.

"Go Eevee." Ash  chose Eevee as it came out squeaking.

"An Eevee. What a pathetic way to lose?" Paul snickered as Ash tensed.

Ash brought out his pokédex To check Ursaring

"Ursaring, evolved form of Tediursa. This Pokemon get stronger as it takes damage ."

"We will see about that, Paul . Eeevee , quick attack now."As Ash commanded Eevee.

Eevee ran towards Ursaring at very quick speed (duh! You get from move)
and rammed into Ursaring.

Eevee stepped back to see nothing had happen to Ursaring.

"How can there be no effect?" Ash was surprised.

"Because unlike you ,  I prepared my Pokemon for best and your little Eevee can bump into ursaring as much as it likes but it won't do a thing. " Paul scoffed as Ash bit his teeth.

"Now Ursaring ! Use hammer arm." As Ursaring raises his both hands and started pounding on Eevee as it barely managed to dodge.

"If I don't do something quick, Eevee is in real trouble." Ash thought to himself.

"Yes! That should work." Ash thought to himself.

"Eevee , jump up in the air and use shadow ball." Ash told her.

"Eevee!" It nodded and used shadow ball hitting Ursaring as it backed down a bit .

"Huh! You think that a ghost type move like shadow ball would affect my Ursaring." Paul snickered.

"No! But it would make it madder, right?" Ash told him as Ursaring started to grow more angry.

"Now Eevee! Use multiple quick attack from different sides " Ash told her as Eevee kept hitting Ursaring making it angrier and angrier as it thumped his fists on ground .

"So he wants Ursaring to knock himself out being tired. What a pathetic strategy. No way." Paul thought to himself.

"Ursaring ! Use hyper beam on Eevee. It is time to wrap this sorry excuse for battle." Paul commanded as Ursaring released a powerful hyper beam towards Eevee.

Ash knew Eevee couldn't dodge it . It was a long shot but still.

"Eevee! Use copycat." Ash commanded  as the bright yellow light blinded them both with smoke in air .

The smoke cleared to reveal writhing Eevee standing.

"Huh!" Paul was surprised but just after a moment ,Eevee fell knocked out .

"Eevee is unable to battle. This match goes to Ursaring , making the victor Paul ." Cilan annouced.

"Ursaring ! Return." Paul returned Ursaring back to its pokeball.

"Eevee! Are you okay ?" Ash asked her as Pikachu hopped down from his shoulder.

"Pika pika Pikachu. Pika pika." Pikachu said to Eevee as it dropped her head.

"Come on Eevee! You tried your best . Don't feel bad." Ash told her .

"Better find yourself a new Pokemon. Because that Eevee is not gonna become any stronger." Paul spat as he walked away  as Ash , Eevee and Pikachu all glared at him.

"Oh! Ash . I am sorry to see that . But Eevee was great there ." May told him .

"Thanks !" Ash said to her as Eevee rubbed herself against May .

"Ha! Looks like Eevee appreciates you saying that ."Ash chuckled.

Many of the students were impressed by Paul while some remained quite sure that it was an even match and things could have turned reverse as much as easily.

Ash started to walk out with Pikachu on his shoulders and Eevee following him. (Yes! He didn't want to return her to pokeball.)

"Hey Ash ! Where are you going?" Serena called after him.

"To Pokemon center. Eevee needs rest ." Ash told her as he walked away .

"Come on Eevee! You are tired. " Ash told her seeing as she struggled to walk. He caught Eevee in his arms and continued walking.

"Twerp spotted . Hey ! What is that?" James doubted as he looked through his binoculars from hot air balloon with meowth head flying above.

"Looks like he caught himself an Eevee." Meowth said looking down.

"You mean our Eevee." Jessie laughed as all joined too.

"Wobbufet." Wobbufet came out from pokeball saluting as the balloon started to fall.

"Hey ! This balloon is not for four of us." Meowth rapidly said as Jessie returned wobbufet to its pokeball and situation stabilized.

"Sometimes! I even think why I keep wobbufet." She sighed.

"You think! I didn't know you had brains in that big head of yours." Meowth snickered as she punched him.

"Hey! Cut it out , you two or we will lose the twerp ." James unsuccessfully shouted but no one heard him.

As the journey continues

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